
PVMD Delft University of Technology Learning objectives 1. Solar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Calculating Solar Position Olindo Isabella PVMD Delft University of Technology Learning objectives 1. Solar irradiance 2. Sun movement 1. Coordinates for sun location Geographic coordinates system Celestial coordinates system 2.

  1. Calculating Solar Position Olindo Isabella PVMD Delft University of Technology

  2. Learning objectives 1. Solar irradiance 2. Sun movement 1. Coordinates for sun location • Geographic coordinates system • Celestial coordinates system 2. Solar position from Latitude, Longitude and Time • Sun’s position calculator • Analemma 3. Tilt angle 4. Landscape survey 5. Advanced irradiance modelling

  3. Sun’s position: flow chart Delft Latitude, φ 0 Latitude φ 0 : 52.01 ° N Longitude λ 0 : 4.36 ° E Longitude, λ 0 φ 0 λ 0

  4. Sun’s position: flow chart Latitude, φ 0 Longitude, λ 0 Date & Time

  5. Sun’s position: flow chart Latitude, φ 0 Longitude, λ 0 Date & Time Axial Tilt, ε Solar Energy Book by A. Smets et al.

  6. Sun’s position: LMST Latitude, φ 0 LMST - θ L Longitude, λ 0 Date & Time Axial Tilt, ε Solar Energy Book by A. Smets et al.

  7. Sun’s position: Ecliptic Longitude Latitude, φ 0 LMST - θ L Longitude, λ 0 Ecliptic Date & Time Longitude λ S Axial Tilt, ε Solar Energy Book by A. Smets et al.

  8. Sun’s position: Altitude and Azimuth Latitude, φ 0 LMST - θ L Longitude, λ 0 Altitude - a S Azimuth - A S Ecliptic Date & Time Longitude λ S Axial Tilt, ε

  9. Sun’s position Altitude - a S Azimuth - A S Solar Energy Book by A. Smets et al.

  10. Sun’s position: coordinates changes 1 st coordinates change 2 nd coordinates change Solar Energy Book by A. Smets et al.

  11. The Analemma Delft, 12h 70 Summer solstice 60 50 Altitude (°) Spring equinox Autumn equinox 40 30 20 10 Winter solstice 0 175 180 185 190 195 Azimuth (°)

  12. Recap 70 Latitude, φ 0 Summer solstice 60 50 Longitude, λ 0 Autumn equinox Spring equinox Altitude (°) 40 Altitude - a S Azimuth - A S 30 Date & Time 20 10 Winter solstice Axial Tilt, ε 0 175 180 185 190 195 Azimuth (°)


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