Sustainability Transition Assessment and Research of Bio-based Products Grant Agreement Number 727740 Operationalising criteria and indicators and setting up a benchmark platform Final workshop, April 28th 2020 Eva Merloni, Matthias Grill Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Sustainability Certification Tools Smart tools for bio-based products certification and for the design of new certification schemes A significant number of sustainability assessment and certification schemes exist for the bioeconomy sector A number of potential gaps regarding sustainability principles, criteria and indicators exist within these schemes The project has developed the SAT-ProBio framework aiming at assisting stakeholders in sustainability assessment and certification of bio-based products Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
The Sustainability Certification Tools Objective: to harmonize existing certification schemes, ensure professional management, facilitate continuous improvement and to guide the design of new certification schemes The Sustainability Certification Tools (SCT) integrate three smart tools: Benchmarking Platform (BP) to benchmark applicant certification schemes against the mutually agreed and approved BP Versions (Principles & Criteria plus Control Points) as well as the mutually agreed and approved FR Framework Management Rules (FR) that define «the rules of the game» Building Blocks (BB) that aims at comparing the criteria and indicators of participating schemes against those criteria and indicators identified and developed by STAR-ProBio and represetend through factsheets Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Benchmarking Platform (BP) Main Goals Developing a level playing field for certification systems Developing a setting of minimum required criteria (P&C, CP and System) Mutual recognition of certification systems and their products Supporting further individual development of participating certification schemes Main Project Steps Conducting an illustrative Benchmarking Exercise 1 Identifying a provisionally Certification Solution 2 Proposal for the Development of a Benchmarking Platform 3 Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Benchmarking Platform (BP) 1. Illustrative Benchmarking Exercise - Steps Selection of 3 prominent Certification Schemes: RSB EU/Global ISCC EU/PLUS REDcert EU/REDcert Definition of the Main Categorie s for the BP analysis (i.e legal compliace, best practices, internal assessment, risk analysis etc.) Allocation of the selected Scheme’s Control Points to these Main Categories (applied to Biomass Level & Chain of Custody Level) Interpretation of different approaches Identification of gaps and challenges Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Benchmarking Platform (BP) 2. Provisionally Certification Solution The Compensation of EU Legal Compliance is not fully compensated yet (especially for the Chain of Custody) The geographic coverage is only EU yet, since EU legislation is not fully addressed to Non EU A potential recognition of these certification schemes analyzed shall be timely limited, at least as long as no formal BP or another similar mechanism/tool will be recognized There is no full coherence in the P&C, as long as no formal BP or other similar mechanism/tools define binding and equal P&C for EU and Non EU regions * final harmonization pending Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Benchmarking Platform (BP) 3. Development of a potential BP Main technical advice <> Sustainability Benchmarking Good Practice Guide (ISEAL Alliance*, V 1.0, 07/2019) <> GSSI **, Global Benchmark Tool (V1, 10/2015) Management of a BP (divers suggested options - with related pro’s & con’s for each one) <> Management by participating Certification Schemes <> Management by a fully independent entity Major Principles ⚫ Transparency ⚫ Rigour (content sufficiently clear & detailed addressed) ⚫ Stakeholder engagement ⚫ Impartiality ⚫ Efficiency ⚫ Improvement * International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling Alliance ** GSSI – Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Benchmarking Platform (BP) 3. Development of a potential BP & FR Application to all the supply chain elements (Last interface, processing, transport, trade and storage, biomass production and collection, waste origination and collection) FR: clear framework rules (audit system, management system, accreditation, membership or recognition by official organizations or government bodies, rules for the affiliation and rules for cross-accceptance of certificates from other certification schemes). Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Benchmarking Platform (BP) 3. Development of a potential BP / Specific Aspects Inventory of Principle & Criteria, Control Points + Scoring System Initial definition of binding (basic) versions Additional clear defined Performance Levels (scoring) All Criteria and CP at each level shall be non selective BP result and performance publically displayed → Clearly specified basic set of Criteria & Indicators CP! (BP V1.0) Basic Level → Basic level plus additional requirements / P&C and CP! Advanced Level → Advanced level plus additional requirements / P&C and CP! Excellent Level Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Benchmarking Platform (BP) 3. Development of a potential BP / Specific Aspects Register of Materials, Register of Measurables (both permanently maintained!) Register of Measurables Register of Materials A separate and permanently maintained register shall become an integrated part of the BP Feedstock - Biomass Agricultural and forestry biomass - no conversion Recognition of tools, methodologies, thresholds, values, Feedstock – Waste & Residues Waste & Residues institutes, etc. – as per origination ( biogenic) In practice such a register shall be mutually recognized, Intermediate Products Processed and transformed biogenic materials (biogenic) updated and permanently communicated by the Intermediate Products Co-processed intermediate Convener or final materials (fossil & compound) Intermediate fossil materials Non biogenic input materials Already existing approaches and examples may be found for co-processing (non biogenic) in the RED I and RED II with an agreed GHG Calculation Final Products & Claims Final Products / B2C Methodology, Standard- and Default Values, Tools such produced by Last Interface as Biograce in its last version, Clarifications on ILUC, etc. Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Benchmarking Platform (BP) 3. Development of a potential BP – Overall picture Benchmarking Process and interactions between BP, FR and BB elements Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Building Blocks (BB) Objectives: to organize STAR-ProBio criteria and indicators according the general logic of a product certification approach to prepare a coherent and uniform presentation to address gaps which have been identified by the Benchmarking Platform Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Building Blocks (BB) STAR-ProBio criteria and indicators have been sourced from different methodological approaches and perspectives and are organised around these principles: Minimize global warming potential. Minimize the indirect impacts on natural lands OR pressure on agricultural land. Promote the positive and reduce the negative im- pacts on Environmental ecosystems and biodiversity. Protect soil quality and productivity. Conserve and protect water resources. Promote good air quality. Minimize the emission of chemicals. Promote the prevention of non-renewable energy resource depletion. Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Building Blocks (BB) STAR-ProBio criteria and indicators have been sourced from different methodological approaches and perspectives and are organised around these principles: Limit the use of high concern materials. Promote efficient use of material resources and the prevention of resource depletion. Circularity Promote the renewability fraction of products. Promote the efficient use of energy. Promote the efficient use of water. Promote Circularity and End of Life options. Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
Building Blocks (BB) STAR-ProBio criteria and indicators have been sourced from different methodological approaches and perspectives and are organised around these principles: Respect Labour Rights. Respect health and safety of end users. Promote consumer satisfaction. Promote transparency. Respect of health and safety of local communities. Promote local Social and techno-economic development. Respect land use rights. Respect Food Security. Promote fair competition in the market. Sustainable Manufacturing – Techno-economically sound manufacturing. Sustainable Alternative End-of-Life Routes – Tech- no-economically sound EoL options Funded by the EU H2020 Programme
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