Welcome to Reception at Sandringham and West Newton CE VA School
Reception Staff Mrs Jane Gardener Mrs Heather Strudwick Mrs Claire Berry Mrs Julie Garrard Executive Head teacher Teacher/Head of School Reception teacher Teaching assistant Photo Photo
Learning and Development • The Characteristics of Effective Learning Playing and exploring Active learning Creating and thinking critically • Areas of Learning and Development: Prime – Personal, Social and Emotional development Physical development, Communication and Language Specific – Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design
PSED Personal, Social and Emotional Development Making relationships Self-confidence and self- awareness Managing feelings and Photos to support behaviour
PSED - How can you help? You can help by encouraging your child to use the toilet independently, wash their hands, put on and fasten their coats. Playing games which encourage sharing and turn taking will help your child to build their social skills.
Physical Development Gross and fine motor skills Malleable area Mark making area Photos to support Shoes and coats PE – getting changed independently Dance Outdoor area Pencil control
Physical Development – How can you help? Give children time to run, jump, climb and play outdoors Encourage children in activities such as building, drawing, threading beads, or filling and emptying containers in the water – all of which develop manipulative skills.
CL Communication and Language Listening and attention Understanding Speaking Please let us know if you have any concerns about speech and language.
CL – How you can help? Sharing books (stories, information books, newspapers, magazines, comics etc), encouraging your child to join in and talk about books Singing songs and nursery rhymes Making time to talk together
Mathematics Numbers Shape, space and measure
Maths – How can you help? Talk together about numbers you see when you’re out and about Singing counting songs and rhymes Counting, adding and subtracting anything and everything - socks, cars, shopping, cutlery, fingers and toes! Spot shapes in the environment
Expressive arts and design Role play Junk-modelling Painting Drawing Dance Music Singing Story Imagination
Expressive arts and design – How can you help? Sing together…go on, give it a go! Play together…be a Princess or a Superhero!
Understanding the World Exploring Investigating Learning about other cultures, places, things that happened in the past and living things Technology Educational visits Outdoor area
Understanding the World – How can you help? Talk with your child about the places they go and things they see in the world around them Answering and asking questions - what if…? Why do you think…? How did you…? Letting children join in with everyday activities - washing up, cooking, shopping, helping in the garden... If possible let them have access to ICT, CD players, mobile phones, computers etc
General Information School day 9.00-3:30 (bell rings at 8.45) Free fruit and a hot school meal provided to FS and KS1 children. Please provide a named water bottle Please name EVERYTHING !!
Good to be green behaviour scheme • A whole school approach to behaviour management • A simple scheme which positively reinforces good behaviour and encourages improvement. • Weekly Golden time…variety of exciting choices! • Stickers and certificates
Uniform Reminder Uniform and bags need to be clearly labelled with names please! Please provide a PE kit in a bag and regularly check that trainers fit…little feet grow quickly!! Please label coats, hats, scarves etc
The new school year begins on Monday September 5th Please let us know if your child has any allergies Please take a Parent questionnaire and return it by Tuesday July 12th Feel free to ask questions!
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