AoC webina binar: r: 21 Apri ril 2020 Tech chnical al and vocat cation onal al asse sessme sment Summe mer 2020 AoC: Cather erine ne Sez ezen en, Eddie die Playf yfair ir Ofqua ual: : Lucy y Sydne ney City & Guilds ilds: : David d Phillips illips & Cathy hy O’Shaughnessy Pearson: son: Cindy dy Ramper persa saud ud
What t we will ll cove ver r toda day • Feedback ck on key issues es from the gener eral al quals ls webin inar 7 A April il • Key point nts on VTQ assessme ment nt summe mer 2020 – Ofqual 2020 al, Pearson on and City and Guild lds • Pre-sub ubmi mitted ted ques estio tions ns and answer ers • Commen ents ts/ / ques estions tions on the chat – do ask questions ions/co /comm mmen ent t on the chat funct ction ion • Next steps 2
Coll lleges s mana nagin ing this s cris isis is • Unprecedented times for everyone. • Every aspect of what we do is affected. • Turning things round very fast. • Taking things step by step and in discussion. • Challenge of keeping up with the decisions to be made. • All students will be affected and will need support in 20/21 • AoC working to support and inform colleges through this. • Briefings, the resource hub and • Starting to think about the challenge of re-integrating students into learning and how things might need to change longer term: assessment, curriculum, regulation, structures etc.
Feedbac ack k on A Levels ls and GCSE webina inar Key issues raised by colleges: • Ranking of large cohorts • How the statistical model works for post 16 GCSE. • Centre trajectory Both topics and others form part of the Ofqual exam grading and assessment consulation – closing date 29 April Results days remain the same for A Level (13 August) and GCSE (20 August)
AoC webinar Exceptional arrangements for assessment and grading VTQs in summer 2020 21 April 2020
1. Ministerial direction and Ofqual’s advice document of 9 April 2. Overview of calculation and adaptation 3. Next steps 6
Ministerial Direction (1) ■ 31 March Direction covered GCSEs, AS and A levels, EPQ in England and AEA in maths ■ 9 April Direction covers VTQs and other GQs not covered by the first ■ Government policy is that learners are not disadvantaged compared to peers taking GQs. So where VTQs used for progression to and through employment, FE or HE, students should be issued results this summer to allow them to progress to the next stage of their lives ■ VTQ landscape is more complex – no one size fits all ■ Diverse learner groups, quals with different purposes, many AOs, different awarding approaches ■ Flexibility and pragmatism, principle of fairness ■ Broad levels of comparability with previous years – though challenge to maintenance of standards across years and to reliability of this year’s results. Reasonable measures to be taken to ensure safe, valid result 7
Ministerial Direction (2) ■ Ofqual to develop extraordinary regulatory framework setting out permitted approaches (calculate, adapt, delay) and circumstances for their use ■ Ofqual to provide advice to SoS setting out its views on which qualifications fall within each category; SoS to determine list of quals subject to Ofqual’s extraordinary framework ■ Taking account of needs of learners and stability of system (AOs and providers) ■ Ministerial Direction is not a signal that Ofqual is being asked to do things it is uncomfortable doing – it is merely the legal mechanism that enables us to go beyond our usual statutory remit 8
VTQs in scope of the direction ■ The direction applies to qualifications from entry level to level 6 that are approved for funding by ESFA ■ The main determinant after that is qualification purpose: 9
Calculate, adapt or delay? ■ In line with the government’s stated aim of ensuring parity between GQ and VTQ learners, to ensure VTQ learners can progress to HE/FE/employment, the following order of approaches is suggested: 1. Calculate results where possible 2. Where calculation cannot take place, consider adapting the existing assessments where possible 3. Reschedule assessments where it is clear that neither calculation nor adaptation are possible 10
Important points of detail ■ Includes learners who would have expected to have completed their assessments and/or received certificates during th spring/summer series . Could include some learners being assessed on modules in the first year of a two-year course (progression and centre manageability). ■ Working with AOs to consider carefully how to protect the interests of private candidates, who may not have a relationship with a school, college or training provider that is able to submit centre-assessed judgements. ■ Access to a right of appeal if the relevant process was not followed correctly by the awarding organisation. Under Ofqual’s General Conditions, an AO must allow appeals to results where it has not followed its own process. Publishing additional guidance to take account of the current exceptional circumstances. ■ Learners who do not feel their result reflects their ability should be able to complete an assessment at the next available opportunity ; many VTQs have a number of assessment windows during the autumn. Where autumn series not normally available, AOs should make additional assessment opportunities available, where sufficient demand exists and where meeting that demand would not create a disproportionate burden on awarding organisations or centres. Consultation point. ■ Want the process to be completed in a timely way so that learners can progress , and the aim is for them to receive results at the same time as GCSEs, AS and A level results. 11
Qualifications out of scope and implications ■ Some qualifications will not fall in scope: □ Qualifications at levels 7 and 8 □ Entry level qualifications (and at other levels as well) which are more generic in nature – for example life skills, or hobby-type qualifications. ■ Being out of scope will not automatically mean not issuing results □ It will mean that those qualifications will not come under the extraordinary regulatory framework □ This will change the onus around the issue of results and what might be expected of AOs 12
Aims ■ To ensure students can receive grades in these qualifications this summer so they can progress to the next stages of their lives without further disruption ■ The grades will be as valued as those of any other year ■ The approach will be fair Exceptional arrangements introduced to: ■ provide a framework for qualifications that, depending on their purpose, determines whether an awarding organisation should calculate results or adapt or delay assessments ■ enable schools, colleges and training providers to gather and consider the evidence they will submit to the Awarding Organisations where required to calculate a grade ■ inform learners whether they will receive a calculated result (and how it will be awarded) or be required to complete an assessment ■ enable Awarding Organisations to build the systems needed to issue results this summer and adapt assessments where this is necessary 13
Next steps ■ Ofqual will further develop the detail of the time-bound extraordinary regulatory framework for 2020 – a principles-based framework which will: □ Set out the detail of the technical approaches that can be used □ Provide more detail on how AOs make decisions on which approach to use ■ Consultation on our approach, and the extraordinary regulatory framework ■ Confirm the lists of qualifications that are in scope for each category (calculated results; adaptation of assessments; and delay). ■ In parallel with this, AOs will begin contacting their centres to provide more details. ■ We will continue to engage with the sector as our thinking develops. 14
AoC webinar Exceptional arrangements for assessment and grading VTQs in summer 2020 21 April 2020
Frequ quently ently ask sked ed que uestions stions • Will there be a public consultation on VTQs? • How will you approach the fact that centres will be offering both pre-existing and reformed VTQs? • Will there be a cost attached to appeals? • Do you envisage the use of remote online(proctored) assessment for any qualifications this year? • How will teacher training qualifications such as CET /DET be viewed, where the participants are able to complete assignments, but may not have had all of their observations? • Can you advise if the guidance provided is different for HNC and HND qualifications? • Will there be further details on ESOL assessment?
Frequ quen ently tly asked ed questio estions • What is happening with legacy assessments for Functional Skills (FS) within apprenticeships? • In apprenticeships, FS delivery may be an intensive block which has not yet been undertaken; prior coursework or knowledge of some of our students may not be known. How should we manage this? • What is the thinking on the impact on first year students undertaking two year VT qualifications? • Should we still be asking students to complete work?
Thank nk you covid19 id19@aoc.c uk cather ine.sezen@a en@aoc. uk eddie.pla e.playf yfair@a ir@aoc.c uk
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