wetherby kensington

Wetherby Kensington Handwriting and Presentation Policy All teachers - PDF document

Handwriting & Presentation Policy Wetherby Kensington Handwriting and Presentation Policy All teachers in all subjects will supp ort and reinforce the schools handwriting and presentation policy. This is particularly important in Years 1, 2

  1. Handwriting & Presentation Policy Wetherby Kensington Handwriting and Presentation Policy All teachers in all subjects will supp ort and reinforce the school’s handwriting and presentation policy. This is particularly important in Years 1, 2 and 3, when pupils are taught by more than one teacher. Presentation  In all subjects the title and date must be written  Year 1: Short date without underline is acceptable in all subjects  Year 2: The date may be written in short form (02/03/19) or in long form in all subjects other than English, where it should be written in full  Year 3: The date may be written in short form (02/03/19) or in long form in all subjects other than English, where it should be written in full  All pupils should be encouraged to write next to the margin. Where there is no margin (mathematics) one should be ruled in, this is done by the teaching assistants in Year 1  All worksheets should be named and dated (short date) Handwriting  Each class has a minimum of thirty minutes formal handwriting instruction a week, however correct letter formation and neat presentation is expected in all curriculum areas  We use the Nelson Handwriting scheme, and associated resources, from Reception through to Year 3 to provide continuity in this subject  Pupils are expected to use joined, cursive script from Year 1 in the spring term at the latest  We expect the majority of children to be proficient in joining in Year 2. In instances where this is not the case, pupils will be provided with additional resources and support to develop both competence and confidence  All pupils will write in pencil for all subjects  From the summer term, boys in Year 3 will be eligible for their pen licence. These will be awarded by the English/form teacher at their discretion  All Year 3 pupils should have their pen licence by the end of the summer term and may use them for all subjects except mathematics  In Reception all pupils st art with a ‘Hand Hugger’ pencil  In Year 1 the boys use a HB pencil with a pencil grip where appropriate. Some boys may still require a hand hugger pencil  Years 1 to 3 use HB pencils and pencil grips where appropriate  There are a variety of pencil grips available in the school office. Teachers in conjunction with the Head of Learning Support should agree on which pencil grip is best for each boy where necessary  Each year group uses specific handwriting resources which are appropriate to the children’s age range as well as ability in this area

  2. Handwriting & Presentation Policy Reception/EYFS Animaphonics is used every day where letter formation is practised.  Autumn term: Write dance or dough disco – practical (gross motor) and formation (fine motor) Fine motor skills activities timetabled  Nelson Phonics, Spelling and Handwriting, Blue Books 1, 2 and 3, plus IWB programme  Spring term: Continue Nelson Phonics, Spelling and Handwriting, Blue Books 1, 2 and 3, plus IWB programme  FMS timetabled daily  Summer term : Nelson Hedgehog Phonics, Spelling and Handwriting, Blue Books, moving on to Red Book A, plus IWB programme  FMS timetabled  FMS during early morning work (EMW) x 2 per week  Consolidation of letter families (cat letters, ladder letters, robot letters and monster letters All letters are printed without lead-ins. When digraphs and trigraphs are taught in phonics, these are joined with exception of ‘qu’ wh ere the letters are not joined and ‘igh’ where there is a break after the ‘g’. Other handwriting rules include: No loops on g, j, y, f; join b, p just like s and lower case f is joined from the cross-through. Order of teaching is based on Animaphonics, then supported by Nelson books (not used in page order). By the end of Reception, it is the expectation that boys can form all individual letters correctly. Year 1 (2 x 30 minute lessons)  Autumn term: Nelson Hedgehog Red Book B plus IWB programme. (Following order of the book.)  FMS during early morning work (EMW) x 2 per week  Spring term: Nelson Fox Handwriting Red 1 plus IWB programme. (Sheets made into a booklet.) (Except those boys not ready to join: Blue program sheets made into a booklet)  FMS during EMW x 1 per week  Summer term : Continued use of Red Fox IWB with small red books. (Letters are written, photocopied and stuck in for boys to trace and copy.)  FMS during EMW x 1 per week Regular use of ‘Warm up skills’ from Nelson IWB, massage activities, whiteboards work and classical music. Handwriting rules include: No loops on g, j, y, f; join b, p just like s and lower case f is joined from the cross-through. Year 2 (1 x 30 minute lesson)  Autumn term : Nelson Hedgehog Handwriting yellow workbook A plus IWB programme alongside the Nelson handwriting programme of study  Handwriting activities during EMW x 2 per week

  3. Handwriting & Presentation Policy  Spring term: Same as the autumn term progressing onto Nelson Hedgehog Handwriting yellow workbook B plus IWB programme alongside the Nelson handwriting programme of study. Purple sandwich line books are used to practise handwriting.  Handwriting activities during EMW x 2 per week  Summer term: Continue Nelson Hedgehog Handwriting yellow workbook B and then revisit tricky joins at teacher’s discretion/choice in purple sandwich line books. This can be used to reinforce spelling rule each week.  Handwriting activities during EMW x 2 per week Handwriting rules include: No loops on g, j, y, f; join b, p just like s and lower case f is joined from the cross-through. Year 3 (1 x 30 minute lesson)  All year : Nelson Textbooks or other useful handwriting resources and activities to speed up handwriting, improve motor memory, speed and presentation.  Summer term : Pen licences are awarded when boys are competent at joining their writing in a neat fashion. This is at teacher’s discretion from work across the curriculum but particularly creative writing. Use of blue moulded Handwriting pens. (RH & LH). Fountain pens can be used as preferre d and at teacher’s discretion. Handwriting rules include: No loops on g, j, y, f; join b, p just like s and lower case f is joined from the cross-through. This policy will be reviewed annually


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