Sustainability Indicators Board Meeting & Workshop July 25, 2019
S ustainability Indicators S ustainability indicators are the effects caused by groundwater conditions occurring throughout the basin that, when significant and unreasonable, become undesirable results
Chronic Lowering of Groundwater Levels S ignificant and unreasonable depletion of groundwater supply if continued over the next 50 years Note: this is a simplified unconfined aquifer example
North Fork Kings GS A – GW Level
S eawater Intrusion S ignificant and unreasonable seawater intrusion Effects overlying land uses and direct use of groundwater Not applicable in S anta Margarita Basin
Degraded Groundwater Quality S ignificant and unreasonable degraded groundwater quality caused by proj ects and management actions This is a “ do no harm” indicator – not required to address existing groundwater quality issues but cannot cause them to get worse Including the migration of contaminant plumes that impair water supplies
Land S ubsidence S ignificant and unreasonable land subsidence caused by changes in groundwater levels that substantially interferes with surface land uses Not applicable in S anta Margarita Basin
Depletion of Interconnected S urface Water Depletions of interconnected surface water caused by use of groundwater that have significant and unreasonable adverse impacts on beneficial uses of the surface water
Groundwater / S urface Water Interactions
Mid-County Groundwater Level Near Creek
Mid-County Groundwater Level Near Creek
Reduction of Groundwater in S torage S ignificant and unreasonable groundwater extractions from the basin that may lead to undesirable results Must be supported by the Basin sustainable yield
Mid-County Change in S torage
Iterative Process Groundwater Basin Conditions Model GS P Preliminary Minimum Thresholds Terminology & Concepts Proj ects & Management Actions Impact Assessment (Modeling) Finalize Measureable Obj ectives & Interim Milestones Finalize Proj ects & Management Actions Refine Minimum Thresholds Impact Assessment (Modeling) Refine Proj ects & Management Action Draft Measureable Obj ectives & Interim Milestones Impact Assessment (Modeling) Finalize Minimum Thresholds Repeat as Needed
S ustainable Management Criteria GS As must consider and document the conditions at which the 6 sustainability indicators become “ significant and unreasonable” in their Basin, These descriptions of significant and unreasonable conditions are later translated into quantitative “ undesirable results” . S ignificant and unreasonable conditions must be evaluated and monitored to determine “ minimum thresholds” A “ minimum threshold “ is the quantitative value for a representative monitoring site that, when exceeded individually or in combination with minimum thresholds at other monitoring sites, may cause an undesirable result(s) in the basin. GS As need to set minimum thresholds at representative monitoring sites for each applicable sustainability indicator AFTER considering the interests of beneficial uses and users.
Undesirable Results –An Iterative Approach
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