Year / Level Analysis on Horse Age
Number Of Starters Completion Rate 2014 One Star Two Star Three Star One Star Two Star Three Star 1 1774 2238 1035 72.6% 57.3% 40.2% 2 345 390 106 68.4% 54.4% 45.3% 3 78 62 20 62.8% 62.9% 55.0% 4 118 222 69 78.8% 69.4% 62.3% 5 65 19 10 70.8% 57.9% 50.0% 6 1402 705 66 67.9% 57.7% 60.6% 7 2121 1297 262 60.0% 37.4% 34.0% Year / Level 8 189 156 43 59.3% 60.3% 51.2% 9 205 236 48 86.3% 69.1% 75.0% 2015 Analysis on 1 2246 2305 745 70.9% 59.5% 44.3% 2 277 336 87 73.6% 59.8% 54.0% 3 101 50 11 57.4% 66.0% 9.1% 4 200 331 40 75.0% 65.0% 72.5% Competition FEI 5 24 38 5 50.0% 71.1% 40.0% 6 1654 838 69 62.3% 54.4% 47.8% 7 2172 876 334 52.8% 43.3% 35.6% 8 201 140 70 74.6% 62.9% 54.3% Region 9 102 111 45 88.2% 76.6% 60.0% 2016 1 1546 1556 387 75.8% 61.1% 42.4% 2 359 404 108 67.7% 53.5% 55.6% 3 28 28 11 71.4% 46.4% 36.4% 4 119 163 82 76.5% 62.0% 62.2% 5 29 40 7 79.3% 57.5% 57.1% 6 827 427 87 69.2% 64.2% 57.5% 7 964 757 464 45.4% 41.0% 33.4% 8 172 83 49 61.0% 71.1% 46.9% 9 74 50 18 89.2% 60.0% 44.4% Grand Total 40565 39163 11304 66.5% 53.4% 46.0%
Leve vel A Analysis o on Gate Speeds Sample B Number Of Starters Completion Rate Average Speed One Star Two Star Three Star One Star Two Star Three Star <=15kmph 12417 12941 5249 85.0% 84.0% 81.6% 15 - 20 kmph 26399 28742 11518 89.1% 89.6% 90.2% 20 - 25 kmph 10481 8814 2040 88.6% 88.9% 88.4% 25 - 30 kmph 1449 1796 556 87.8% 87.5% 88.3% > 30 kmph 266 208 29 89.1% 84.1% 79.3% Total 51012 52501 19392 87.9% 88.0% 87.6%
Gate Analysis Performed by Competition Distance Sample B Number Of Starters Completion Rate <90km 90 to 109 110 to 129 130 to 149 150 to 169 <90km 90 to 109 110 to 129 130 to 149 150 to 169 Gate 1 14765 3683 13988 804 4059 89.5% 87.7% 91.7% 92.0% 92.3% Gate 2 13208 3231 12832 740 3746 86.0% 79.3% 86.9% 87.7% 88.5% Gate 3 11349 2561 11156 649 3316 92.0% 84.0% 81.9% 86.9% 83.6% Gate 4 858 751 9134 564 2773 92.4% 89.6% 88.1% 89.5% 79.9% Gate 5 2970 272 2217 94.1% 89.7% 86.6% Gate 6 92 1340 95.7% 94.4% Average 90.0% 85.1% 88.5% 90.3% 87.6% Cumulative 65.4% 52.3% 54.1% 53.9% 44.7%
Analysis o on Reco cove very Pe Period b based on Pr Previ vious R Run Leve vel Pre revio vious R Run L Leve vel: l: O One St Star 2010 to 2016 Number Of Starters Completion Rate (previous run level) (previous run level) One Star Level Days Since Last Run One Star Two Star Three Star One Star Two Star Three Star 8 - 14 168 20 2 58.9% 55.0% 50.0% 15 - 21 524 83 11 48.3% 45.8% 72.7% 22 - 28 672 182 16 54.8% 61.5% 81.3% 29 - 35 738 160 11 55.6% 60.0% 81.8% 36 - 42 632 116 22 58.9% 64.7% 72.7% 43 - 49 478 110 13 63.2% 61.8% 84.6% 50 - 56 633 110 25 64.3% 60.0% 72.0% 57 - 63 357 108 19 64.7% 74.1% 73.7% 64 - 100 1745 529 99 63.4% 66.4% 80.8% 101 - 150 1227 511 139 66.3% 69.7% 82.0% 151 - 200 993 585 139 67.2% 73.5% 79.1% 201 - 500 3782 2880 668 62.7% 66.6% 75.0% 501 - 1000 1304 1125 266 60.7% 64.3% 66.2% 1001 plus 460 461 102 59.8% 59.2% 60.8% One Star Total 13713 6980 1532 61.7% 65.9% 74.0%
Analysis o on Reco cove very Pe Period b based on Pr Previ vious R Run Leve vel Pre revio vious R Run L Leve vel: l: Tw Two St Star Two Star Level Days Since Last Run One Star Two Star Three Star One Star Two Star Three Star 8 - 14 223 165 36 35.0% 30.9% 47.2% 15 - 21 1046 552 58 43.4% 38.4% 51.7% 22 - 28 1374 1111 79 46.7% 45.3% 55.7% 29 - 35 1155 1065 146 50.0% 47.0% 49.3% 36 - 42 1015 843 151 50.9% 47.2% 56.3% 43 - 49 990 808 104 52.1% 50.9% 65.4% 50 - 56 846 835 91 53.0% 51.4% 68.1% 57 - 63 797 730 114 55.0% 57.3% 65.8% 64 - 100 2310 2665 417 54.4% 57.4% 61.4% 101 - 150 1551 2236 463 54.2% 60.4% 67.8% 151 - 200 935 1579 418 56.0% 60.4% 66.3% 201 - 500 3198 5253 1502 52.7% 55.1% 60.7% 501 - 1000 432 664 301 51.6% 54.5% 54.2% 1001 plus 32 89 40 34.4% 42.7% 45.0% Two Star Total 906 6234 4115 46.2% 44.3% 48.7%
Analysis o on Reco cove very Pe Period b based on Pr Previ vious R Run Leve vel Pre revio vious R Run L Leve vel: l: Th Three St Star 2010 to 2016 Number Of Starters Completion Rate (previous run level) (previous run level) Three Star Level Days Since Last Run One Star Two Star Three Star One Star Two Star Three Star 8 - 14 21 15 12 28.6% 20.0% 33.3% 15 - 21 64 164 67 40.6% 37.2% 34.3% 22 - 28 101 557 241 45.5% 30.9% 42.7% 29 - 35 95 430 248 47.4% 41.2% 41.5% 36 - 42 63 373 108 39.7% 39.7% 51.9% 43 - 49 61 335 100 54.1% 45.4% 54.0% 50 - 56 61 384 143 44.3% 50.8% 49.7% 57 - 63 67 406 169 53.7% 46.1% 49.1% 64 - 100 141 1089 669 48.9% 45.8% 47.8% 101 - 150 69 678 610 50.7% 50.6% 50.8% 151 - 200 48 421 393 54.2% 48.7% 50.6% 201 - 500 103 1244 1228 40.8% 44.7% 50.3% 501 - 1000 12 137 121 25.0% 45.3% 47.1% 1001 plus 1 6 100.0% 33.3% Three Star Total 906 6234 4115 46.2% 44.3% 48.7%
Leve vel A Analysis o on Gate Distance ce Sample B Number Of Starters Completion Rate Gate Distance One Star Two Star Three Star One Star Two Star Three Star 10 - 17.5 km 2828 2202 434 91.3% 93.4% 94.0% 17.6 - 25 km 17426 15489 5772 89.8% 87.5% 88.6% 25.1 - 32.5 km 19257 19499 5609 86.8% 87.4% 86.1% 32.6 - 40 km 11439 15292 7575 86.2% 88.6% 87.6% > 40 km 62 19 2 93.5% 89.5% 100.0% Total 51012 52501 19392 87.9% 88.0% 87.6%
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