4 SUMMARY OF F Y 2013- 14 TOTAL FUNDS RELEASED 195.066 Million 169.544 Million Total Expenditures (till 30-6-2014) Balance 25.525 Million Total Number of Schemes 17 Completed Schemes 16 In Progress Schemes 1
SCHE ME S OF F Y 2013- 14 5 NO NAME OF SCHE ME E XPE NDIT URE ST AT US Repair / Rehabilitation of Gujranwala Hafizabad Road from GT Road Sheranwala Bagh to Alam Chowk Western Bye Pass (Section Niyian Chowk to AryWalaChowk and 1 48.912 Million In Progress Baghbanpura Chowk to Gala Gartallian (Length = 4.36 Kms) Repair / rehabilitation of Gujranwala Haifzabad Road from Araya Wala Chowk to Alam Chowk Western Bypass (Construction of Centre median and providing and fixing street 2 30.309 Million Completed light. (Length = 3.08 Kms) Repair/Rehabilitation, Providing / fixing LED lights in place of sodium street lights Completed from G.T. Road chan Da Qila to NigarPathak Gujranwala. 3 18.393 Million Repair /Rehabilitation of Jinnah Road from GT road to Shamsi Chowk.Including Gill Completed Road & DC road 4 13.856 Million Repair/rehabilitation of road shamsi chowk to g.t.road (dps school) via railway crossing Completed length=2050 rft or 0.63 km. 5 8.353 Million Repair/rehabilitation of church road from sailkot road to commissioner office chowk Completed length=0.41 km. 4.188 Million 6 Repair/rehabilitation of college road from sialkot road to (h.f.c) satellite town market Completed length=1547 rft or 4.7 km. 7 9.220 Million
SCHE ME S OF F Y 2013- 14 6 NO NAME OF SCHE ME T OT AL E XPE NDIT URE ST AT US Repair/rehablitaion of road from munir chowk to old session court road l= 1366 Completed RFT 2.798 Million 8 0.42km Repair / Rehabilitation of Road from Civil Line National Bank Chowk to RPO Completed Office chowk (Length = 1800 Rft) 7.831 Million 9 Repair/Rehabilitation of Road from Sialkot Road to Jinnah Stadium chowk in City Completed Gujranwala (Length = 1593 Rft) 9.495 Million 10 0.49Km Repair / Rehabilitation of Road from CPO Office Chowk to MunirChowk Trauma Completed Center (Length = 1025 Rft) 0.31Km 11 7.863 Million Repair / Rehabilitation of road from Commissioner Office to Civil Lines Police Completed Station in City Gujranwala (Length = 1000 Rft) 0.30Km 6.026 Million 12 Improvement / rehabilitation of G.T. Road in mile No. 41 (Construction of Slip Completed Road at Sheikhupura More Gujranwala) 2.818 Million 13 (Length = 200 Rft) Repair/Rehabilitation of Road around Jinnah Stadium Gujranwala (Length = 2200 or Completed 9.087 Million 14 .67 Km)
SCHE ME S OF F Y 2013- 14 7 NO NAME OF SCHE ME T OT AL E XPE NDIT URE ST AT US Repair/rehablitaion of flyover road towards Sialkot road Gujranwala L= 1020 RFT Completed 3.380 Millions 15 Repair / Rehabilitation of College Road from Kashmir road (Near Sasta Bazar) to upper chanab canal people colony Gujranwala (Length = 2300 Rft) Completed 16 9.229 Million Restoration of street lights and traffic signal in Gujranwala city. Completed 17 9.512 Million
IMPL E ME NT AT ION OF E SMF (2013- 014) � CAPACIT Y BUIL DING: � T wo Days T raining Wo rksho p o n E nvironme nta l & Soc ia l Ma na g e me nt F ra me Work (E SMF ) in Gujra nwa la wa s org a nize d on 24- 25 F e b 2014 � Orie ntatio n Wo rksho p with DCO, Gujranwala � Orie ntatio n Se ssio ns with c o nc e rne d CDG, Offic e rs/ Offic ials � T raining se ssio n he ld with c o ntrac to rs in Gujra nwa la o n April 19, 2014
APPL ICAT ION OF E SMF E nvironme nta l a nd Soc ia l Sc re e ning : � E nviro nme ntal and So c ial Sc re e ning o f E E Ps and ADP sc he me s was c arrie d o ut. E nvironme nt a nd Soc ia l Ma na g e me nt Pla ns: � Pre pare d E nviro nme ntal and So c ial Manage me nt Plans (E SMPs) fo r e ac h sc he me o f E -2 c ate go ry. E PA, Punjab ac c o rde d appro vals. � E SMP c o st was inc lude d in Pro c ure me nt plan
APPL ICAT ION OF E SMF (CONT I… .) � E nvironme nta l a nd Soc ia l Monitoring : � Mo nito ring T e am (Do , E nviro nme nt, DO, So c ial We lfare , E nv & So c ial Safe guard Spe c ialist & Mo nito ring and E valuatio n Spe c ialist), fo c al pe rso ns c o nduc te d e nviro nme ntal and so c ial mo nito ring o f E -2 sc he me s to e nsure e ffe c tive imple me ntatio n o f the mitigatio n me asure s inc lude d in the E SMP � Site visits, pho to graphic re c o rds, public c o nsultatio n at e ac h ste p, L ab analysis and de ve lo pme nt o f mo nito ring re po rt) . � Mo nito ring was c o nduc te d with the he lp o f c he c klists.
APPL ICAT ION OF E SMF (CONT I… .) T hird Pa rty Va lida tion: � F o r an inde pe nde nt asse ssme nt o f the E SMFimple me ntatio n, was he ld in Gujranwala o n 3-5 July 2014. T PV te am visite d fo llo wing 05 sc he me s o f CDG-G. 1. Repair / Rehabilitation of Gujranwala Hafizabad Road from GT Road Sheranwala Bagh to Alam Chowk Western Bye Pass (Section Niyian Chowk to Ary Wala Chowk and Baghbanpura Chowk to Gala Gartallian 2. Repair/Rehabilitation of Jinnah Road From G.T.Road to Shamsi Chowk I/C Gill Road & DC Road, Gujranwala 3. Repair/Rehablitaion of Road from Munir Chowk to old Session Court Road 4. Repair / Rehabilitation of Road from Civil Line National Bank Chowk to Commissioner Office 5. Rehabilitation of Road from Sialkot Road to Jinnah Stadium Chowk, City Gujranwala
PROGRE SS ON YE AR 2013- 14 T a rg e t � Imple me nta tion of E SMF on 30 % of sc he me s of CDG- G � Ac hie ve me nts: Categorization of Schemes Target Total ADP Total EEP’s Application of E-2 for EEPs E-3 for EEPs E-3 for ADP Achieved 30 % of Schemes Schemes ESMF schemes schemes schemes scheme (%) s 129 17 57 02 15 40 43 40
WORKPL AN F OR IMPL E ME NT AT ION OF E SMF F OR (2014- 015) DATE / WEEK/ ACTIVITIES TASKS DELIVERABLES TEAM INVOLVED MONTH August 6, 2014 Final and approved List of Coordination with Do Roads and Do, Approved Schemes list ESSS PCGIP Schemes for fiscal Buildings for list of PCGIP Schemes year 2014-015 for fiscal year 2014-015 • • August 22, 2014 to Environmental and Social Site Visits of Schemes Filled and dully Do Roads, DO, Build • August 26, 2014 Surveys of PCGIP Schemes Interviews of locals/ inhabitants signed Public DO (Environment), • identified for fiscal year 2104- Interviews of community Consultation Social Welfare, S 015 members Forms Safeguard Specialist, E • • Focus Group Discussions Information and and M& E, Specialist. • Record of observations on Env. Data & Social Screening Forms • Public Consultation Forms • Pictorial Views • September 1, 2014 Environmental and Social Environmental and Social Environmental and DO (Environment), to September 4, Screening Screening of PCGIP Schemes Social categorization Social Welfare, S 2014 on the basis of Environmental of CDG. Schemes. Safeguard Specialist and Social Survey results, Filled and signed ESSS • Environmental and Social Environmental and Screening of ADP Schemes to Social Screening meet targets Forms
September 5, 2014 ESMP Cost Calculation of ESMP cost, so that this Procurement plan in Social Safeguard Specialist & E can be included in procurement plan of which ESMP cost will Do Roads and DO, Buildings PCGIP Schemes for fiscal year 2014-015 be included ESMPs September 08, 2014 to Preparation and Review of ESMPs Reviewed ESMPs ESMPs will be prepared by E September 13, 2014 SSS. ESMPs will be reviewed by Sr and DO, Environment September 15, 2014 to Approval of ESMPs Coordination and follow up for approval Approved ESMPs DO, Environment, Sr. ESSS a September 20, 2014 of ESMPs from EPA, Punjab ESSS October 1, 2014 Site Handing Over Undertaking on Site Handing Over Dully signed Site ESSS, SSS, M& E, Specialist. (Subject completion of Documents Documents from CDG concerned Handing Over Do Roads and Do, Buildings bidding process) Officers and Contractors for Documents implementation of Mitigation Measures proposed in ESMPs 2 nd or 3 rd week of Trainings Trainings of CDG-G,, Officers and Training of Officers ESSS, SSS, M& E, Specialist. October, 2014 Contractors for implementation of and Contractors and concerned officers/official ESMPs. CDG
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