Zero ero Emiss ssion on R Resea esearch Opportu tunity ity Making America First Manufacturing & Operating Electric Transit Vehicles April 2017
ZER ERO EM EMISSI SSION RESEAR ESEARCH OPPO PPORTUNITY (ZER ERO) • ZERO facilitates industry-led research coalitions to solve the challenges of cost-efficient electric transit fleets • Electric transit vehicles promise lower life cycle costs, cleaner air, and a quiet ride • World-wide, the electrification of transit vehicle propulsion systems is accelerating, creating an opportunity for American manufacturers and American jobs • Through ZERO and other activity, FTA is working with the US public transit industry to advance technology, share knowledge and assist early adopters 2
ZERO ZERO No Noti tice The initial ZERO notice was published in Nov 2016, closed in Feb 2017 • Seeking 3 non-profit research organizations to develop and manage • research consortia during 2017-2020. $2.75M is initially available • Additional funding in 2017-2020 is hoped for but not known at this time – The program will consider all transit modes • Program structure is based on the model developed under FTA’s • National Fuel Cell Bus Program – Non-profit consortia, funded by FTA, working with industry to create and manage transit research & demonstrations Selections and initial projects may be announced later this year • 3
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