welcome to open house mrs dellinger 3rd grade classroom

Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Dellinger 3rd Grade Classroom #410 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Dellinger 3rd Grade Classroom #410 All About Your Teacher... - Andrea Dellinger - Graduate of East Lincoln High School and Appalachian State University - 12 years of teaching experience - Taught grades K, 1st, 3rd

  1. Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Dellinger 3rd Grade Classroom #410

  2. All About Your Teacher... - Andrea Dellinger - Graduate of East Lincoln High School and Appalachian State University - 12 years of teaching experience - Taught grades K, 1st, 3rd & 6th - This will be my 5th year teaching at Pumpkin Center - Married to my husband Brandon - I have two boys. My oldest Braylon is 9 years old and will be in 4th grade this year. My youngest Colt is 4 and will be starting his last year of preschool at Asbury United Methodist - My favorite hobby is reading. I bring that hobby into my classroom and teach with picture books. I have a wide variety of books from all different genres and enjoy bringing those books to life for my students.

  3. Questions? Please email or call me if you still have questions after viewing the school open house video and my open house video.

  4. Our Classroom

  5. Classroom Expectations -Attendance- will be taken every day whether students are learning at school or remote learning at home -Homework- Assignments will not be given until August 31, and more information will be sent home. Free choice reading each night for 20 minutes. ● Math for Today Activity Sheet. ● -Money- Please send all money to school in a sealed envelope with student name, teacher, and what the money is to be used for. Planners are $3.00. ● Scholastic News and Science Spin magazines are $7.50 total. ● **No ice cream sales until further notice.

  6. Classroom Expectations -Your child will be given an orientation letter from their teacher on their first day. This letter will explain classroom procedures and expectations in detail. -We follow the school expectations through the Cougar Code. -Please go to the school website or school social media sites to view the school Open House video from Mrs. Ashford. This will explain safety precautions implemented throughout the school. -Students are seated 6 ft. apart and are expected to wear masks except during mask breaks that will be taken throughout the day. -It will be very important that your child has a reusable water bottle because the water fountains will only be used to refill water bottles.

  7. Classroom Expectations -Lunch- At this time, breakfast and lunch are served in the classroom and there are no visitors allowed in order to protect our students. -Snacks- Students will have snack time each day but will need to provide their own snack. Absolutely no sharing permitted! -Students may want to bring a sweater or jacket due to varying temperatures in the classroom. -Students will be using a locker this year. Lockers will be sprayed weekly and we are suggesting no decorations. Also, no locks or clips may be placed on the locker.

  8. Specials Schedule Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. PE Music Guidance PE Media 10:30 - 11:10 10:30-11:10 10:30-11:10 9:45-10:25 10:30-11:10 Art 10:30-11:10

  9. Remote Learning Expectations -If your child needs help while they are at home learning, please contact our remote learning teacher Mrs. Kent at codi.kent@lincoln.k12.nc.us or 704-736-1504. -Students will be expected to login on their home days to complete assignments. They will have assignments for all subjects and attendance will be taken.

  10. Parent/ Teacher Communication -Students will be using planners for daily communication between parents and teachers. Planners are $3.00. ○ Students will be writing homework in daily and other ○ reminders will be sent home in the planner. -Newsletters will be sent home weekly/monthly. -Parents can reach teachers via email or school phone. We will reply within a 24 hour period. -Take Home Folders will be sent home periodically.

  11. Contact Information Office Hours Andrea Dellinger Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. adellinger@lincoln.k12.nc.us School Phone: 704-736-1504 3-4 pm 3-4 pm 8-9 am 3-4pm 3-4pm School Hours: 8:00 am - 2:40 pm

  12. Grading 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 59-0 F Assignments will be graded in class and through remote learning

  13. Additional Back to School Information Please fill out the Google Form (also linked on my classroom webpage) after Open House and prior to the first day of school.


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