Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Maths week commencing 5th October 2020 Week Overview of learning: Block 2 Addition and Subtraction to 20; check calculations; compare number sentences; know your bonds.
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Monday 5.10.20 LO: To find fact families (Year 1 recovery curriculum) Success Criteria: I can use a part whole model I can read and use + and I can understand the purpose of =
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Monday 5.10.20 LO: To find fact families Answers to Friday's FB 4
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Starter FB4 Monday 5.10.20 LO: To find fact families
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 main Monday 5.10.20 LO: To find fact families Maths teaching video separately downloaded but also here: https://vimeo.com/461736938
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Monday 5.10.20 LO: To find fact families Activity pg 1
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Monday 5.10.20 LO: To find fact families Activity pg 2
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Monday 5.10.20 LO: To find fact families Problem solving Plenary
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To check calculations Success Criteria: I can use resources to check calculations I can check calculations in more than one way I can use share strategies for checking calculations
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Yesterday's Flashback 4 starter Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To check calculations
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To check calculations Today's Flashback 4
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To check calculations Main https://vimeo.com/461791410
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Activity Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To check calculations
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Problem solving mini plenary Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To check calculations
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To compare number sentences Success Criteria I can find missing values in number sentences I can find different numbers to make the same total I can compare calculations using < > =
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To compare number sentences Main https://vimeo.com/461836693
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Activity Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To compare number sentences
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To compare number sentences Activity p2
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Wednesday 7.10.20 LO: To compare number sentences Problem solving plenary
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Thursday 8.10.20 LO: To know my number bonds to 10 Success Criteria I can use resources to solve calculations I can explain commutativity I can show that I spot different number bonds for the same total
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Thursday 8.10.20 LO: To know my number bonds to 10 Yesterday's FB 4
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Thursday 8.10.20 LO: To know my number bonds to 10 FB4 Starter
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Main Thursday 8.10.20 LO: To know my number bonds to 10 https://vimeo.com/462380184
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Activities Thursday 8.10.20 LO: To know my number bonds to 10
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Activity p2 Thursday 8.10.20 LO: To know my number bonds to 10
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Plenary Thursday 8.10.20 LO: To know my number bonds to 10
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Friday 9.10.20 LO: To find related facts Success Criteria: I can use resources to show related facts I can complete part whole models I can find missing numbers in related facts
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Friday 9.10.20 LO: To find related facts Yesterday's FB 4
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Friday 9.10.20 LO: To find related facts Today's FB4
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Friday 9.10.20 LO: To find related facts Main https://vimeo.com/461840544
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Friday 9.10.20 LO: To find related facts Activity pg 1
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Friday 9.10.20 LO: To find related facts Activity Page 2
Yr 2 Maths teaching slides week of 5.10.20.notebook October 03, 2020 Friday 9.10.20 LO: To find related facts Problem Solving plenary
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