welcome to 5th grade curriculum night

Welcome to 5th Grade Curriculum Night!! with Mrs. Garrity, Mrs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to 5th Grade Curriculum Night!! with Mrs. Garrity, Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Basch Need to Know Information: HOMEWORK Given Monday-ThursdayMinimally given on weekend Should take no more than a half an hour

  1. Welcome to 5th Grade Curriculum Night!! with Mrs. Garrity, Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Basch

  2. Need to Know Information: HOMEWORK Given Monday-Thursday…Minimally given on weekend ● Should take no more than a half an hour ● Students should be reading EVERY NIGHT! They can fit it in before ● sports, on the way to practices, in the morning. It must be made a priority. Homework should be brought to and from school in homework folder ● Pockets are labeled in folder to help. “To Do” & “Done” ○ Students may not call home when they forget their homework ○

  3. How YOU can support your child. 1. Assure they have a dedicated time and space for homework 2. Encourage reading: a. Read to them b. Partner Read c. Read in front of them d. Make trips to the library or bookstore 3. Practice multiplication/division facts

  4. Need to Know-Communication SCHOOL HOME Handouts will go home in homework folder ● (Most families now receive the handouts via the digital backpack) ○ We will communicate via e-mail and phone calls. Please do not hesitate ● to contact us, even if it is just to check in. Feel free to call 860-429-9391 ● MRS. G: ext. 201 or e-mail bgarrity@willingtonct.org ○ MRS. H: ext. 202 or e-mail lhurd@willingtonct.org ○ MRS. S: ext. 200 or e-mail tsmith@willingtonct.org ○ Mrs. B: ext. 210 or e-mail abasch@willingtonct.org ○ PLEASE, PLEASE contact us with questions and concerns. We typically ● respond within 24 hours.

  5. Reading - Students are always expected to have a least one book with them to read for pleasure. If they come to my class 3x unprepared, without a pleasure reading book, I will contact you. We will create a plan together to ensure that your child is meeting the expectations. - Every day to start my class your child updates their reading calendar. They do this to make them accountable for their reading, to institute in them an understanding that they must read every night. Also, it shows me trends about them as a reader.

  6. Reading continued: - To begin the year we are reading, The Lions of Little Rock. Please continue to ask your child about this book. It is a powerful story about two friends the year after Little Rock desegregated their schools on that famous day with the Little Rock 9. - - I am modeling to them what strong readers do: read, react, and write about what we read. -We will work on writing about our reading, analyzing texts, perspective, and continuing to work on talking about books. That’s what strong readers do!

  7. Writing To begin the year we are working on Personal Narrative. At first, we will work on brainstorming ideas to write about. Students will be working on personal goals to make their final piece the best it can be. We will be flip flopping between our focus being on reading workshop and writing workshop, knowing full well both are tied together and strengthen the students on a daily basis. Writing Workshop Individualized: Students will be using their own seed ideas as their topic when we are writing in the various genres. Genres students will be writing: personal narrative, personal essay, expository/ informational essay, poetry, and research

  8. Math: Helpful Tips Math Facts: Students should be practicing their facts at home. Students need to know these facts in order to be efficient and successful working through problems. There are website links on my school webpage to help students practice. Math- Mrs. Hurd Google Classroom: Class code jeohpes There are several videos and resources to help students practice their skills.

  9. Math’s Current Topic is Geometry Curriculum is written by Erica Bushior following Math Workshop model ● by Jennifer Lempp Students keep a math notebook ● students will take notes daily ○ students will complete practice ○ problems students will model and draw ○ Students keep a log of lessons learned in their planners ● Students bring home papers in their folders on the done side ● Homework is given as needed (usually to complete class work ● assignments)

  10. Science An Inquiry Based Approach! ● Next Generation Science Standards ● Previous science standards were based on old data and real-life advances in science and technology have helped us to get a better understanding in how students learn.

  11. 21st Century Skills A new focus allows for instruction that provides students with the tools they need to progress and think critically in a modern world.

  12. What does science instruction look like? ● Interactive instruction ● Promotes analysis ● Interpretation of data ● Critical thinking ● Problem solving ● Connections across different science disciplines

  13. Social Studies (Students will focus on social studies units for the first and fourth quarters of the year.) Theme: Cultural Diversity and an American National Identity Our units: Age of Exploration ○ Indigenous People of New England ○ Colonial America ○

  14. Social Studies Students will address compelling questions such as… Is there an American national identity; what does it mean to be an ● American? How do Americans define freedom and equality and how have American ● conceptions of freedom and equality changed over the course of U.S. history for members of various racial, ethnic, religious, and gender minority groups? What was the significance of Connecticut’s contribution to America’s ● story?

  15. Social Studies ● Students generate their own supporting questions in small groups and then as a class. ● Student created questions guide research. ● Students share learning through projects and presentations. ● Students have opportunities such as STEAM Night to appeal to a wider audience about issues they feel are most important. Google Classroom: Resources and assignments will be posted in Google Classroom.

  16. Social Studies ● The Connecticut Social Studies Framework is available online at http://www.ctsocialstudies.org ● Follow social studies on Twitter! @MrsSmithLovesSS

  17. The WIN Block (What I Need) ● All students at HMS have WIN once a day for 45 minutes. ● Goal is to provide each student with targeted instruction that meets their unique learning style and/or needs. ● Student data is examined by the grade-level and subject team to determine best placement for each student during WIN.

  18. The WIN Block continued. . . ● Groups can be changed as frequently as needed to best serve students (determined by the teacher/team). ● Extra teachers are brought in to ensure that small flexible group sizes are maintained when possible. ● Time can be used for students who need support or for those who need further challenge.

  19. Grading Policy Grading Policy for 5th grade ● Standards based grading ● 4= above grade level work ○ 3= at grade level work ○ 2= approaching grade level work ○ 1= below grade level work ○ You can access graded assignments by logging into PowerSchool ● please check in with office if you do not have a log-in ○ There are 2 tabs so be sure to click on standards grades ○

  20. WE (What’s Expected) Grade Student meets expectations: 4= independently 3= with general classroom supports 2= with individualized coaching 1= inconsistently

  21. School and District Website You can find: ● School Calendars ● Links to teachers’ webpages ● Important School Information & forms ● Curriculum www.hms.willingtonpublicschools.org

  22. Special 5th Grade Events: Whole group 5th grade events with planned activities: ● Fall Festival ○ Reading & Writing celebration ● Reading Olympics ○ Reading competition ● Colonial Field day and trip to Plimoth Plantation

  23. Before you leave, make sure to... ● Sign the sign-in sheet so we know who was here ● Grab a REMIND paper to join

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