curriculum night 2019 welcome

Curriculum Night 2019 Welcome Meet the 5 th Grade Team! 5 th Grade - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Curriculum Night 2019 Welcome Meet the 5 th Grade Team! 5 th Grade Teachers Mrs. Hammonds- Grade Level Chair Mrs. Jankins Mr. Reynolds Ms. Rhineheimer Ms. Stewart Mrs. Haywood- EIP Support 5 th Grade Daily Schedule

  1. Curriculum Night 2019

  2. Welcome Meet the 5 th Grade Team!  5 th Grade Teachers  Mrs. Hammonds- Grade Level Chair  Mrs. Jankins  Mr. Reynolds  Ms. Rhineheimer  Ms. Stewart  Mrs. Haywood- EIP Support

  3. 5 th Grade Daily Schedule Classroom Schedules (May Vary by Teacher) Lunch: *11:25-12:05 Specials: 12:15-1:00 Recess: 1:00-1:30 (*Non PE days only*)

  4. 5 th Grade Management and Discipline Plan Objective: To create and maintain a positive learning environment for all students, the Fifth Grade team will follow the following discipline plan: Consequences  R - Respect yourself and others.  1 st Offense- Verbal Warning  U- Use appropriate language,  2 nd Offense- Time away from group  movement, and gestures. (in class) L- Listen and follow directions.  3 rd Offense- Time away from group  E- Expect excellence and come to (out of class)  class prepared to learn. 4 th Offense- Parent contact (by  S- Stay seated unless given phone or email)  permission to leave your seat. 5 th Offense- Office Referral  *Severe or continued misbehavior  warrants immediate office referral and parent conference requested.

  5. Conduct Color Codes Conduct Color/Code Incentive/Reward Consequence Red (S++) 5 Dojo Points Superior Behavior 2 Wolf Bucks Treat Orange (S+) 3 Dojo Points Outstanding Behavior 1 Wolf Buck Yellow (S) 1 Dojo Point Good Behavior Verbal praise Blue (S-) Dojo Point deduction Warning Time away from group -In Class *Loss of class privilege Purple (N or U) Dojo Point deduction Teacher’s Choice Time away from group (out of class) Parent Contact (phone/email) Office Referral- Extreme misbehavior or disorderly conduct that requires immediate attention.

  6. Curriculum Overview Science  UNIT 1: Electricity and Magnetism  UNIT 2: Plant and Animal Cells  UNIT 3: Helpful/Harmful Microorganisms  UNIT 4: Constructive/Destructive Processes  UNIT 5: Physical and Chemical Changes  UNIT 6: Classification of Plants and Animals  UNIT 7: Inherited Behavior (heredity)

  7. Curriculum Overview Social Studies UNIT 1: Turn of the Century America UNIT 2: World War I (Extended Text *Stella by Starlight) UNIT 3: The Great Depression (Extended Text *Bud not Buddy) UNIT 4: World War II (Extended Text *Boy in the Striped Pajamas) UNIT 5: The Cold War UNIT 6: America since 1975 (Extended Text *The Watson’s go to Birmingham) UNIT 7: Personal Finance: Budgeting and Saving

  8. Curriculum Overview Writing UNIT 1: Narrative (L. Arts- UNIT 2: Informational UNIT 3: Opinion UNIT 4: Opinion UNIT 5: Narrative UNIT 6: Informational Spelling: RF3- Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis in decoding words. Used combined knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and roots/affixes to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in and out of context. (spell grade appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.

  9. Curriculum Overview Reading/Language Arts UNIT 1: Literary- Character Analysis UNIT 2: Informational- Complexity of Nonfiction UNIT 3: Literary- Analyzing Themes UNIT 4: Informational- Researching Issues UNIT 5: Literary- Themes and Symbols Unit 6: Informational- Learning Through Reading (biographies) *Vocabulary: 5L4/5L6- (a) Determine and clarify meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content using flexible strategies. (b) Acquire and use accurately grade- level general academic and domain-specific vocabulary..

  10. Curriculum Overview Math  UNIT 1: Order of Operations and Whole Numbers  UNIT 2: Adding and Subtracting with Decimals  UNIT 3: Multiplying and Dividing with Decimals  UNIT 4: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Fractions  UNIT 5: 2 D Figures  UNIT 6: Volume and Measurement  UNIT 7: Geometry and the Coordinate Plane

  11. Curriculum Overview Learning Maps – Standards

  12. Online Resources and Classroom Apps Used daily  IReady – District Diagnostics and Instruction  ClassLink- Student access to District Resources (Textbooks, Office 365, etc.  Illuminate- Unit tests, assessments  ReadWorks- Reading, Science, Social Studies integration  BrainPop- All subjects  Class Dojo Portfolio- Exit tickets  Study Island- GMAS prep  Coach Digital- GMAS prep  Study Jams  Khan Academy

  13. Student access to all of their digital resources, including their text books,Office 365, and a host of Fulton County Resources.

  14. Science Book and Resources Math Book and Resources Social Studies Book and Resources

  15. Technology Devices  In an effort to integrate technology in the classroom and move towards a paperless/digital classroom, we do allow the students to bring their own devices as needed for instructional activities.  Recommended devices good for classroom use: laptops, ipad, tablet, devices with a keypad or keyboard. Phones will only be used occasionally or as needed.  Each classroom has 13 devices for instructional purposes.

  16. Grading Scale & Weights Scale Grading Weights  A- 90-100 Summative - 45%  B- 80-89 Formative- 50%  C- 70-79 Homework- 5%  F- 0-69  Conduct  S- Satisfactory  N- Needs Improvement  U- Unsatisfactory 

  17. Infinite Campus   Campus Parent and Campus Student Portal  The Infinite Campus portals - Campus Parent and Campus Student - provide access to information for all enrolled students in their household. Information includes grades, attendance, assignments, and school announcements.  Have questions regarding your Parent/Student Portal account? Help is available by calling 470-254-2700 Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. or by emailing 

  18. Standardized Testing Dates  Iowa Test of Basic Skills- 10/22 – 11/2  Write Score : Writing – 11/11 - 11/22  BAS Mid Year : 12/2 – 12/19  iReady Mid-Year Diagnostics : *Jan 6- 28- Students that score in the 30% or lower.  GMAS: 4/20 – 4/28 (All subjects tested)

  19. GMAS Resources  Weights:

  20. GMAS Resources  and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/EOG-Study- Resource-Guides.aspx  practice-tests-and-resources

  21. GMAS Resources      Tutoring Service:    eog/

  22. Field Trip Online Link $15

  23. END OF THE YEAR ACTIVITIES  5 th Grade Fees - $150 Included in the dues -  End of Year Field Trip – TBA  T-shirt  Awards Day reception  Catered Picnic  Sneakerball  Yearbook

  24. Questions ????????


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