Welcome, Parents t o Ar dsl ey Middl e school !
Who’s Who? Tom Caldara (A -G) - 5th Grade Counselor Ann Marie Winslow (H -O)* - 5th Grade Counselor Lisa Zimbaldi (P -Z) - 5th Grade Counselor Jennifer Goldenberg - Assistant Principal Stuart Horlacher - Principal
Our 5th Graders! Maitry Brahmbhatt Nicholas Lancellotti
Middle School ✘ Major transitions; ✘ Elementary learners to secondary learners ; ✘ Anxious.
Their first day* 1. ✘ Meet their homeroom teacher (21); ✘ Assigned a locker; ✘ Tour of AMS; ✘ Planner; ✘ Schedule.
Schedule 1. 7:50 - 8:33 Academic 2. 8:36 - 9:19 Academic 3. 9:22 - 10:05 Specials 4. 10:08 - 10:51 Academic 5. 10:54 - 11:37 Lunch 6. 11:40 - 12:23 Specials 7. 12:26 - 1:09 Academic 8. 1:12 - 1:54 Academic 9. 1:57 - 2:40 ICS/Seminar
Courses Completed by the End of the Year Specials and Seminars Academics ✘ Music ✘ Reading ✘ PLTW ✘ W riting ✘ World Language Survey ✘ M athematics ✘ Computer Science ✘ Social Studies ✘ Guidance ✘ Science ✘ PE ✘ Art ✘ FACS ✘ Health ✘ PE Seminar
“Education is not the learning of facts, it’ s rather the training of the mind to think.” Albert Einstein
Home - School Communication ✘ Every five weeks; ✘ Parent Portal; ✘ Establish relationship with classroom teacher. Place your screenshot here
After - School Act ivit ies Audio-Visual Club Kids Who Love to Write No Place for Hate Book Club LeStrade Literary Magazine The Outcast Chamber Orchestra Library Time Student Council Debate Club Madrigal Choir Troubadours Jazz Band Math Competitions Yearbook Junior Chef Musical Production
Throughout the Year ✘ Random Acts of Kindness Week; ✘ Red Ribbon Week; ✘ No Place for Hate; ✘ Wellness Week; ✘ Speakers; ✘ Grade-level experience.
Guidance Tom Caldara - 5th Grade Counselor Ann Marie Winslow* - 5th Grade Counselor Lisa Zimbaldi - 5th Grade Counselor
Guidance Parents Students ✘ Coffee with counselors; ✘ V isit to CRS* ✘ Guest presenters; ✘ Counselor visits to 5th grade; ✘ Parent and teacher ✘ Guidance course; support/resource; ✘ Decision making, communication, stress, ✘ Parent/teacher meetings; cyber/online safety, healthy choices, ✘ New student/family orientation. friendships, study skills, self-esteem; ✘ RAK W eek; ✘ 5th Grade interviews; ✘ L unch bunch groups; ✘ Individual counseling; ✘ L unch/recess support; ✘ Conflict resolution; ✘ Parent brainstorming.
Getting Ready! Mid to Late August* L ✘ 5th grade social (Aug --- 11:30 -12:30); ✘ Tour the building (Aug ---- 10:00 - 2:00); ✘ Practice the lock; ✘ Print schedule.
thanks! Any questions?
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