presentation to the boston school committee may 13 2020

Presentation to the Boston School Committee May 13, 2020 Who We - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation to the Boston School Committee May 13, 2020 Who We Are A Horace Mann in-district Charter School located in Brighton; serving ~500 students in grades 6-12 from every neighborhood Bostons only school focused on

  1. Presentation to the Boston School Committee May 13, 2020

  2. Who We Are ● A Horace Mann “in-district” Charter School located in Brighton; serving ~500 students in grades 6-12 from every neighborhood ● Boston’s only school focused on sustainability and preparing the next generation of leaders for success in college and green careers; Ch. 74 CTE program in Environmental Science; 2019 U.S. & Mass. Green Ribbon Schools Award Winner ● Founded in 2011 as a ‘re-start’ of a struggling BPS high school in South Boston; expanded to include middle grades in 2014 ● Successful turnaround that enrolls one of the most diverse and high needs populations in Boston; very strong student supports ● One of the most successful secondary schools in BPS that don’t select their students

  3. Who We Serve BGA BPS Mass. Students of Color 91.0% 85.4% 39.9% Students with 30.5% 20.3% 18.1% Disabilities English Language 15.5% 32.1% 10.5% Learners High Needs 80.3% 76.2% 47.6% Students Economically 60.9% 56.5% 31.2% Disadvantaged

  4. Our Progress Enrollment Performance ● 900+ lottery and choice form ● Dropout rate (1.7%) below the applications for 100 seats (60 6th BPS average (4.2%) grade, 40 9th grade) in 2020 ● Four-year graduation rate (84%) ● BGA’s charter required BGA to above BPS average (73%) enroll over 50% at-risk students. BPS categorizes at least 85% of ● Suspensions down 67% in two BGA current students as at-risk. years, using BPS CoC, Restorative Justice focus ● 90% of BGA 8th graders continue at BGA in 9th grade ● Attendance in top third of BPS secondary schools ● Non-selective, state-mandated lottery for admission ● Graduation requirements above BPS; approaching MassCore

  5. Our Progress Since 2011, BGA has: ● Raised the graduation rate by 30% points ● Cut the drop-out rate by 75% ● Doubled the college acceptance rate to 90% and increased scholarships and competitiveness ● Drastically improved MCAS scores compared to the school we ‘re-started’ In 2019, BGA has: ● Increased MCAS performance in middle grades; HS MCAS ranks among the top third for all BPS high schools, top quarter for non-selective BPS high schools ● Greatly reduced incidents and suspensions, increased student supports, added arts and electives, AP courses, and strong partnerships ● Continued to focus on supports for struggling students (MS, SWD, ELLs) BGA has become one of the most successful BPS secondary schools that don’t select their students (four year graduation rates, drop out rate, extended engagement rates, MCAS scores and attendance)

  6. DESE Probation Update ● DESE placed BGA on probation in 2014 ○ There are different standards for charter schools than for regular schools; 6 of 7 conditions met ● BGA charter renewed in 2016 with probation conditions ○ Action plan developed and implemented ○ Academic progress partially met; all other conditions met ● Probation extended in 2020 ○ Commissioner acknowledged academic improvement ○ All other previous issues addressed and rectified ○ One condition: continued academic improvement ● Charter renewal in 2021; Probation to be reviewed

  7. Our Work Ahead ● Supporting students and families during and post-COVID emergency ● Increasing MCAS proficiency- especially Middle Grades, Latinos/ELLs ● Increasing advanced opportunities and outcomes for students (AP, SAT/ACT) ● Shifting more students from 5- to 4-year graduation ● Raising state percentile rank

  8. Request of School Committee We request School Committee approval of BGA’s Application for Charter Renewal ● Our third five-year charter (2021-2026) ● 50+ page application aligned to DESE standards ● Approved by the BGA Board of Trustees ● Currently being reviewed for approval by Boston Teachers Union ● Application due July 31, 2020 ● Decision by DESE in January, 2021

  9. Equity Impact Statement ● BGA’s charter renewal application is required to be approved by the Boston School Committee prior to submission to the DESE Commissioner for approval. ● BGA was designed, created and operated with an equity lens. BGA’s enrollment, program and outcomes all reflect a commitment to equitable education and advance equity within the district. An Equity Impact Statement has been provided to the School Committee. ● Expenses and funding for BGA are contained within the BPS annual budget and operate within the established budget allocation. There are no additional costs associated with the approval of this charter renewal application.

  10. 2019 MCAS Performance BGA High School vs. BPS

  11. 2019 MCAS Performance BGA Middle School vs. BPS

  12. 2019 BGA DESE Accountability Percentiles


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