welcome to 4th grade curriculum night

Welcome to 4th Grade Curriculum Night Pittsfield Elementary School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to 4th Grade Curriculum Night Pittsfield Elementary School -Ms. VanRiper Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards

  1. Welcome to 4th Grade Curriculum Night Pittsfield Elementary School -Ms. VanRiper

  2. Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 2

  3. Meet The Teacher! Ms. VanRiper College Background: Master of Art in Elementary Education with Teacher Certification from University of Michigan Bachelor of Arts in Social Work Number of Years Teaching: This is my first year teaching. Number of years in AAPS: This is my second year in AAPS- I was an intern at Pittsfield last year in Mr. Moore’s 3rd grade classroom. About me: I grew up in Ypsilanti, MI. I previously worked in an elementary school in Texas. I enjoy teaching, writing, drawing, doing puzzles, and hiking. 3

  4. Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Expectations Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 4

  5. Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Expectations Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 5

  6. Learning Goals I Know more about my child’s teacher. I Know the classroom curriculum for 4th grade. I Know what a typical online classroom day looks like for my child. 6

  7. Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Expectations Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 7

  8. Our Daily Online Learning Expectations When I am called on, it is my turn

  9. Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Expectations Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 11

  10. Example of Weekly Classroom Schedule-AM 12

  11. Example of Weekly Classroom Schedule- PM 13

  12. Curriculum Night Agenga Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Expectations Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 14

  13. Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Expectations Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 15

  14. (ELA) Reading Workshop We will learn about these 4th Grade Maisa Reading Units: ★ Launching Strong Reading Habits ★ Analyzing Characters ★ Informational Reading ★ Interpretive and Analytic Reading ★ Historical Fiction 16

  15. (ELA) Writing Workshop We will learn about these 4th Grade Maisa Writing Units: ★ Launching Writing ★ Writing Realistic Fiction ★ Informational Research Writing ★ Persuasive Writing 20

  16. Science ★ Project Lead the Way: Energy: Collisions and Conversions ★ Phenomenal Science: Surf’s Up ★ Phenomenal Science: Big Blue Marble 21

  17. Pr Proj oject ct L Lead T ad The Way Way (PL (PLTW) W) Mrs. Mrs. Van Loo Phy Physical Science vanloos@aaps.k12.mi.us va us ● Co-taught with Ms. VanRiper ● Science and engineering problem solving ● Meet daily for 30 minutes from September 21-October 16 ● Topics: ○ Energy: Collisions ○ Energy: Conversions

  18. Social Studies Foundations Social Studies Units: ★ Rights & Responsibilities ★ Federal Government ★ Spatial Terms ★ Geography ★ Exploring Economics 23

  19. Mathematics Everyday Math Units: ★ Place Value: Multidigit Addition and Subtraction ★ Multiplication and Geometry ★ Fractions and Decimals ★ Multidigit Multiplication ★ Fractions and Measurement ★ Division, Angles ★ Fraction Operations and Application 24

  20. Student Technology 25

  21. Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Expectations Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 26

  22. Vocabulary Synchronous Teachers will provide live instruction to their students .

  23. Vocabulary Asynchronous Students will work on classroom assignments independently on their own. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 1:30-3 p.m. All day Wednesday

  24. Asynchronous

  25. Asynchronous

  26. Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Expectations Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 31

  27. Closing Thank you for joining us! 32

  28. Curriculum Night Agenda Teacher Introductions Learning Targets Classroom Management & Online Learning Expectations Daily Schedule Grade Level Curriculum & Standards Key Words Closing Questions 34

  29. Questions What questions do you have?


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