set goals measure progress star communities ratings

SET GOALS. MEASURE PROGRESS. STAR Communities Ratings Participating - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Overview of STAR Data Catherine Hurley Sustainable Programs Coordinator, Evanston SET GOALS. MEASURE PROGRESS. STAR Communities Ratings Participating STAR Community Reporting STAR Community 50-199 points 3-STAR Community Recognized for

  1. Overview of STAR Data Catherine Hurley Sustainable Programs Coordinator, Evanston SET GOALS. MEASURE PROGRESS.

  2. STAR Communities Ratings Participating STAR Community Reporting STAR Community 50-199 points 3-STAR Community Recognized for sustainability leadership 200-399 4-STAR Community Recognized for national excellence 400-599 5-STAR Community Recognized as top tier achiever in national sustainability 600+

  3. Parts of the Rating System GOALS Sustainability themes with comprehensive community-level aspirations Can earn between 1 Can earn and 6 70-100% OBJECTIVES points per of points action through A clear, desired outcome intended based on outcomes type to move the community toward the goal OUTCOME MEASURES ACTION MEASURES Community-scale results: measureable The steps a community takes to move the aim or purpose of each Objective needle towards sustainability

  4. The STAR Community Rating System Goal Areas & Objectives are mapped and rated in the online system, helping local leaders set goals and measure progress across areas.

  5. EJ-1: Business Retention & Development Purpose: Foster economic prosperity and stability by retaining and expanding businesses with support from the business community Community Level Outcomes Outcome 1: Businesses Option A: Demonstrate an increased number of business establishments in the county over time --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate an increased number of business establishments in the municipality in the past 3 years Outcome 2: Annual Sales Demonstrate an increase in annual sales from businesses located in the jurisdiction in the past 3 years Outcome 3: Employment Part 1: Demonstrate an increase in the percentage of residents employed over time --AND-- Part 2: Demonstrate a decrease in the unemployment rate of residents over time

  6. EJ-1 Business Retention and Development Outcome 1: Businesses Option B: Demonstrate an increased number of business establishments in the municipality in the past 3 years Number of Business Establishments 1,040 Data Source: Local 2013 City of Evanston 1,020 Community & Economic 1,000 Development - Permitting 2012 and Licensing 980 City of Evanston Health Department - Food 960 Establishment licensing & 940 inspections 2011 920 900 880 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

  7. EJ-1 Business Retention and Development Outcome 2: Annual Sales Demonstrate an increase in annual sales from businesses located in the jurisdiction in the past 3 years Annual Sales from Business $16,000,000 Data Source: Local $14,000,000 City of Evanston Budget $12,000,000 adding together the regular sales tax and the $10,000,000 home rule sales tax $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

  8. EAC-1: Arts & Culture Purpose: Provide a broad range of arts and cultural resources and activities that encourage participation and creative self-expression Community Level Outcomes Outcome 1: Creative Industries Demonstrate that creative industries represent at least a 5% share of all businesses in the county Outcome 2: Attendance and Participation Part 1: Demonstrate that at least 50% of adult residents in the county attend a live performing arts event annually --AND-- Part 2: Demonstrate that at least 30% of adult residents in the county visit an art museum annually

  9. EAC-1 Arts and Culture Outcome 1: Creative Industries Demonstrate that creative industries represent at least a 5% share of all businesses in the county Data Source: National Americans for the Arts, Creative Industries Report. In 2012 the total share of "Creative Industries" of all businesses was 5.34%. As of January 2012, Cook County, IL is home to 15.922 arts- related businesses that employ 78,454 people.

  10. EAC-1 Arts and Culture Outcome 2: Attendance and Participation Part 1: Demonstrate that at least 35% of adult residents in the county attend a live performing arts event annually --AND-- Part 2: Demonstrate that at least 20% of adult residents in the county visit an art museum annually Data Source: National Arts Index From the years 2009-2011, 31% of the adult population attended live performing arts, 2009-2011. From the years 2009-2011, 16.8% of the adult population attended art museums. DO NOT MEET THRESHOLD, NO PARTIAL CREDIT

  11. HS-7: Safe Communities Purpose: Prevent and reduce violent crime and increase perceptions of safety through interagency collaboration and with residents as empowered partners Community Level Outcomes Outcome 1: Violent Crime Rate Option A: Demonstrate that the average violent crime rate for the past 3 years is below the following thresholds: • 5.5 homicides per 100,000 residents • 70 incidents of rape or attempted rape per 100,000 residents • 462.7 aggravated assaults per 100,000 residents --OR-- Option B: Achieve targets for a percentage decrease in violent crime identified in a locally-adopted safe communities strategic plan Outcome 2: School Violence Demonstrate that the average number of incidents of school violence is less than 10 per 1,000 students for all public schools in the jurisdiction

  12. HS-7 Safe Communities Outcome 1: Violent Crime Rate Option A: Demonstrate that the average violent crime rate for the past 3 years is below the following thresholds: 5.5 homicides per 100,000 residents 70 incidents of rape or attempted rape per 100,000 residents 462.7 aggravated assaults per 100,000 residents Summary Data Data Source: Local Averages Averages Exceedance? City of Evanston Police Homicide Rate 3.67 NO Department Rape or Attempted Data included in annual 6.00 NO Rape Rate* reports published on Aggravated Assault 121.67 NO website Rate* Trend Data - Violent Crime Rates per 100,000 Population Exceeds Exceeds Exceeds Threshold of Threshold of Rape or Threshold of 462.7 Homicide 5.5 Aggravated Notes / Relevant Year* Attempted 70 Incidents Incidents or Data Specifics Rate* Homicides Assault Rate* Comments Contact Rape Rate* per 100,000 Injuries per per 100,000 Residents?* 100,000 Residents?* Residents?* 2012 3.00 NO 5.00 NO 143.00 NO Provided by EPD 2011 3.00 NO 5.00 NO 96.00 NO Provided by EPD 2010 5.00 NO 8.00 NO 126.00 NO Provided by EPD

  13. Wide Variety of Data Types Used Data Needed for STAR Objectives 3 Survey 5 State Data 17 Mapping Number 2 Lookup, Survey, or Local Data 28 Lookup 55 Local Data 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

  14. STAR Reporting Tool

  15. BE-7: Transportation Choices Reporting Actions

  16. Pilot Program Insights on Data • Be creative • Check for partial credit • Long term goal – align with other City reporting processes

  17. For more information: Catherine Hurley Evanston Sustainable Programs Coordinator (847) 448-8069


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