Curriculum Night 2019
Welcome Meet the 5 th Grade Team! 5 th Grade Teachers Mrs. Hammonds- Grade Level Chair Mrs. Jankins Mr. Reynolds Ms. Rhineheimer Ms. Stewart Mrs. Haywood- EIP Support
5 th Grade Daily Schedule Classroom Schedules (May Vary by Teacher) Lunch: *11:25-12:05 Specials: 12:15-1:00 Recess: 1:00-1:30 (*Non PE days only*)
5 th Grade Management and Discipline Plan Objective: To create and maintain a positive learning environment for all students, the Fifth Grade team will follow the following discipline plan: Consequences R - Respect yourself and others. 1 st Offense- Verbal Warning U- Use appropriate language, 2 nd Offense- Time away from group movement, and gestures. (in class) L- Listen and follow directions. 3 rd Offense- Time away from group E- Expect excellence and come to (out of class) class prepared to learn. 4 th Offense- Parent contact (by S- Stay seated unless given phone or email) permission to leave your seat. 5 th Offense- Office Referral *Severe or continued misbehavior warrants immediate office referral and parent conference requested.
Conduct Color Codes Conduct Color/Code Incentive/Reward Consequence Red (S++) 5 Dojo Points Superior Behavior 2 Wolf Bucks Treat Orange (S+) 3 Dojo Points Outstanding Behavior 1 Wolf Buck Yellow (S) 1 Dojo Point Good Behavior Verbal praise Blue (S-) Dojo Point deduction Warning Time away from group -In Class *Loss of class privilege Purple (N or U) Dojo Point deduction Teacher’s Choice Time away from group (out of class) Parent Contact (phone/email) Office Referral- Extreme misbehavior or disorderly conduct that requires immediate attention.
Curriculum Overview Science UNIT 1: Electricity and Magnetism UNIT 2: Plant and Animal Cells UNIT 3: Helpful/Harmful Microorganisms UNIT 4: Constructive/Destructive Processes UNIT 5: Physical and Chemical Changes UNIT 6: Classification of Plants and Animals UNIT 7: Inherited Behavior (heredity)
Curriculum Overview Social Studies UNIT 1: Turn of the Century America UNIT 2: World War I (Extended Text *Stella by Starlight) UNIT 3: The Great Depression (Extended Text *Bud not Buddy) UNIT 4: World War II (Extended Text *Boy in the Striped Pajamas) UNIT 5: The Cold War UNIT 6: America since 1975 (Extended Text *The Watson’s go to Birmingham) UNIT 7: Personal Finance: Budgeting and Saving
Curriculum Overview Writing UNIT 1: Narrative (L. Arts- UNIT 2: Informational UNIT 3: Opinion UNIT 4: Opinion UNIT 5: Narrative UNIT 6: Informational Spelling: RF3- Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis in decoding words. Used combined knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and roots/affixes to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in and out of context. (spell grade appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
Curriculum Overview Reading/Language Arts UNIT 1: Literary- Character Analysis UNIT 2: Informational- Complexity of Nonfiction UNIT 3: Literary- Analyzing Themes UNIT 4: Informational- Researching Issues UNIT 5: Literary- Themes and Symbols Unit 6: Informational- Learning Through Reading (biographies) *Vocabulary: 5L4/5L6- (a) Determine and clarify meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content using flexible strategies. (b) Acquire and use accurately grade- level general academic and domain-specific vocabulary..
Curriculum Overview Math UNIT 1: Order of Operations and Whole Numbers UNIT 2: Adding and Subtracting with Decimals UNIT 3: Multiplying and Dividing with Decimals UNIT 4: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Fractions UNIT 5: 2 D Figures UNIT 6: Volume and Measurement UNIT 7: Geometry and the Coordinate Plane
Curriculum Overview Learning Maps – Standards
Online Resources and Classroom Apps Used daily IReady – District Diagnostics and Instruction ClassLink- Student access to District Resources (Textbooks, Office 365, etc. Illuminate- Unit tests, assessments ReadWorks- Reading, Science, Social Studies integration BrainPop- All subjects Class Dojo Portfolio- Exit tickets Study Island- GMAS prep Coach Digital- GMAS prep Study Jams Khan Academy
Student access to all of their digital resources, including their text books,Office 365, and a host of Fulton County Resources.
Science Book and Resources Math Book and Resources Social Studies Book and Resources
Technology Devices In an effort to integrate technology in the classroom and move towards a paperless/digital classroom, we do allow the students to bring their own devices as needed for instructional activities. Recommended devices good for classroom use: laptops, ipad, tablet, devices with a keypad or keyboard. Phones will only be used occasionally or as needed. Each classroom has 13 devices for instructional purposes.
Grading Scale & Weights Scale Grading Weights A- 90-100 Summative - 45% B- 80-89 Formative- 50% C- 70-79 Homework- 5% F- 0-69 Conduct S- Satisfactory N- Needs Improvement U- Unsatisfactory
Infinite Campus Campus Parent and Campus Student Portal The Infinite Campus portals - Campus Parent and Campus Student - provide access to information for all enrolled students in their household. Information includes grades, attendance, assignments, and school announcements. Have questions regarding your Parent/Student Portal account? Help is available by calling 470-254-2700 Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. or by emailing
Standardized Testing Dates Iowa Test of Basic Skills- 10/22 – 11/2 Write Score : Writing – 11/11 - 11/22 BAS Mid Year : 12/2 – 12/19 iReady Mid-Year Diagnostics : *Jan 6- 28- Students that score in the 30% or lower. GMAS: 4/20 – 4/28 (All subjects tested)
GMAS Resources Weights:
GMAS Resources and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/EOG-Study- Resource-Guides.aspx practice-tests-and-resources
GMAS Resources Tutoring Service: eog/
Field Trip Online Link $15
END OF THE YEAR ACTIVITIES 5 th Grade Fees - $150 Included in the dues - End of Year Field Trip – TBA T-shirt Awards Day reception Catered Picnic Sneakerball Yearbook
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