w orki ng group on i nfrastructure

W ORKI NG GROUP ON I NFRASTRUCTURE Philippines Developm ent Forum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

W ORKI NG GROUP ON I NFRASTRUCTURE Philippines Developm ent Forum Kohei Noda Co-Chairperson 2 0 0 8 August 2 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE TERMS OF REFERENCE TERMS OF REFERENCE Formation of a PDF WG for Formation of a PDF WG for Infrastructure and

  1. W ORKI NG GROUP ON I NFRASTRUCTURE Philippines Developm ent Forum Kohei Noda Co-Chairperson 2 0 0 8 August 2 2

  2. TERMS OF REFERENCE TERMS OF REFERENCE TERMS OF REFERENCE Formation of a PDF WG for Formation of a PDF WG for Infrastructure and Its Secretariat Infrastructure and Its Secretariat I. Background A. Role of PDF B. Previous Meetings C. Agreement on Establishing Infrastructure WG II. Mandate of Infrastructure WG III. Organization of Infrastructure WG A. Overview B. Sub-Working Groups C. Secretariat and Consultant

  3. I . Background A. Role of PDF B. Previous Meetings C. Agreement on Establishing Infrastructure WG

  4. A. Role of PDF A. Role of PDF Role of PDF A. B. Previous Meetings B. Previous Meetings 2005 March 7-8 “Working Together for Sustainable Economic and Social Progress” Davao City 2006 March 30-31 “Building on Economic and Fiscal Reforms to Achieve Sustainable Tagaytay City Growth and Social Progress” � 2006 August 18 Comprehensive and Integrated Infrastructure Program (CIIP) Makati City 2006-2010 2007 March 8-9 “Achieving Broad-Based Growth through Sustained Reforms and Cebu City Higher Investments” 2008 March 26-27 “Accelerating Inclusive Growth and Deepening Fiscal Stability” Clark, Pampanga

  5. C. Agreement on Establishing C. Agreement on Establishing C. Agreement on Establishing Infrastructure WG Infrastructure WG Infrastructure WG 2008 March 26-27 Clark, Pampanga “Accelerating Inclusive Growth and Deepening Fiscal Stability” � Higher levels of investments in infrastructure are crucial to sustaining growth in the Philippines! � Given the importance of infrastructure, creation of distinct WG on infrastructure was proposed by NEDA DG Santos, and was endorsed by the participants.

  6. C. Agreement on Establishing C. Agreement on Establishing C. Agreement on Establishing Infrastructure WG Infrastructure WG Infrastructure WG � 7 + 1 WGs 1. MDGs and Social Progress • MDGs and Social Progress • Health • Education • Social Protection 2. Growth and Investment Climate • Transaction Cost and Flows • Infrastructure 3. Economic and Fiscal Reforms • Economic and Fiscal Reforms 4. Governance and Anti-Corruption • Anti-Corruption • Public Sector Governance • Procurement 5. Decentralization and Local Gov’t • Decentralization and Local Gov’t 6. Mindanao • Mindanao 7. Sustainable Rural Dev’t • Sustainable and Rural Dev’t 8. Infrastructure 8. Infrastructure

  7. of I nfrastructure W G I I . Mandate

  8. � Infrastructure Sector is a critical and major component of development: � Job Creation � Investment Generation � Facilitation of Other Sectors � President Arroyo has prioritized infrastructure sector to accelerate ECONOMIC GROWTH and GLOBAL COMPETITIVENES. CIIP implementation Infra WG Primary Mandate: Support the implementation and give meaningful inputs to CIIP

  9. Growth and Investment Climate WG 2008 Work Plan includes thematic issue: “Addressing Infrastructure Bottlenecks” 5 Thrusts � Fast-track infrastructure projects through resolution of technical and legal issues � Implement clear competition policies in infrastructure provision � Undertake capacity building in infrastructure development � Improve linkage between planning, budgeting and funding processes � Pursue the triple bottom line infrastructure development Cross-Cutting Agenda for All Infrastructure Sectors

  10. of I nfrastructure W G I I I . Organization

  11. A. Overview A. Overview A. Overview Infrastructure Infrastructure Working Group Working Group Private Sector Government Development Partners NEDA (chair) NCC, EOJ (co-chair) Foreign DOF Chambers, WB, ADB, IFC, DBM etc. Australia, Canada, PMS DPWH China, EC, Korea, DOTC US, etc. etc. Sub-Working Group Sub-Working Group Sub-Working Group on Transportation on Power, Energy on Water Resources and Electrification DOTC/ DPWH DOF (chair) (joint co-chair) DOE (chair) JBIC/ USAID WB (co-chair) ADB (co-chair) (joint co-chair) (Members to be selected) (Members to be selected) (Members to be selected) Secretariat + Independent Consultant(s)

  12. B. Sub - Working Groups B. Sub- - Working Groups Working Groups B. Sub CIIP Project Classifications: 1. Transportation (39.45%, Php 812 bn) 2. Power, Energy and Electrification (26.50%, Php 545 bn) 3 Sub-WGs 3. Water Resources (17.85%, Php 367 bn) 4. Communication/Digital Infrastructure 5. Social Infrastructure � Other Sub-WGs may be created in the future.

  13. C. Secretariat and Consultant C. Secretariat and Consultant C. Secretariat and Consultant � NEDA Infrastructure Staff designated as the WG Secretariat Functions: � Overall coordination of the activities of the WG � Generating agenda for the WG and Sub-WGs � Arranging of the logistics requirements for meetings � Preparing materials for meetings � Preparing minutes of meetings and following-up actions arising from minutes � Preparing position papers or technical papers for Sub-WGs � Preparing proposals for activities, studies or projects for consideration by PDF. Independent Consultant � Serves as liaison among the chairs, participants and stakeholders � Gives technical advice to co-chairs

  14. “Thank you.” Kohei Noda Co-Chairperson


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