waste and district heating in norway

Waste and district heating in Norway Jon Tveiten Managing Director - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Waste and district heating in Norway Jon Tveiten Managing Director Norsk Energi Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster Organizing of the waste system in Norway Utilizing local energy resources

  1. Waste and district heating in Norway Jon Tveiten’ Managing Director Norsk Energi Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  2. Organizing of the waste system in Norway Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  3. Waste amounts and recycling rate Energy Ban Other Biogas Recovery of materials Compost Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  4. Household waste by disposal • Wte ( waste to Energy) plants increase before and after landfill ban in 2009 Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  5. Wte capasity • Norway have underc‐apasity on Wte plants and Sweden has over‐capasitity • Therefore exsport of waste toSweden • Waste amount • Wte capasity Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  6. Export of waste to other country • Sweden have low gate fee, and are competativ even due to transport cost • At the same time we import waste from Great Britan by ship to some Wte plants In Norway,. • Because og high gate fee in Great Britain to landfil and low Wte capasity it can be sheaper to deliver waste to scandinavia by ship. Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  7. Wte plants in Norway Typical heating demand in DH in Norway • 17 Wte plant in Norway (Most of them over 100 000 t/year) • They are built mostly built to handle the waste marked , not for production of electrisity • Nearly all of them are with grate, only two is fluidez bed Cooling to air summertime • Because of demand of over 60 % energy utiliization to built a Wte plant , new district heating system had to be implemented . • Only half of the Wte plant have turbin. ( 445/GWh year) • Due to small district heating system , we are cooling to air 17 % og the energy Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  8. Wte plants own by the municipalities Gate fee‐ maximum Price for thermal energy is selfcost for running the Wte decide between the plants companies Monopol from the houshold waste from the owners District heating companies Wte plants ( can be same owner, but Gate fee – market prize Own by municipaities another company) Waste from other municipalities and commersial activities Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  9. Wte plants own by energy companies Wte plants and ditrict heating system Gate fee – marked prize own by the same company Household waste from the local municipalities Gate fee – marked prize Wte plant District heating Waste from other municipalities and commersial activities Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  10. District heating in Norway Energy source ‐ houshold i norway District heating‐ under 10 % of the District heating production GWh/y heating market 8000 7000 Gas‐/diesel oils, heavy fuel oils 6000 Gas 5000 Bio fuel 4000 Electricity Bark, wood chips and wood1 3000 Electrisity – Waste heat hydro power 2000 Waste 1000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  11. RDF plant in Norway • Only one plant is using only RDF to district heating production in Norway, it is a 30 MW CFB plant in Oslo with hot water production. Gate fee for RDF to plant is about ‐ • Norcem (cement‐factory) is using RDF instead of coal i their cement production. • IT Is planning a new plant in Ranheim with 2*15 MW steam production • ( 10 Bar) for industrial steam demand and district heating production not Turbin. Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  12. Ranheim Gate fee – marked prize RDF from Norway Steam 10 Bar to Fabric Gate fee – marked prize Wte plant RDF abroad Own by the fabric Steam 10 Bar to dsitrict Gate fee – marked cost heating company Own RDF Price for thermal energy is decide between the companies Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  13. Thermal system Ranheim REAS Paper fabric District heating Gas boiler Elecric boiler company RDF RDF REAS PP

  14. 2*15 MW steam Ranheim Steam • boiler‐ flue Furncase ‐Grate Econo‐ • gass Smoketube boiler Bag filters mizer 2 sek. • 850 C sek, deman in Norway Dozing 850 oC to Reduce dioxin arbsobent • Sorbalit/ activ coal to reduce S02 and Clorid • Aminoa‐ to reduce NOx Amonia Dry ash tank Oil tank Bottom Sor‐ ash balit Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  15. Ranheim – 3D • Due to local enviroment the silo is separat from the boiler house • RDT must be shredded either by the supplier, or have the possibility at the plant • Planned runing time – 8000 hours/year • Total cost 450 mnok‐ approx 420 M Euro • Electromechanical cost 235 mnok, approx 0,83 millon Euro/MW • 2 year building time from contrakt to test periode Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  16. RDF – Fuel specification • Important to have a proper fuel specification • Heating value 12‐16 MJ/kg • Moisture <40 % • Content of ash/incombustible components <15 %, due to wear, clogging of grate and sintering • Content of N, S, Cl, F, Al, Na, K, Pb, Zn, Fe • Fuel density and composition • Max particle size • Max amount of components <3mm and <1mm • No clinic wast, explosive wast, radioactive waste, neoprene, silicon, creosote

  17. Fluid accept (do not transelate)

  18. Robustness Make sure to have a plant that can handle a great fuel flexibility Tender documents and contract must be accurate and have specific demands else you will end with a diminished solution Bidders documentation and references must be thoroughly evaluated. Make visits to reference plants Pay great attention to service access to all components during design phase. Spend time doing thorough 3D coordination and interface control Choose high material quality for all components i direct contact with fuel and ash Do not make fuel and ash systems too complex, the less rotating devices, the better Use adequate water/steam and flue gas temperatures Considered redundant systems ((cranes), pumps, compressors, hydraulics) Choose a high quality combustion filter system Metal and aluminium separators may be profitable Make the fuel bin large to ensure there is enough space for mixing the fuel

  19. Norwegian Emissions emission Waste< 50 MW t (mg/Nm 3 v 11% O 2 ) demand Avergage/ Average 30 day miinutes • 100 tons RDF per day => 100 1) CO 50 environmental impact 150 2) (10‐ assesment study is required min) • 100 tons/day equals a 12‐ Dust 10 30 13 MW RDF heat plant. TOC 10 20 HCl 10 60 HF 1 4 SO 2 50 200 No x 200 400 Dioksiner ‐ 0,1 ng/Nm³ Cd+Tl 0,05 ‐ Hg 0,03 ‐ Sb+As+Pb+Cr+C 0,5 ‐ o+Cu+Mn+Ni+V

  20. RDF ‐ Contractors • Few contractors • Contractors have bad financial stands • Several contrators have gone bankrupt during the last years • Due to the contrators bad financial stands, some contrators might prefer seperated entreprises in order to reduce own risk • Important to have adequate evaluation criterias • Important to have adequate payment schedules and guarantees/insurences

  21. Good practice Involve operators in all phases. Many interfaces towards construction. Important to define and clarify at an early stage. RDV is relatively dry fuel which can some wood powder. Thus, some areas will be defined as explosive, and must be paid attention to in the design. Risk analysis, Hazop and explosion assesments must be carried out.

  22. Tromsø 2*10 MW Waste and RDF • Finish 2016 • 2*10 MW • Grate • Hot water production to district heating • Electromechanical cost about 18 Meuro Utilizing local energy resources by developing the concept of an urban energy cluster

  23. Tromsø ‐ Kvitebjørn varme 2 x 10 MW waste and RDF

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