ryotaku suzuki kyoto university

Ryotaku Suzuki (Kyoto University) with Roberto Emparan (University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ryotaku Suzuki (Kyoto University) with Roberto Emparan (University of Barcelona, ICREA) JGRG22, November 12-16, 2012, RESCEU SYMPOSIUM 1. Introduction 2. Large D limit 3. Dispersion relation 4. Summary 1. Introduction 2. Large D limit 3.

  1. Ryotaku Suzuki (Kyoto University) with Roberto Emparan (University of Barcelona, ICREA) JGRG22, November 12-16, 2012, RESCEU SYMPOSIUM

  2. 1. Introduction 2. Large D limit 3. Dispersion relation 4. Summary

  3. 1. Introduction 2. Large D limit 3. Dispersion relation 4. Summary

  4. Why y higher r dimension nsion ? String theory  spacetime dimension > 4 -Various compactification -Large extra dimension  higher dimensional gravity Black ck hole in Higher r Dimensio nsion  No uniqueness, No topology theorem -Black String, Brane ( KK spacetime ) - Black Ring, Black Saturn, etc… Gregory ry-Laflam flamme Instabil abilit ity Characteristic in extended black object ( sting, brane ,…) Long wave length instability ~ hydrodynamic instability 1/10

  5.  In 1993, Gregory and Laflamme found a long wave length instability of black string (brane) Gregory, Laflamme, 1994 threshold : thickness ~ wave length Importanc ance -Universal property for extended objects -Determine Phase Diagram in KK spacetime UniformBS – NUBS – (caged) Black hole 2/10

  6. 1. Introduction 2. Large D limit 3. Dispersion relation 4. Summary

  7. Numerical Analys ysis Sorkin (2004) studied the threshold mode numerically up to D=50 and observed dimensionless mass Large ge D limit Kol, Sorkin(2004), Asnin, et.al.(2007) solved analytically the threshold mode in large D limit  agree with Sorkin(2004) Matched d asymptotic otic expansion on new coordinate near horizon expand with1/n asymptotic expand with 3/10

  8.  Camps et.al(2010) studied the instability in long wave length limit  Narvier-Stokes Eq. +viscosity dispersion relation valid up to k^3 highly coincident with numerical data even k is large ! they proposed at large D Camps, Emparan, Nidal (2010) Question estion Can we prove this dispersion relation analytically ? 4/10

  9. 1. Introduction 2. Large D limit 3. Dispersion relation 4. Summary

  10. n = D - 4 Large D  Large n Black k String g backgrou ound Scalar Perturbati tion on with Transve verse-Traceless gauge Master r equation ion for Assumption  Same equation in GL94 5/10

  11. “Good” coordinate in Large D (used in Asnin et. al. (2007)) the effect of the horizon correctly incorporated at large D expansion up to 1/n  leading g solution tion in asymptotic region  require up to 6/10

  12. Leadin ing g order f(r)  1 Expansion with regularity at the infinity modified Bessel of 2 nd kind  Next to Leadin ing modified Bessel Eq. with source term Using Green function  just contribute to ovarall scaling (up to 1/n) 7/10

  13. Asymptotic solution Leading at near horizon  Sub-leading at near horizon and  8/10

  14. At X -> 1, the regular solution is large n limit matched solution  Leading g order matching  Expected growing mode !! 9/10

  15. 1. Introduction 2. Large D limit 3. Dispersion relation 4. Summary

  16.  We analytically solved the scalar perturbation on black brane in large D limit and obtained the expected dispersion relation.  Our calculation shows that large D expansion should be useful analytic approximation in higher dimension. Application to another situation seems possible in the similar way. 10/10

  17. Master Eq has a singular point between horizon and the infinity We first attempted to do matching at the singular point as Kol, Sorkin (2004) B.C  LO trivial. NLO trivial…  trivial……. NNLO 

  18. As B.C. for asymptotic sols, Kol,Sorkin(2004) used because master Eq. is singular at they say since  But, since 1/r^n ~ 1/n at r_s, NLO should affect the matching. We calculated the next order and … Trivial matching !!  canceled coincidence or reflecting some physics ?


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