what go what got this all t this all star started d

What Go What Got This All t This All Star Started? d? Recen - PDF document

2/20/2011 Ohio Ohio Agricultur riculture e By the N y the Numbers mbers $98 billion t $98 billion to O Ohio ios s econo onomy More than More than 1 1 millio million jobs jobs in in Ohio Ohio Natio Nat ionall lly:

  1. 2/20/2011 Ohio Ohio Agricultur riculture e – By the N y the Numbers mbers $98 billion t $98 billion to O Ohio io’s ’s econo onomy More than More than 1 1 millio million jobs jobs in in Ohio Ohio Natio Nat ionall lly: #2 in egg pr #2 in egg produ oduction on Top p 5 5 in v in veal pr al produc oduction th in c 6 th corn produc uction tion th in so 7 th in soybean ybean pr produ oduction on th in por 9 th in pork pr produ oducti tion th in tur 10 10 th in turkey pr produc oducti tion th in dair 11 11 th in dairy y pr produ oduction on David White, Senior Director th in 12 12 th in pr produ oduction on of of shee sheep and p and lamb lambs th in beef pr Issues Management 16 16 th in beef produ oduction Top p 20 f 20 for br r broil oilers rs What Go What Got This All t This All Star Started? d? Recen cent T Trends in ends in Ballo Ballot Issues t Issues Ballot issues and attempts continue to increase (as of 2/2009): 183 statewide ballot issues in the 1970s • 253 in the 1980s • 383 in the 1990s • 1,225 since 2000 • Source: National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) 1

  2. 2/20/2011 Wh Why the Incr y the Increase? ease? The Plan The Plan – A Pr Proa oact ctive Appr Approach ch • Ohi Ohio F Farm rm Bure Bureau au F Federa deration Societal issues • 6 major Ohio farm groups • Greater awareness of “turn out the vote” benefits, particularly in even • Form Ohioans for Livestock Care numbered years. Corp./PAC • NCSL: same-sex marriage bans, tort reform, gambling, health care, • Paid media Ohio Soybean Association election reform, environmental issues all contribute to higher voter • Social media – President turnout. Ohio Corn Growers • More money into the system: now have a cottage industry of paid • Earned media – Secretary circulators. • Fundraising strategy Ohio Farm Bureau Federation 28 28 sta states pr provide eith either for an r an initia initiative (sta (statute or consti or constitu tuti tion) and/o and/or – Treasurer • • Coalition building Ohio Pork Producers referendum ref um pr proce ocess; 16 stat ates all allow f for r all all 3 3: initiative vi via s a statut atute, p popular r • Accounting and legal support Ohio Poultry Association referendu ndum and consti tituti tutional onal i initiativ tive. ( (Ohio a o allows f for all 3 3). Ohio Cattleman Association • National model Ohio Dairy Producers Assoc. Massive Media/Grassr Massiv e Media/Grassroo oots ts Massive Media/Grassr Massiv e Media/Grassroo oots ts • Robo-calls – Governor and Senator  Early voter robo-calls 12 State and  Three GOTV to 3.6 million people • Direct mailers – early persuasion, GOTV Regional Rallies • Radio ads • Early Voting Strategy  Campaign mailing 775,000 postcards  66 county FB’s coordinating “chase mailer”  22 counties with mail house 2

  3. 2/20/2011 50,000 50,000 Massiv Massive Media/Grassr Media/Grassroots s Massiv Massive Media/Grassr e Media/Grassroo oots ts signs!!! signs!!! Ov Over 1 er 100 00 bill billboards Statewide Rally “Made for TV” – Columbus Dispatch …and more signs …and more signs! Massiv Massive Media/Grassr e Media/Grassroo oots ts  Campaign website  TV ads on website 3

  4. 2/20/2011 Who’s Who’s on the T on the Team? am? Massiv Massive Media/Grassr e Media/Grassroo oots ts • Bi- Bi- Partisan Suppo san Support …and we walked the streets • Ov Over er 500 comm 500 commun unity and and sta state lead leaders • Major metro areas • Ohio Ohio R Republican an and and Demo Democrat P Party • Over 100 volunteers, 8 major walks Ballo Ballot Langua t Language ge Wh Why the Constitution? y the Constitution? • Unlike the US Constitution, the Ohio Constitution is more the 75 pages and 1) Require the state to create the Livestock Care Standards Board to prescribe establishes about a dozen boards and commissions. standards for animal care and well-being that endeavor to maintain food safety, encourage locally grown and raised food, and protect Ohio farms and families.  Examples of these include : o the tuition trust fund o the coal development board 2) Authorize this bipartisan board of thirteen members to consider factors that include, but are not limited to, agricultural best management practices for such o the lottery commission care and well-being, bio-security, disease prevention, animal morbidity and o the ballot board mortality data, food safety practices, and the protection of local, affordable food supplies for consumers when establishing and implementing standards. • In each case, the Constitution establishes the basic guidelines for the board or commission to function and then authorizes the General Assembly to develop more specific laws via statute. 3) Provide that the board shall be comprised of thirteen Ohio residents including representatives of Ohio family farms, farming organizations, food safety • Advocating an Amendment to Ohio’s Constitution is not something we took lightly. experts, veterinarians, consumers, the dean of the agriculture department at an Significant discussion between lawmakers, consumers, constitutional experts, and Ohio college or university and a county humane society representative. farmers. Our language is simple and clear. 4) Authorize the Ohio department that regulates agriculture to administer and • Livestock care is critical to the success of Ohio farms and agriculture is a major part enforce the standards established by the board, subject to the authority of the of Ohio’s economy. General Assembly. 4

  5. 2/20/2011 Ou Our K r Key Mes Messages: ages: • Saf Safe, quali uality, locall ocally gr grown food ood Margin: Ma rgin: 64% t to 36% 36% • Ensu Ensure excel cellent nt liv livestoc ock care are 40% V 40% Voter r Turnou rnout • Reinf inforce consu onsume mer conf onfide denc nce in Ohio- hio-raised food ood 87 o of 88 c 88 count unties • Maintai Maintain Ohio Ohio farm rms – the the stat tate’s ’s #1 #1 Ind Industr stry Only 1 Only 13 count counties es w/ w/ less th ss than 60% 60% • Keep eep Ohioan Ohioans in charg harge of Ohio hio farms arms/livestock Only 2 Only 2 coun counti ties w/ w/ • Strong ng fa family ly fa farms in Ohio less th ss than 55% 55% • Maintai Maintain choice choice – for or consu consumers and nd pr produc oducers Only Only 1 1 coun county ty w/ w/ less th ss than 50% 50% Won a Wo all major urb urban count n counties Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Livestock Care Liv Care Stand Standards Boar s Board • The Go The Governor appoin appointed 1 10 Ohio Ohioans • Ag-Team Unity and Coordination - Don’t have threatened species run the  One family farmer campaign  Two veterinarians (including the state vet)  One food safety expert • Share what we know and tear down the walls  One local Humane Society representative • Farmers must “own” the animal welfare issue  Two representatives of state farm organizations  One dean of an Ohio college of agriculture • Stop the bad actions  Two Ohio consumers • Get in front of the issue • The S Speaker o of the H e House a e and President o ident of the e Senate each name Sena each named a a farm rmer (11-12) • Much more on-line engagement (social media) • Dire Direct ctor of Ohio of Ohio Dep Department of Agricu of Agriculture will be a ll be a • Don’t approach on state-by-state basis member and chai mem and chair r of the of the Boar Board (1 (13) 3) 5

  6. 2/20/2011 What Will the Boar What Will the Board Do? d Do? Enabling (Statutory) Legislation Enabling (Statut ) Legislation • Gives authority to the board Se Set stan t standards f s for r the the care care and and well- ll-be being of g of liv livest stock and k and poultr poultry in in Ohio Ohio: • Maintain fo food s safe fety  Rulemaking to set standards for livestock care and  Prot otect t locall lly g y grow own a and r raise ised f food well-being  Ma Make d decisi sions b s base sed on fact, , sc science ience a and d data ta  Establish civil fines In se setting ng stan standards, the they mus must cons consider…..  Establish subcommittees if deemed necessary Ov Overa erall ani animal heal health th • • Describes duties of ODA Director On-farm bi On-f bios osec ecurity •  Assist board in putting the law into place Animal d Anim al disea sease pre preven ention on •  Hire all employees and contracts – much discussion Food s ood safety •  Publish the rules Af Affordab abilit ity o y of food suppl supplie ies •  Investigation of complaints regarding violations Best f farm m management p practices • Animal m Anim al morb rbidity / y /mortality d data ta • Enabling (Statut Enabling (Statutory) Legislation ) Legislation Timeline Timeline November 2009 – Passage of Issue 2 • Clarification of relationship of LCSB and local Humane Society March 31, 2010 – Enabling (statutory) legislation signed into law by Governor Strickland  Livestock Care Standards – civil penalties April 27, 2010 – LCSB members take oath of office at first meeting  Animal cruelty law – criminal penalties May 2010 – 6 regional listening session June 1, 2010 – 2 nd board meeting, begin discussing issues and plan of work LCSB Meeting every two weeks until further notice 6


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