USABILITY TESTING REVIEW Matt Bishop Elise Fu Sanchit Kumar
INTRODUCTION Elis Elise Fu Fu Matt Bis ishop Sa Sanchit Ku Kumar 1
AGENDA Proj roject Goals & & Sc Scope Methodolo logy Participants Ke Key Hig ighlig ights Fin Findings & & Recommendations 2
PROJECT GOALS & SCOPE Id Iden entify fy usa usabili ility iss issues on n Ko Komeeda.c .com (D (Desktop and nd Mobil ile) thr through usa usabili ility te testing Provide design recommendations to enhance Komeeda’s UX Fo Focus are reas of f our ur usa usabili ility tes test: People’s understanding of Komeeda Effectiveness of event details & referral program Site navigation and user interaction 3
METHODOLOGY Tes est Pla lan Participant Use ser Tes esting Data Recommendatio Re ions / / Created Recruitment Se Sessions An Analy lysis Su Suggestio ions Screening questionnaire Social media & existing 6 sessions 30 mins each Observations, notes, Improved Usability and tasks prepared customers Think out loud method metrics & overall UX 4
PARTICIPANTS 6 6 Ag Age Range: : 23 to 47 Part rtic icip ipants Locatio Lo ion: NYC & nearby Other Characteristics: Eat out more than once a week 2 Current 2 Comfortable meeting and eating with new people Attend food festivals or events Use mobile devices frequently Use food apps 4 4 New 5
KEY HIGHLIGHTS "This website is prett tty vis visual and str straig ightfo forward .“ ”The site is very vis visually ap appealing!" Strengths Str “ Good pic ictures of f fo food make me want to go more!” All users praised site aesthetics Images of food were powerful hooks Users highly excited about Komeeda’s events 6
KEY HIGHLIGHTS Improvem vement ent Areas as Users need more e detail ils s about Komeeda’s concept pt Users were confused about ‘Events’ vs. ‘Series’ Most users unaware of the ‘Referrals’ feature A few inter teracti ction on desi sign gn issues identified 7
FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS "The site should say who we are, what we are, why we do this." Prob roblem #1 #1 : New users couldn’t fully understand Komeeda’s concept upon first glance Recommendatio ion: Add a tagline to the homepage 6 6 / / 6 Before After 8
FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS “Are these pictures clickable?” Prob roblem #2 #2 : “What You Get” sections does not match user expectations Recommendatio ion: Redesign the section to enhance understandability and meet user expectations 4 4 / / 6 Before After 9
FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS "If I give them 5 dollars off, then they will be making plans and I will be out!" Prob roblem #3 #3: Some users could not locate or understand referral code Recommendatio ion: Promote referral code and improve its interactions 5 5 / / 6 Before After 10
FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS “ ’Displaced Kitchens’ doesn't make sense to me, and I don't know how ‘Broken English’ relates to food." Prob roblem #4 #4: Users were unsure about Series Recommendatio ion: Add Series descriptions and improve organization 3 3 / / 6 Before After 11
FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS "It doesn't tell me much information about why I should go, do I learn to cook, or do I get to taste the pizza? " Prob roblem #5 #5: Event information needs reorganization Recommendatio ion: New layout for Event pages 5 5 / / 6 12 Before After
CONCLUSION 100% participants loved the concept Visual design and imagery were greatly appreciated by all users Usability improvements would greatly enhance Komeeda’s web and mobile experience 13
THANK YOU 14 Matt Bishop Elise Fu Sanchit Kumar
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