Dr. Kok Siew Ng Research Fellow Centre for Environment and Sustainability (CES) Indicators and Metrics for Socially Inclusive Waste Management and Resource Efficiency in Supply Chains: Measuring and Repor>ng to Embed Sustainability in Policy and Prac>ce Florianópolis, Brazil: 23 – 25 May 2017
Overview q Introduc>on v EducaCon and career path v Research overview v Sustainable industrial system design strategies v Avenues for collaboraCon q Research in Sustainable Industrial Systems Design v UK and internaConal projects q Summary and Acknowledgement 2
My EducaCon and Career Path MEng Chemical Engineering & Chemistry 2004 PhD Chemical Engineering (Process Integration) 2008 Visiting Researcher Consultant 2011 Research Fellow 2015 3
Research Overview Sustainable industrial systems design through Research Theme decarbonised polygenera>on strategy • Developing strategies for systema>c design and Research integra>on of sustainable industrial systems Objec>ves • Improving resource and energy recovery • Integrated biorefinery systems design • Decarbonised energy systems Research Areas • Resource recovery 4
PolygeneraCon – The Concept An advanced and highly integrated system concept. Features • Flexible : Product generaCon and feedstock uClisaCon • Integrated : High level resource and energy uClisaCon and recovery. 5
System Thinking, Design & Analysis Waste Management Social Assessment? Resource Recovery / Emission Reduc>on Emissions / Wastes Feed Product System Cost Price Availability Demand Capital and operaCng costs Environmental Impact Purity IntegraCon LogisCc Yield / SelecCvity Conversion Environmental Impact Energy efficiency Environmental Impact Safety 6
Integrated Process Design Strategy Policy Life Cycle Assessment Environmen + Social t Economic Analysis Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) Process Integra>on + Resource Recovery Energy Process + Emission Reduc>on Synthesis & Modelling 7
3E Assessment for PolygeneraCon Systems Energy GHG Energy Feed Assessment Intensity Intensity Recovery Energy PolygeneraCon Economy Economic Domain system Environment 3E Index Products Mul>ple products (polygenera>on) system: v v v n ⎡ ⎤ n ⎡ ⎤ n ⎡ ⎤ Δ Δ Δ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ p p f I EI GHGI LHV ER ∑ ∑ ∑ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ = × + × × − × ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 3 E i ⎜ ⎟ i p , i ⎜ ⎟ i ⎜ ⎟ TAC TAC TAC Δ Δ Δ ⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥ ⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥ ⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥ i 1 i 1 i 1 ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ = = = i i i Ng, K.S., MarCnez Hernandez, E., 2016. A systemaCc framework for energeCc, environmental and economic (3E) 8 assessment and design of polygeneraCon systems , Chem Eng Res Des , 106: 1-25.
Avenues for CollaboraCon Fostering mulCdisciplinary research in sustainable industrial system design Techno- Process Environmental Economic Systems LCA Analysis Engineering Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) Social Policy Assessment 9
q Integrated biorefinery systems v UK-Mexico Project v UK-Malaysia Project q Resource recovery and waste management v Resource recovery project v Waste management project 10
UK-Mexico Project 1. Economic Value Genera>on and Social Welfare by Waste Biorefining (2016-2017) ObjecCves: Develop integrated processes for high-efficiency and flexible uClisaCon of lignocellulose to produce biofuels and added-value products. Scopes: aviaCon fuel producCon, lignin valorisaCon, chemical producCon, biomass supply chain modelling Focused on Mexico local agricultural residues (e.g. sugarcane bagasse, agave bagasse) 11
UK-Malaysia Project 2. Techno-economic Evalua>ons for Feasibility of Sago-based Biorefinery (2013-2014) Sago Palm Acknowledgement: Dr. Yoke Kin Wan 12
Scopes Examining the economic feasibility of sago-based CHP system in Malaysia context SensiCvity analysis on payback period based on variaCons in feedstock cost, boiler efficiency and type of biomass Acknowledgement: Dr. Yoke Kin Wan 13
Resource Recovery Project 3. Resource Recovery from Wastewater using Bioelectrochemical Systems (METEORR), 2015-2017 Academic Partners Industrial Partners Interna>onal Partners 14
Scopes Bioelectrochemical Systems (BES) Ø Wastewater treatment + resource recovery (metal) + energy generaCon Microbial Electrosynthesis Cell (MEC) Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Product genera>on Electricity genera>on • Examining the economic performance and environmental impacts of copper recovery from disCllery wastewater using MFC/MEC systems. • SensiCvity analysis of MFC and MEC parameters on LCA. 15
Waste Management Project 4. Mul>-parametric Assessment of Policies for Resource Recovery from Waste (MAPeRR), 2016-2017 Thermal & biological Agriculture energy recovery and food Biomass supply chain produc>on Ash disposal and nutrient recovery Mineral extrac>on Digestate & nutrient disposal & Food waste and fuel produc>on 16 nutrient recovery prepara>on
Scopes Phase 1: Reviewing key policies and regulaCons relevant to organic waste management Ø SWOT analysis Phase 2: QualitaCve and quanCtaCve analyses of impact associated with resource recovery from organic waste management system Ø PESTEL (poliCcal, environmental, social, technological, economic and legal) Ø LCA 17
Summary Success in resource recovery and waste management projects requires: MulCdisciplinary research approach Experience sharing and learning through internaConal collaboraCon Applying systems approach and enhancing exisCng methodology (e.g. to include policy and social assessment). 18
Acknowledgement METEORR team Ø Prof. Ian Head (Newcastle), Dr. Eileen Yu (Newcastle), Dr. Ed Milner (Newcastle), Dr. Ana Suarez-Suarez (Newcastle), Prof. Keith Scoj (Newcastle), Prof. Giuliano Premier (South Wales), Prof. Jon Lyold (Manchester), Dr. Hitesh Boghani (South Wales), Dr. Rick Kimber (Manchester), Chivas Brothers. MAPeRR team Ø Dr. Eleni Iacovidou (Leeds), Dr. Jonathan Busch (Leeds), John Hahladakis (Leeds), Helen Baxter (Hull/Glasgow), Ben Herbert (Stopford Energy and Environment) Interna>onal collaborators Ø Prof. Denny KS Ng (Nolngham Malaysia), Dr. Yoke Kin Wan (Nolngham/Taylor’s Malaysia), Dr. Jorge Aburto (IMP, Mexico), Dr. José Amador Honorato-Salazar (INIFAP, Mexico), Dr. E. Torres Garcia (IMP, Mexico) UK collaborators Ø Dr. Jhuma Sadhukhan (Surrey), Dr. Elias MarCnez Hernandez (Bath), Dr. Anne Velenturf (Leeds) Funders Ø NERC, Royal Academy of Engineering, Crops for the Future 19
Thank you! 20
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