polling auctions

Polling + Auctions Anna Karlin Agenda idealized An application - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Polling + Auctions Anna Karlin Agenda idealized An application of The Central Limit Theorem Polling A glimpse of auction theory Magic mushrooms He were Yesterday, Oregonians are voting on whether to legalize the F therapeutic use

  1. Polling + Auctions Anna Karlin

  2. Agenda idealized ● An application of The Central Limit Theorem – Polling ● A glimpse of auction theory

  3. Magic mushrooms He were Yesterday, Oregonians are voting on whether to legalize the F therapeutic use of “magic mushrooms”. If you take a "heroic" dose, supposedly, “the ego dissolves and the user feels inseparable from the rest of the universe.” to determine fraction of population Poll in favor be voting that will good estimate is this call up a random sample n how choose empirical Aachen report

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  6. The Central Limit Theorem Consider i.i.d. (independent, identically distributed) random vars X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , … Xn Where X i has μ = E[X i ] and σ 2 = Var[X i ] standardize As n → ∞, do O n µ, σ 2 ✓ ◆ M n = 1 I X Restated: As n → ∞, X i → N n n EEEpa.FI i =1 YefpiIfI

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  10. The Standard Normal CDF ETH337 0.99

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  12. Beep Xp X Berge prcx.ie o XED Pr X PrfXoa l XEO

  13. END PIC Alex Tsun Joshua Fan

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