wastewater committee meeting april 22 2020 via

WASTEWATER COMMITTEE MEETING April 22, 2020 (Via Teleconference) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Regional Service Through Unity Meeting our Regions Needs Today and Tomorrow WASTEWATER COMMITTEE MEETING April 22, 2020 (Via Teleconference) CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE AGENDA Opening Remarks A. Chairman/Executive

  1. Regional Service Through Unity… Meeting our Region’s Needs Today and Tomorrow WASTEWATER COMMITTEE MEETING April 22, 2020 (Via Teleconference)

  2. CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE AGENDA Opening Remarks A. Chairman/Executive Director/Committee Champion Status Report concerning legislation and regulatory matters, budgets, current projects and ongoing Wastewater System programs of the District 2

  3. Agenda AGENDA Action Items A. Consider Approval of Wastewater Committee Meeting Minutes – February 26, 2020 Recommend Approval of Wastewater Committee Meeting Minutes 3

  4. Agenda AGENDA Action Items B. Authorize engineering services agreement for Panther Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion to 15 MGD – Administrative Memorandum No. 5555 • Consider recommendation on authorizing execution of engineering services agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $5,364,255 for preliminary and final engineering design for Project No. 307-0493-18, Panther Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion to 15 MGD What: Authorize an engineering services agreement for design of the Panther Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Expansion to 15 million gallons per day (MGD) project. Why: Coordination efforts with the City of Frisco identified the need to expand Panther Creek WWTP from the current 10 MGD to 15 MGD annual average daily flow (AADF) capacity to support the city’s growth and population projections. The design includes a preliminary engineering evaluation to recommend improvements to increase the peak flow capacity from 30 MGD to 52.5 MGD. 4

  5. PANTHER CREEK WWTP EXPANSION TO 15 MGD Background • Panther Creek WWTP serves the City of Frisco and constructed in two phases in 2006 and 2009. • Current permitted discharge capacity of 10 MGD annual average daily flow (AADF) and 30 MGD peak two-hour flow. • Coordination with the City of Frisco indicate an expansion to the treatment plant is required due to population projections. • Flow data indicates the peak two-hour flows at the plant are expected to increase from 30 MGD to 52.5 MGD and an evaluation is necessary to recommend improvements to store or treat the additional peak flow. • Existing electrical system cannot be expanded and a new medium voltage power yard, distribution loop, and back-up power generation is needed to support this expansion and future expansions. 5


  7. PANTHER CREEK WWTP EXPANSION TO 15 MGD Engineering Services • Basic Services • Preliminary engineering evaluation of peak flow alternatives • Pre-selection for filter and disinfection equipment • Final plans, specifications, and estimates • Bid phase services • Construction phase services will be requested at a future date • Special Services • Topographical survey • Geotechnical investigation • Permitting fee allowance • Frisco collection system odor control study • The planning level construction cost estimate is $62,500,000 7

  8. Agenda RECOMMENDATION Consultant: HDR Engineering, Inc. Scope: Preliminary and Final Engineering Design Project: No. 307-0493-18, Panther Creek WWTP Expansion to 15 MGD Amount: $5,364,255 8

  9. Agenda AGENDA Action Items C. Authorize engineering services agreement for Forney Mustang Creek Lift Station, Phase II, and Forney Force Main Improvements Project – Administrative Memorandum No. 5556 • Consider recommendation on authorizing execution of engineering services agreement with Hazen and Sawyer in the amount of $1,331,400 for final engineering design for Project No. 509-0561-20, Forney Mustang Creek Lift Station Phase II and Forney Force Main Improvements What: Authorize an engineering services agreement for the final design of the Forney Mustang Creek Lift Station Phase II and the Forney Force Main Improvements. Why: The existing 24-inch force main is limiting the capacity of Forney Mustang Creek Lift Station to 12 million gallons per day (MGD). A new force main and expansion of the lift station to 30 MGD are needed to meet the growth projections of the City of Forney. 9

  10. FORNEY MUSTANG CREEK LS PH II & FORNEY FM IMPROVEMENTS Background • The Forney Mustang Creek Lift Station is currently under construction with a firm capacity of 12 MGD. • The existing 24-inch discharge force main conveys the flow to the South Mesquite Creek RWWTP for treatment. • The City of Forney has requested to increase the capacity of the Forney Mustang Creek Lift Station to 30 MGD to meet projected flows beyond 2030 due to growth in the service area. • A new 17,000 linear feet force main from the Forney Mustang Creek Lift Station to the Buffalo Creek Lift Station is necessary to increase conveyance capacity to 30 MGD. • Planning level estimated construction cost is $14,700,000 10


  12. FORNEY MUSTANG CREEK LS & FORNEY FM IMPROVEMENTS Engineering Services • Basic Services • Preliminary design of pipeline • Final design of pipeline and upgrades to the lift station • Bid phase services • Construction phase services • Special Services • Topographic survey • Geotechnical investigation • Easement documents • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) clearance • Pipeline transient modeling • Odor modeling and odor control system design 12

  13. Agenda RECOMMENDATION Consultant: Hazen and Sawyer Scope: Final engineering design Project: No. 509-0561-20, Forney Mustang Creek Lift Station Phase II and Forney Force Main Improvements Amount: $1,331,400 13

  14. Agenda AGENDA Action Items D. Authorize award of construction contract for Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor Improvements Project – Administrative Memorandum No. 5557 • Consider recommendation on authorizing award of construction contract to ARK Contracting Services, LLC, in the amount of $21,014.584 for Project No. 501-0439-16, Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor Improvements, Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor, Phase II, and Plano Spring Creek Force Main Parallel What: Authorize award of a construction contract for the Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor Phase II and Plano Spring Creek Force Main Parallel portions of the Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor Improvements project. Why: Increase conveyance capacity from the Plano Spring Creek Lift Station No. 2 to the Rowlett Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant to meet projected 2035 flow conditions due to population growth, inflow and infiltration in the cities of Plano and Richardson. Phase 1 of the Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor is currently under construction. This action will award construction of the final segments of the interceptor and force main to the lift station. 14

  15. BECK BRANCH PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS Project Components • Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor, Phase I • Under construction by a separate contract • Along Los Rios Blvd. from Rowlett Creek RWWTP to Plano Parkway • Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor Phase II (this action) • 13,100 linear feet of 42-inch gravity interceptor • Along Plano Parkway from the intersection of Los Rios Blvd. to a junction box east of K avenue • Plano Spring Creek Force Main Parallel (this action) • 4,900 linear feet of pressure rated 42-inch force main • Along PGBT (SH 190) from the junction box east of K avenue to the Plano Spring Creek Lift Station No. 2 • Includes replacement of 9 air release valves on the existing 36-inch Plano Spring Creek Force Main 15


  17. BECK BRANCH PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS Tabulation of Bids Total Bidder Base Bid Total Bid Recommendation Allowances Lowest responsible bid ARK Contracting $20,869,584.00 $145,000.00 $21,014,584.00 Recommended for Services, LLC Award McKee Utility $25,805,000.00 $145,000.00 $25,950,000.00 Contractors, Inc. Thalle Construction $26,607,935.00 $145,000.00 $26,752,935.00 Company S.J. Louis Construction $28,224,017.00 $145,000.00 $28,369,017.00 of Texas, Ltd. Mountain Cascade of $29,692,580.00 $145,000.00 $29,837,580.00 Texas, LLC BELT Construction, Inc. $35,399,359.00 $145,000.00 $35,544,359.00 ENGINEER’S OPINION OF $17,312,000.00 PROBABLE COST 17

  18. BECK BRANCH PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR IMPROVEMENTS Recommendation for Award • The Engineer and staff recommend acceptance of the lowest responsible bid • Higher than expected costs are due to the work site restrictions necessary to protect traffic, adjacent utilities, and roadway pavement in Plano Parkway that are not typical for NTMWD projects or other projects of similar size. • Daytime work hours are between the morning and evening rush hour which reduces the productivity rate and increases labor costs. • Some bidders proposed tunneling to mitigate work site restrictions, but resulted in higher bids. • The low bidder, ARK Contracting Services was significantly lower than other bidders as their crews are flexible and available locally. • ARK’s proposal includes night work to improve productivity compared to other bidders. 18

  19. Agenda RECOMMENDATION Contractor: ARK Contracting Services, LLC. (ARK) Scope: Construction Project: No. 501-0439-16, Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor Improvements, Beck Branch Parallel Interceptor Phase II and Plano Spring Creek Force Main Parallel Amount: $21,014,584.00 19

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