uc san die go summe r se ssion

UC San Die go Summe r Se ssion F a c ulty Appointme nt F ile Pr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UC San Die go Summe r Se ssion F a c ulty Appointme nt F ile Pr e se nta tion 1 Andre a Olague r, x25064, aolague r@uc sd.e du 2 We lc ome to Summe r Se ssion 2015! Summe r pr oc e dur e s for hir ing and appr oving fac ulty to

  1. UC San Die go Summe r Se ssion F a c ulty Appointme nt F ile Pr e se nta tion 1 Andre a Olague r, x25064, aolague r@uc sd.e du

  2. 2 We lc ome to Summe r Se ssion 2015! Summe r pr oc e dur e s for hir ing and appr oving fac ulty to te ac h diffe r slightly fr om the ac ade mic ye ar . F ac ulty ar e hir e d as “by agr e e me nt”. An appointme nt le tte r is ge ne r ate d by Summe r Se ssion afte r appointme nts ar e c onfir me d to be within c ampus polic y. Ple ase r e fe r to Ac ade mic Pe r sonne l Manual, APM- 661 and APM- 662. T he suc c e ss of summe r de pe nds on ac ade mic de par tme nts, c olle ge s and pr ogr ams hir ing a balanc e d c ombination of UC San Die go fac ulty, Assoc iate s- In, and visiting fac ulty. T his handbook is fille d with e xample s of how to hir e for summe r appointme nts. T he infor mation pr ovide d inc lude s guide line s and pr oc e dur e s outline d in the 2015 Summe r Se ssion Guide book. T his doc ume nt c an be found at the Summe r Se ssion we bsite unde r the tab “Staff and F ac ulty Re sour c e s”: http:/ / summe r se ssion.uc sd.e du

  3. 3 Faculty Appointment File Flowchart Since a majority of faculty proposed to teach a course are UC San Diego faculty, they are most likely in the payroll system. With a written endorsement from the Department Chair (Academic Departments), Provost (College Programs), or Divisional Dean (Interdisciplinary Programs), the appointment will be processed without any additional documentation. Visiting faculty require an endorsement as stated above and an additional approval from the Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Undergraduate Education (AVCDUE). These files are submitted through the Summer Session SharePoint website. Graduate students proposed to teach a course as an Associate-In (instructor of record) need to be approved by the Graduate Division Dean. The required paperwork is submitted though the Academic Student Employment System (ASES) and covered under a separate presentation.


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