year 7

YEAR 7 PARENT INFORMATION EVENING Miss Alice Whalley - Assistant - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

YEAR 7 PARENT INFORMATION EVENING Miss Alice Whalley - Assistant Headteacher Year 7 Achievement Coordinator Meet the Year 7 Pastoral Team Rebecca Darlington Deputy Head Whole School Pastoral responsibility SENCO Alice Whalley Assistant

  1. YEAR 7 PARENT INFORMATION EVENING Miss Alice Whalley - Assistant Headteacher Year 7 Achievement Coordinator

  2. Meet the Year 7 Pastoral Team Rebecca Darlington Deputy Head Whole School Pastoral responsibility SENCO Alice Whalley Assistant Headteacher With responsibility for Transition and Y7 Sarah Gregory Year 7 Achievement Coordinator Form Tutors - Concerns or questions about your daughter

  3. School Nurse Louise Hulme Additional Needs Hayley Lester (Assistant SENCO) Admissions Officer Carol Smith

  4. What your daughter is doing?  Team building  What they are excited about, what they are worried about  Information about transition days  Cholmondeley Residential Information

  5. What we are going to do?  Information about transition days  Uniform  Equipment needed  Contact information  Key dates  Cholmondeley Residential Information

  6. Transition days 26 - 29 June Day 1 Tuesday 26 th June 2018 Arrival 8.45am Later start to avoid the crowds and ease car parking. Pupils can arrive earlier School buses - upon arrival the girls make their way to the Sports Hall located in the Leisure Centre. Enter via the Leisure Centre or the gate at the front of school (left hand side, front of school) NOT VIA THE MAIN ENTRANCE Encourage girls to make their own way into school. Parents asked to leave the girls at the school gates. Meet with friends and walk in together

  7. Once in school  Welcomed by staff and students  Informed of their Form Group  Follow a timetabled day  REGISTRATION - Meet the Form Tutor and team building activities  Tour of the school, induction groups, essential information  Timetabled lessons  Assembly – Miss Whalley  Day ends 3pm

  8. Home time arrangements School Bus  Pupils escorted to the school bus and given a detailed induction  Walking home  Instruction from parents  Safety talk from staff before they leave Parent pick up  Make arrangements to meet your daughter in a specific place  The car park is very busy and we advise against it  Identify a location in the local vicinity Dismissal from Sports Hall please wait on the Tennis Courts

  9. Day 2, 3 & 4  8.30am start – meeting in the Sports Hall  Registration  Following a normal timetabled week, participating in all subject areas and also a few alternative activities.  End of day 3.15pm  Travel arrangements as previously discussed

  10. What do they wear? Primary school uniform Mobile Phones Allowed to bring to school. But must remain in bags and turned off all day.

  11. Welcome What do they need? Booklets Bring with  Day 1 them during  Pen induction  Pencil week.  Dinner money (max £3.50) or packed lunch – no large denomination bank notes  Day 2, 3 & 4 (when in school)  Pen  Pencil  PE kit (primary PE kit is fine)  Dinner money or packed lunch

  12. Menu

  13. Preparation for September  Uniform  PE kit  School bags  Equipment  School coats  Transition booklets / summer activities  Routine / organisation

  14. Uniform  Makeup  Skirt length  Nail varnish  Not wearing correct uniform or wearing incorrectly (e.g. rolling skirt up) an instant detention  Purchasing new uniform –  Uniform Shop  link on school website  New PE Kit

  15. Uniform The following items will be available to purchase from the school’s Uniform Shop: Skirt* from £30 Blazer* £40 Trousers* from £18 Tie* £6.50 Available from any retailer: White collared shirt Black long socks or tights Charcoal (dark grey) fine knit V-necked jumper (OPTIONAL)

  16. NEW PE KIT PE top* £16 PE leggings* £18 PE shorts*( optional ) £15 PE skort*( optional ) £19 PE zip up top* ( optional )£22 ONLY AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE FROM THE SCHOOL UNIFORM SHOP

  17. Purchasing Uniform Uniform Shop Opening Hours If you have not already stated your Wednesday 27 June 3.30pm – 7pm preferred date please email: Thursday 28 June 3.30pm – 7pm Friday 29 June 3.30pm – 7pm Tuesday 3 July 3.30pm – 7pm Thursday 5 July 3.30pm – 7pm This will give us an idea of numbers Tuesday 10 July 3.30pm – 7pm and try to avoid delays and Thursday 12 July 3.30pm – 7pm congestion. Tuesday 17 July 3.30pm – 7pm You will be able to purchase uniform/PE kit and equipment The uniform shop will also be open on two dates during August for emergency appointments. School uniform can also be purchased on line (see school website)

  18. Equipment We can also supply: Calculators £8 Geometry Sets £3 French or Spanish Dictionaries £4

  19. Banding Pupils are banded in: Maths, Science, MFL and ICT English, Geography, History and Religious Studies are Mixed ability Technology Groups All other subjects are taught in Form Groups

  20. How to make contact with school All INFORMATION IS ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE Call the Main school office and ask for:  Finance - Trips (Cholmondeley)/ParentPay (logins/passwords will be issued during transition week)  Admission queries Miss Carol Smith  Uniform Mrs Gill Kesteven  Additional Needs Mrs Hayley Lester  Form Tutors Concerns or questions about your daughter  We will get back to you ASAP

  21. Mission Transition Sandbach University  Starts this week on Wednesday 4pm – 5pm  Each workshop is an introduction to subjects  Please try and arrive at 3.45pm to allow time for the students to find their groups  Some workshops filled up very quickly so your daughter may be in a different group but each workshop has FUN, EXCITING PROJECTS and will be a great opportunity for her to make new friends  You are welcome to wait in the Dining Hall until 5pm and help yourself to refreshments.

  22. CHOLMONDELEY BUSHCRAFT 13 – 15 SEPTEMBER 2018  Itinerary letter/  Completion of Form C  Activities  Sleeping arrangements  Safety  Teachers 1 : 10 ratio  Teacher accompanies all activity groups  Bushcraft staff lead all activities  Medical  3 First Aiders from School  All Bushcraft Leaders First Aid Trained  Medication must be given to staff

  23.  Activities  Safety  Catering  Breakfast  Dinner  Evening Meal  Dietary requirements  Packing  Please keep bags small!  Emergency Contacts (taken from Data Collection Sheets) NO MOBILE PHONES ALLOWED!

  24. Key Dates & Parental Engagement Events Key Dates 12 June 6.30pm – 7.30pm Supporting Your Daughter Through Transition 3rd July 6pm - 8pm Parents into Languages 2 July - Parental Engagement Learning Week 23 rd August - Year 6 Summer Social We also have an active PFA who would be delighted to welcome you as a member. Ski Trip February 2018 / 19

  25. Parental Engagement @SandbachHigh @sandhighyear7 @Sandhighmusic @SandhighGeog @SandhighArt @SandhighMFL @Sandhighhistory @SandhighScience @SandhighMaths @SandhighEnglish @SandhighPE Awarded the GOLD STANDARD QUALITY AWARD for Parental Engagement 2015


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