reading skills and spag week commencing 28th september

Reading Skills and SPaG Week commencing 28th September 2020 Monday: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Reading Skills and SPaG Week commencing 28th September 2020 Monday: Spelling Bee; SPaG games Tuesday: New Spellings activity; Reading Skills Wednesday: Spellings activity;

  1. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Reading Skills and SPaG Week commencing 28th September 2020 Monday: Spelling Bee; SPaG games Tuesday: New Spellings activity; Reading Skills Wednesday: Spellings activity; SPaG ­ commas Thursday: Spellings activity; Reading Skills, SPaG ­ Commas Friday: Spellings activity; Reading Skills 1

  2. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Monday28thSeptember2020 LO:ToassessSpellingsofc/cewords 1.Icandrawacircle. 2.Iliveinthecity. 3.Youhaveaniceface! 4.Let'shavearace. 5.Mindtheice! 6.Iwouldliketogotospace. 7.Thatisafancybicycle. 2

  3. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Monday28thSeptember2020 Pleaseplaythegametohelpyouwithsentencesor punctation. 3

  4. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Tuesday29thSeptember2020LO:Tointroducespellings withdge/gespellingpattern Spellingwords: age village change charge edge dodge badge bridge 4

  5. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 T uesday29thSeptember2020LO:Tointroducespellings withdge/gespellingpattern Fillthemissingwordsinthesentences 5

  6. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Tuesday29thSeptember2020ReadingSkills LO:Toreadandfamiliariseourselveswiththisweek's text. 6

  7. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptember2020Spellingactivity 7

  8. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptemberSPaG LO:Torecognisecommasinalist 8

  9. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptemberSPaG LO:Torecognisecommasinalist Usingacomma insteadof'and' 9

  10. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptemberSPaG LO:Torecognisecommasinalist 10

  11. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptemberSPaG LO:Torecognisecommasinalist 11

  12. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptemberSPaG LO:Torecognisecommasinalist 12

  13. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptemberSPaG LO:Torecognisecommasinalist 13

  14. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptemberSPaG LO:Torecognisecommasinalist 14

  15. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptemberSPaG LO:Torecognisecommasinalist 15

  16. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Wednesday30thSeptemberSPaG Activity LO:Torecognisecommasinalist 16

  17. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 T hursday1stOctoberSPaG (Spellings) Drawalinetomatchthewordwiththepicture 17

  18. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Thursday1stOctoberReadingskills Highlightandanswerthesequestions(teachermodellingthis week.Childrenwillrecordanswersnextweek) 1.Isthisafictionornon fictiontext? 2.Atwhichtheatreisthe pantomimeshowing? 3.WhichcityisThePalace Theatrein?a)Londonb) Manchesterc)Coventry 4.Howmuchwouldaticket costforamemberofYear2?  18

  19. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Friday2ndOctoberSpellingactivity. 243 age 19

  20. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 Friday2ndOctoberReadingSkills. 1.HighlightThePalaceTheatre websiteaddress.Ifyoudon't haveacomputer,howwould youbuyaticket? 2.Therearelotsofvillains andheroesinpantomimes. Drawonefromthisshow. 20

  21. Yr 2 Reading skills and SPaG week of 28.9.20.notebook September 26, 2020 21


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