mi middl ddle e sch school ool admi dmissions ssions

Mi Middl ddle e Sch School ool Admi dmissions ssions Office - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Int Introduct oduction ion to o Mi Middl ddle e Sch School ool Admi dmissions ssions Office fice of St Stude dent nt Enro nrollment llment Applying plying to Mi Middle dle School chool All schools your child may apply to

  1. Int Introduct oduction ion to o Mi Middl ddle e Sch School ool Admi dmissions ssions Office fice of St Stude dent nt Enro nrollment llment

  2. Applying plying to Mi Middle dle School chool All schools your child may apply to will YOUR CHILD be printed on your child’s application. November Opt ptional nal St Step: ep: Recei eive e person onaliz ized d MS Applica ication tion New School ols s Round nd: If new programs from guidan ance ce counsel nselor. are opening, eligible students may apply in March. December 1 Comple plete e applica icati tion n by ranking ng up to 12 programs ams in order of prefere erence. nce. Ret eturn urn to counselor selor. Students will receive a letter from their counselor with their middle school match; students who were April 1 Match ch accepted into a new schools program may have two matches. 2 of 15

  3. Wh What at schools chools wi will ll be be on my ap application? lication? All schools that your child may apply to, including the following: Your Zoned d District trict School ols Borough ughwide wide Citywi ywide de School ols School ol* School ols If your child lives and * not all students have goes to school in a zoned middle school different districts, your child may apply to Learn if you have a middle schools in both zoned middle school at districts. schools.nyc.gov/ schoolsearch What at schools chools wi will ll NO NOT be be on my ap application lication? ? School ol-Based ased Charter er School ools Applica ication tion School ols s Contact these schools directly to learn how to apply. 3 of 15

  4. Mi Middle le Sch chool ool Pr Program rams • You can think of programs as “doorways” through which schools hools accep ept t student st udents. . • If a school has multiple programs, students may apply to one program, or more than one program at that school. • Programs at the same school may have different Admissions Priorities and Methods. You may choose to apply to a particular program at a school because of how it does its admissions or because it has a particular theme. Program #1 Program #2 4 of 15

  5. The he Appl plication: ication: Receiv ceive e an and Revie view What to revie review: w: • St Studen udent t Infor nformat mation: Make sure all information, including address, is correct. • Zone ned d Middl ddle e Schoo ool: See if your child has a zoned middle school. Look up this school in the directory to learn how being in the zone affects admissions. • Ac Academi demic c Inform nformation: tion: These will affect admissions to some programs. Tip: p: Not every student has a zoned middle school. 5 of 15

  6. The he Appl plication: ication: How w to Comple plete e It • Families should rank programs in order starting with the one they most want to attend. Do this by writing the number “1” next to you top choice and continuing. Families may rank up to 12 programs. • Once you have ranked programs, sign and return application to your child’s guidance counselor by December 1. Tip: Af After er rankin king your ur fa favori orite e programs rams, , rank k ot othe her r progr grams ams you’d prefer over your least favorite programs. Remember, if you do not match to a program you’ve ranked, you will be matched to a program with availability in your district. 6 of 15

  7. A good od ap application lication li lists ts programs rams of interest rest to your ur ch child. ld. Use the MS Directory as a starting point. When exploring, think about… LOCA CATI TION ON SCHOO HOOL L PERF RFORMA ORMANC NCE COURSES URSES SIZE ZE ACTIVI VITIES TIES 6 of 9

  8. How w is my ma matc tch det etermined? ermined? Program m Factor ors Studen ent t Factor ors Admissions Choices on Priorities Application The order in which The programs ranked applicants are on the application considered. AND the order in which they are Admissions ranked. Methods How programs consider and match Student with applicants. Information (For some programs) Student’s academic Seat Availability record and/or The number of seats address. available for applicants. 8 of 15

  9. How w is s my ma matc tch h det etermined? ermined? Cho hoices ices on on App pplica lication tion • Families should rank up to 12 programs in order starting with their top choice. • Do not write in choices. Tip: p: Rank programs you’d prefer to your zoned or continuing school ahead of your zoned or continuing school. 9 of 15

  10. How w is s my ma matc tch h det etermined? ermined? Admission mission Priorities orities Admissions Priorities determine the order that applicants are considered for placement. • This means that students are considered in groups. All students in the first priority group will be considered first. If seats are available, students in the second priority group will be considered next. • If your child does not fall into any of the priority groups, he/she is not eligible to apply. Remember: there is no sibling priority in Middle School Admissions. Admissions Priorities:  Priority to students and residents of the District  Then to students and residents of Brooklyn. Means that All students who live or go to school in the District that list this program on their application will be considered before other Brooklyn students who list this program on their application. 10 of 15

  11. How w is s my matc tch h det etermi ermine ned? d? Admis mission sion Meth ethods ods th that t DO DO NOT se see e applicants’ academic information An Admissions Method is the way a school program considers and matches with applicants. Remember that students are first grouped by Admission Priority and then evaluated by Admission Method. Zoned Unscr Un creen eened ed Limited ed Un Unsc screen ened ed Talent nt Testi ting ng Based on Random Random selection, but Based on student’s address. selection. students will move into a exam performance in higher priority group by specified talent areas. signing in at a school event. Tip: p: If applying to a “Limited Unscreened” program, visit and sign in! 11 of 15

  12. How w is s my matc tch h det etermi ermine ned? d? Admis mission sion Meth ethods ods th that t DO DO se see e applicants’ academ cademic ic informati ormation on An Admissions Method is the way a school program considers and matches with applicants. Remember that students are first grouped by Admission Priority and then evaluated by Admission Method Screen ened ed Composi posite Score Screen ened ed for Langua uage ge School ranks students Students are admitted based on a Based on students’ based on fourth-grade score that’s calculated using English language skills attendance, state tests, fourth grade report cards, state and grades. Additional ELA and math exams, attendance, requirements may exist. and behavior. Tip: p: Before ranking a program on your application, please check all details about that program’s admissions in the MS Directory! 12 of 15

  13. How w is s my ma matc tch h det etermined ermined? ? Seat eat Availability ailability To learn rn about t how competi titiv tive e a program gram is, review the number of available seats in a program, and the number of applicants for those seats. Program with Higher Demand Program with Lower Demand 2015 2015 2015 2015 Seats Applicants Seats Applicants 150 150 250 1,170 Tip: p: Don’t only rank programs that have high demand. 13 of 15

  14. Loo ooking king Ahead head September ember - Middle e School ool Open Houses es Nov ovembe ember Contact each school directly to learn when to visit. Dece cemb mber r 1 Middle e School ool Applicat cation ions s Due New School ols s Round nd Mar arch If there are new schools in the district, you may apply to new programs you are interested in. Apri ril Not otif ifica icati tion on Let etters s Distrib tributed ed Appeal als May You may submit an appeal to your guidance counselor. You may appeal to up to three schools for any reason . 14 of 15

  15. STAY CONN NNECTED ED Admissi ission ons s Resou ources rces schools.nyc.gov/middle Office ce of Stu Student ent Enro rollment llment (718) 935-2398 Sign n up fo for E r Email il Updates tes schools.nyc.gov/Subscribe Find d Your r Zoned ed School schools.nyc.gov/SchoolSearch Office fice of St Stude dent nt Enro nrollment llment


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