takin ing the next xt step

Takin ing the next xt step: Fosterin ing self lf- determination - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Takin ing the next xt step: Fosterin ing self lf- determination in in young adult lts wit ith special l needs Marina Bresba & Amanda Saxe Riverside School Board & McGill University T O D AY S S C H E D U L E 1.

  1. Takin ing the next xt step: Fosterin ing self lf- determination in in young adult lts wit ith special l needs Marina Bresba & Amanda Saxe Riverside School Board & McGill University

  2. T O D AY ’ S S C H E D U L E 1. Self-Determination: What is it? 2. Self-Determination Literature Review 3. Group activity 4. Introducing Adam’s P.A.C.E. 5. Fostering self- determination at Adam’s P.A.C.E. 6. Group activity

  3. S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N : W H AT I S I T ? “…acting volitionally, making things happen in one’s life, and being the causal agent in one’s life” (Wehmeyer, 2015, p.21)

  4. S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N : W H AT I S I T ? Decisions are made: Consciously Deliberately With intent (Wehmeyer, 2007)

  5. S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N : W H AT I S I T N O T ? SD is not about not being influenced by other people, but being influenced and despite this, making decisions for yourself (Wehmeyer, 1999)

  6. S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N : W H AT I S I T N O T ? SD is not about needing to complete tasks independently, but being able to control how one completes a task (ie. asking for help when needed) (Wehmeyer, 1998)

  7. S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N : W H AT I S I T N O T ? SD is not avoiding making mistakes altogether, but re-evaluating your strategies and making changes as a result of mistakes. (Wehmeyer, 1998)

  8. H I S TO RY O F S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N L I T E R AT U R E Used to refer to nations who govern themselves (World War I) Personality and motivation research Disability literature in 1970s Used in the 1990s re. IDEA mandate (Wehmeyer, 1997, 1998)

  9. E S S E N T I A L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S O F S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N Autonomy Self-Regulation Psychological Self- Empowerment Realization (Wehmeyer, 1997, 2007)

  10. W H Y I S I T I M P O RTA N T F O R E D U C ATO R S TO H E L P T H E I R S T U D E N T S F O S T E R S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N ? • More students with disabilities being included in mainstream education (Denney & Daviso, 2012) • Many studies showing that students with disabilities are less likely to be self-determined (Wehmeyer, 2007) • All four essential characteristics of self-determination positively associated with enhanced quality of life (Lachapelle, 2005)

  11. A D U LT O U T C O M E S A N D S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N • More and more students with disabilities transitioning from school to workforce • Need for these individuals to have skills necessary for this transition so that they can be successful

  12. P O S I T I V E A D U LT O U T C O M E S A S S O C I AT E D W I T H H I G H E R S E L F - D E T E R M I N AT I O N A M O N G S T U D E N T S W I T H D E V E L O P M E N TA L D I S A B I L I T I E S • More likely to have own bank account • More likely to be employed • Higher wages • More likely to live independently • More likely to buy own groceries • More likely to receive job training • If employed, more likely to receive job benefits (Wehmeyer & Schwartz, 1996; Wehmeyer & Palmer, 2003)

  13. W H AT D O E S T H I S L O O K L I K E ? Choice-Making Decision-Making Problem-Solving Goal-Setting & Attainment Self-Advocacy & Leadership Self-Management & Self-Regulation Self-Awareness & Self-Knowledge

  14. • Need for instructional interventions that specifically target self-determination in order for these skills to be developed in students (Wehmeyer, 2007) • Specific interventions (ie. Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction) cause significant improvements in the self-determination of high school students with cognitive disabilities (Wehmeyer et al., 2012) • The earlier, the better! (Martin, Morehart, Lauzon, & Daviso, 2013)

  15. T H E I T P • Having students involved in the organization of their IEP allows them to practice using self-determination skills (Denney & Daviso, 2012; Martin et al., 2013) • Individual Transition Plans important for students with disabilities transitioning to adulthood • TÉVA: Transition École/Vie Active

  16. I T A L L S T A R T E D W I T H . . . A D A M ' S D R E A M

  17. A J O I N T P R O J E C T R I V E R S I D E S C H O O L B O A R D & C H A M P L A I N C O L L E G E S A I N T L A M B E R T

  18. O V E R V I E W • PACE : P ost-secondary, A lternative, C ommunity-based E ducation • An inclusive post-secondary program designed to meet the individual needs of RSB students aged 18-21 with developmental disabilities • Includes core academics, job & mobility training, college classes and activities, leisure and recreational activities, links with community supports, transition planning

  19. C O L L E G E L I F E • Audit courses • Clubs • FACT: Friendship and Community Ties • Activities • Friends • Convocation

  20. C O M M U N I T Y I N V O L V E M E N T • Wave Against Bullying • International Day of Persons with Disabilities • Fund-raisers for disaster relief, Heart & Stroke, Autism Speaks… • Hosting friends from neighbouring schools and programs • Community service & volunteering

  21. Aims to recognize, honour and promote students in all spheres of activity in society who have exhibited remarkable excellence and commitment while rigorously pursuing their studies.

  22. O U T C O M E S • Improved social & communication skills • Increased mobility in the community • Increased involvement in community leisure & recreational activities • WOTP certification or Challenges attestation (MELS) • Next steps: • Continuing education (DES, vocational ed., tutoring) • Volunteer work • Paid employment • Increased self- determination… #1 predictor of post -school success

  23. C H O I C E - M A K I N G • DEFINITION: Indicating one’s preference when given a set of choices. (Walter, Johnson, & Schomberg, 2009)

  24. C H O I C E - M A K I N G • Activities: Clubs, free time, field trips, class activities • Learning activities: IXL math, volunteering, cooking • Ways of approaching problems or assignments • Ways of demonstrating knowledge: PPT, Keynote, comic strip, models

  25. D E C I S I O N - M A K I N G • DEFINITION: Choosing one’s actions based on possible outcomes. (Walter, Johnson, & Schomberg, 2009)

  26. D E C I S I O N - M A K I N G • Audit courses • Stage choices • Class rules • Election guide • Explicit instruction

  27. P R O B L E M - S O L V I N G • DEFINITION: Thinking of solutions to difficult or unclear situations. (Walter, Johnson, & Schomberg, 2009)

  28. P R O B L E M - S O L V I N G • Life skills: Conflict resolution, “What Would You Do?” videos • Every day problems: Forgotten homework, money, lunch, material • Academic skills: strategies for solving math word problems

  29. G O A L - S E T T I N G & A T T A I N M E N T S K I L L S • DEFINITION: Thinking about what one wants to accomplish and making a plan for it. (Walter, Johnson, & Schomberg, 2009)

  30. G O A L - S E T T I N G & A T T A I N M E N T S K I L L S • Prerequisites for work and educational opportunities • SMART goal setting: short & long term • Individual goals & rewards, ex. “on time” goal

  31. S E L F - A D V O C A C Y & L E A D E R S H I P • DEFINITION: Being aware of one’s rights, communicating these rights to others, and being assertive.

  32. S E L F - A D V O C A C Y & L E A D E R S H I P FACT activities • Communication: styles, voice, body language, • asking for help Public speaking workshops • Team work, ex. FILM IT project with Spectrum • Productions, video tour (planning, writing, acting, filming, sound monitoring, directing, editing) Peer teaching, ex. travel train peers • Actively participating in & eventually leading their • own ITP meeting

  33. S E L F - R E G U L A T I O N & S E L F - M A N A G E M E N T S K I L L S • DEFINITION: Being aware of and making deliberate decisions regarding one’s behaviour, managing one’s own schedule, and self-instructing. (Walter, Johnson, & Schomberg, 2009)

  34. S E L F - M A N A G E M E N T & S E L F - R E G U L A T I O N S K I L L S • 5-Point Scale: emotions, volume, problem-size, group participation • Stress-management and self-calming: strategies & tools such as yoga, distractions, and positive self-talk • Personal schedule: activities, audit classes, meetings, class jobs • Time-management: Time Timer, time-checks, planning due dates

  35. S E L F - A W A R E N E S S & S E L F - K N O W L E D G E • DEFINITION: Being aware of, and making decisions based on, one’s strengths, difficulties, likes, and dislikes. (Walter, Johnson, & Schomberg, 2009)

  36. S E L F - A W A R E N E S S & S E L F - K N O W L E D G E • Portrait of Myself as a Young Worker: interests, abilities, knowledge & skills (education & training), work values & style • Daily Reflections • Self-assessments: learning style, spending habits, post-stage • This I Believe podcasts


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