dr kok siew ng research fellow

Dr. Kok Siew Ng Research Fellow Centre for Environment and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dr. Kok Siew Ng Research Fellow Centre for Environment and Sustainability (CES) Indicators and Metrics for Socially Inclusive Waste Management and Resource Efficiency in Supply Chains: Measuring and Repor>ng to Embed Sustainability in Policy

  1. Dr. Kok Siew Ng Research Fellow Centre for Environment and Sustainability (CES) Indicators and Metrics for Socially Inclusive Waste Management and Resource Efficiency in Supply Chains: Measuring and Repor>ng to Embed Sustainability in Policy and Prac>ce Florianópolis, Brazil: 23 – 25 May 2017

  2. Overview q Introduc>on v EducaCon and career path v Research overview v Sustainable industrial system design strategies v Avenues for collaboraCon q Research in Sustainable Industrial Systems Design v UK and internaConal projects q Summary and Acknowledgement 2

  3. My EducaCon and Career Path MEng Chemical Engineering & Chemistry 2004 PhD Chemical Engineering (Process Integration) 2008 Visiting Researcher Consultant 2011 Research Fellow 2015 3

  4. Research Overview Sustainable industrial systems design through Research Theme decarbonised polygenera>on strategy • Developing strategies for systema>c design and Research integra>on of sustainable industrial systems Objec>ves • Improving resource and energy recovery • Integrated biorefinery systems design • Decarbonised energy systems Research Areas • Resource recovery 4

  5. PolygeneraCon – The Concept — An advanced and highly integrated system concept. Features • Flexible : Product generaCon and feedstock uClisaCon • Integrated : High level resource and energy uClisaCon and recovery. 5

  6. System Thinking, Design & Analysis Waste Management Social Assessment? Resource Recovery / Emission Reduc>on Emissions / Wastes Feed Product System Cost Price Availability Demand Capital and operaCng costs Environmental Impact Purity IntegraCon LogisCc Yield / SelecCvity Conversion Environmental Impact Energy efficiency Environmental Impact Safety 6

  7. Integrated Process Design Strategy Policy Life Cycle Assessment Environmen + Social t Economic Analysis Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) Process Integra>on + Resource Recovery Energy Process + Emission Reduc>on Synthesis & Modelling 7

  8. 3E Assessment for PolygeneraCon Systems Energy GHG Energy Feed Assessment Intensity Intensity Recovery Energy PolygeneraCon Economy Economic Domain system Environment 3E Index Products Mul>ple products (polygenera>on) system: v v v n ⎡ ⎤ n ⎡ ⎤ n ⎡ ⎤ Δ Δ Δ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ p p f I EI GHGI LHV ER ∑ ∑ ∑ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ = × + × × − × ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 3 E i ⎜ ⎟ i p , i ⎜ ⎟ i ⎜ ⎟ TAC TAC TAC Δ Δ Δ ⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥ ⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥ ⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥ i 1 i 1 i 1 ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ = = = i i i Ng, K.S., MarCnez Hernandez, E., 2016. A systemaCc framework for energeCc, environmental and economic (3E) 8 assessment and design of polygeneraCon systems , Chem Eng Res Des , 106: 1-25.

  9. Avenues for CollaboraCon — Fostering mulCdisciplinary research in sustainable industrial system design Techno- Process Environmental Economic Systems LCA Analysis Engineering Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) Social Policy Assessment 9

  10. q Integrated biorefinery systems v UK-Mexico Project v UK-Malaysia Project q Resource recovery and waste management v Resource recovery project v Waste management project 10

  11. UK-Mexico Project 1. Economic Value Genera>on and Social Welfare by Waste Biorefining (2016-2017) — ObjecCves: Develop integrated processes for high-efficiency and flexible uClisaCon of lignocellulose to produce biofuels and added-value products. — Scopes: aviaCon fuel producCon, lignin valorisaCon, chemical producCon, biomass supply chain modelling — Focused on Mexico local agricultural residues (e.g. sugarcane bagasse, agave bagasse) 11

  12. UK-Malaysia Project 2. Techno-economic Evalua>ons for Feasibility of Sago-based Biorefinery (2013-2014) Sago Palm Acknowledgement: Dr. Yoke Kin Wan 12

  13. Scopes — Examining the economic feasibility of sago-based CHP system in Malaysia context — SensiCvity analysis on payback period based on variaCons in feedstock cost, boiler efficiency and type of biomass Acknowledgement: Dr. Yoke Kin Wan 13

  14. Resource Recovery Project 3. Resource Recovery from Wastewater using Bioelectrochemical Systems (METEORR), 2015-2017 Academic Partners Industrial Partners Interna>onal Partners 14

  15. Scopes — Bioelectrochemical Systems (BES) Ø Wastewater treatment + resource recovery (metal) + energy generaCon Microbial Electrosynthesis Cell (MEC) Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Product genera>on Electricity genera>on • Examining the economic performance and environmental impacts of copper recovery from disCllery wastewater using MFC/MEC systems. • SensiCvity analysis of MFC and MEC parameters on LCA. 15

  16. Waste Management Project 4. Mul>-parametric Assessment of Policies for Resource Recovery from Waste (MAPeRR), 2016-2017 Thermal & biological Agriculture energy recovery and food Biomass supply chain produc>on Ash disposal and nutrient recovery Mineral extrac>on Digestate & nutrient disposal & Food waste and fuel produc>on 16 nutrient recovery prepara>on

  17. Scopes — Phase 1: Reviewing key policies and regulaCons relevant to organic waste management Ø SWOT analysis — Phase 2: QualitaCve and quanCtaCve analyses of impact associated with resource recovery from organic waste management system Ø PESTEL (poliCcal, environmental, social, technological, economic and legal) Ø LCA 17

  18. Summary Success in resource recovery and waste management projects requires: — MulCdisciplinary research approach — Experience sharing and learning through internaConal collaboraCon — Applying systems approach and enhancing exisCng methodology (e.g. to include policy and social assessment). 18

  19. Acknowledgement — METEORR team Ø Prof. Ian Head (Newcastle), Dr. Eileen Yu (Newcastle), Dr. Ed Milner (Newcastle), Dr. Ana Suarez-Suarez (Newcastle), Prof. Keith Scoj (Newcastle), Prof. Giuliano Premier (South Wales), Prof. Jon Lyold (Manchester), Dr. Hitesh Boghani (South Wales), Dr. Rick Kimber (Manchester), Chivas Brothers. — MAPeRR team Ø Dr. Eleni Iacovidou (Leeds), Dr. Jonathan Busch (Leeds), John Hahladakis (Leeds), Helen Baxter (Hull/Glasgow), Ben Herbert (Stopford Energy and Environment) — Interna>onal collaborators Ø Prof. Denny KS Ng (Nolngham Malaysia), Dr. Yoke Kin Wan (Nolngham/Taylor’s Malaysia), Dr. Jorge Aburto (IMP, Mexico), Dr. José Amador Honorato-Salazar (INIFAP, Mexico), Dr. E. Torres Garcia (IMP, Mexico) — UK collaborators Ø Dr. Jhuma Sadhukhan (Surrey), Dr. Elias MarCnez Hernandez (Bath), Dr. Anne Velenturf (Leeds) — Funders Ø NERC, Royal Academy of Engineering, Crops for the Future 19

  20. Thank you! 20


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