
Probability 3.1 Discrete Random Variables Basics Anna Karlin Most - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Probability 3.1 Discrete Random Variables Basics Anna Karlin Most slides by Alex Tsun Agenda Intro to Discrete Random Variables Probability Mass Functions Cumulative Distribution function Expectation Flipping two coins Random

  1. Probability 3.1 Discrete Random Variables Basics Anna Karlin Most slides by Alex Tsun

  2. Agenda ● Intro to Discrete Random Variables ● Probability Mass Functions ● Cumulative Distribution function ● Expectation

  3. Flipping two coins

  4. Random Variable

  5. 20 balls numbered 1..20 ● Draw a subset of 3 uniformly at random. ● Let X = maximum of the numbers on the 3 balls. 9 1 11 1 I support 203 a 20 b 18 c d F

  6. Random Variable

  7. Identify those RVs a b c d Which cont Whichhas Range 42,3 a a b b 4 c d d

  8. Random Picture

  9. Flipping two coins

  10. Flipping two coins i

  11. Flipping two coins

  12. Probability Mass Function (PMF)

  13. Probability Mass Function (PMF)

  14. 20 balls numbered 1..20 ● Draw a subset of 3 uniformly at random. ● Let X = maximum of the numbers on the 3 balls.

  15. Probability Mass Function (PMF)

  16. 20 balls numbered 1..20 ● Draw a subset of 3 uniformly at random. ● Let X = maximum of the numbers on the 3 balls. ● Pr (X = 20) a Kaka ● Pr (X = 18) b Ypg c Ma d ag

  17. <latexit sha1_base64="sRHOyOvZfuCwr5D5z+nUz+WLjz4=">AB7nicbVDLSgNBEOz1GeMr6tHLYBDiJexGQY9BQTxGMA9IljA7mU2GzM4uM71iCPkILx4U8er3ePNvnCR70MSChqKqm+6uIJHCoOt+Oyura+sbm7mt/PbO7t5+4eCwYeJUM15nsYx1K6CGS6F4HQVK3ko0p1EgeTMY3kz95iPXRsTqAUcJ9yPaVyIUjKVmrfdVunpjHQLRbfszkCWiZeRImSodQtfnV7M0ogrZJIa0/bcBP0x1SiY5JN8JzU8oWxI+7xtqaIRN/54du6EnFqlR8JY21JIZurviTGNjBlFge2MKA7MojcV/PaKYZX/lioJEWu2HxRmEqCMZn+TnpCc4ZyZAlWthbCRtQTRnahPI2BG/x5WXSqJS983Ll/qJYvc7iyMExnEAJPLiEKtxBDerAYAjP8ApvTuK8O/Ox7x1xclmjuAPnM8f9lKOqg=</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="hL+FaLtOT9luwfLW3Ut08xl3Pcw=">AB6HicbVDLTgJBEOzF+IL9ehlIjHxRHbRI9ELx4hkUcCGzI79MLI7OxmZtZICF/gxYPGePWTvPk3DrAHBSvpFLVne6uIBFcG9f9dnJr6xubW/ntws7u3v5B8fCoqeNUMWywWMSqHVCNgktsG4EthOFNAoEtoLR7cxvPaLSPJb3ZpygH9GB5CFn1Fip/tQrltyOwdZJV5GSpCh1it+dfsxSyOUhgmqdcdzE+NPqDKcCZwWuqnGhLIRHWDHUkj1P5kfuiUnFmlT8JY2ZKGzNXfExMaT2OAtsZUTPUy95M/M/rpCa89idcJqlByRaLwlQE5PZ16TPFTIjxpZQpri9lbAhVZQZm03BhuAtv7xKmpWyd1Gu1C9L1ZsjycwCmcgwdXUIU7qEDGCA8wyu8OQ/Oi/PufCxac042cwx/4Hz+AOeHjQA=</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="c4X+es9QB862+1Tfu6CmKcTO2yw=">AB/HicbVBNS8NAEN3Ur1q/oj16WSxCeylJFfQiFAXxWMG2gTaEzXbTLt1swu5GkL9K148KOLVH+LNf+O2zUFbHw83pthZp4fMyqVZX0bhbX1jc2t4nZpZ3dv/8A8POrIKBGYtHEIuH4SBJGOWkrqhxYkFQ6DPS9c3M7/7SISkEX9QaUzcEA05DShGSkueWb71nOqkBq9gq+rAPiNwUvPMilW35oCrxM5JBeRoeZXfxDhJCRcYak7NlWrNwMCUxI9NSP5EkRniMhqSnKUchkW42P34KT7UygEkdHEF5+rviQyFUqahrztDpEZy2ZuJ/3m9RAWXbkZ5nCjC8WJRkDCoIjhLAg6oIFixVBOEBdW3QjxCAmGl8yrpEOzl1dJp1G3z+qN+/NK8zqPowiOwQmoAhtcgCa4Ay3QBhik4Bm8gjfjyXgx3o2PRWvByGfK4A+Mzx83bZKO</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="v7SPDaFpFd5Ee6fK5tkbtZs9vpE=">AB7nicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBbBU0mqoMeiF48V7Ae0oWy2k3bpZhN2N2IJ/RFePCji1d/jzX/jts1BWx8MPN6bYWZekAiujet+O4W19Y3NreJ2aWd3b/+gfHjU0nGqGDZLGLVCahGwSU2DTcCO4lCGgUC28H4dua3H1FpHsHM0nQj+hQ8pAzaqzU7pCeQPLUL1fcqjsHWSVeTiqQo9Evf/UGMUsjlIYJqnXcxPjZ1QZzgROS71UY0LZmA6xa6mkEWo/m587JWdWGZAwVrakIXP190RGI60nUWA7I2pGetmbif953dSE137GZIalGyxKEwFMTGZ/U4GXCEzYmIJZYrbWwkbUWZsQmVbAje8surpFWrehfV2v1lpX6Tx1GEziFc/DgCupwBw1oAoMxPMrvDmJ8+K8Ox+L1oKTzxzDHzifP3objwE=</latexit> Cumulative distribution function(CDF) The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a random variable specifies for each possible real number , F X ( x ) x the probability that , that is X ≤ x F X ( x ) = P ( X ≤ x )

  18. Homeworks of 3 students returned randomly ● Each permutation equally likely ● X: # people who get their own homework Prob Outcome w X(w) 1/6 1 2 3 3 1/6 1 3 2 1 pmf 1/6 2 1 3 1 I 1/6 2 3 1 0 1/6 3 1 2 0 1/6 3 2 1 1 43 ko L's g

  19. Probability Alex Tsun Joshua Fan

  20. Flipping two coins

  21. Expectation

  22. Homeworks of 3 students returned randomly ● Each permutation equally likely ● X: # people who get their own homework ● What is E(X)? Prob Outcome w X(w) 1/6 1 2 3 3 1/6 1 3 2 1 1/6 2 1 3 1 1/6 2 3 1 0 1/6 3 1 2 0 1/6 3 2 1 1 nXHP w X t X 312 P 312 X 231 P 231 tX 321 P 321 t X 2B P 2B X 123 P123 X 132 P 132

  23. Flip a biased coin until get heads (flips independent) With probability p of coming up heads Keep flipping until the first Heads observed. Let X be the number of flips until done. ● Pr(X = 1) a pk ● Pr(X = 2) k fl p b ● Pr(X = k) tp c p d p u p

  24. Flip a biased coin until get heads (flips independent) With probability p of coming up heads Keep flipping until the first Heads observed. Let X be the number of flips until done. What is E(X)? A x'I k o osx at

  25. Flip a biased coin independently Probability p of coming up heads, n coin flips X: number of Heads observed. ● Pr(X = k) a K p k b pkapy E a pj c d 2 pka p'T

  26. Repeated coin flipping Flip a biased coin with probability p of coming up Heads n times. Each flip independent of all others. X is number of Heads. What is E(X)? A 20 p I a 4 b 5 c 10 d

  27. Repeated coin flipping Flip a biased coin with probability p of coming up Heads n times. X is number of Heads. What is E(X)?

  28. Flip a Fair coin independently ● Probability p of coming up heads, n coin flips ● X: number of Heads observed.

  29. Probability 3.2 More on Expectation Alex Tsun

  30. Agenda ● Linearity of Expectation (LoE) ● Law of the Unconscious Statistician (Lotus)

  31. Linearity of Expectation (Idea) Let’s say you and your friend sell fish for a living. ● Every day you catch X fish, with E[X] = 3 . ● Every day your friend catches Y fish, with E[Y] = 7 . how many fish do the two of you bring in ( Z = X + Y ) on an average day? E[Z] = E[X + Y] = e[X] + E[Y] = 3 + 7 = 10 You can sell each fish for $5 at a store, but you need to pay $20 in rent. How much profit do you expect to make? E[5Z - 20] = 5E[Z] - 20 = 5 x 10 - 20 = 30

  32. Linearity of Expectation (Idea) Let’s say you and your friend sell fish for a living. ● Every day you catch X fish, with E[X] = 3 . ● Every day your friend catches Y fish, with E[Y] = 7 . how many fish do the two of you bring in ( Z = X + Y ) on an average day? E[Z] = E[X + Y] = You can sell each fish for $5 at a store, but you need to pay $20 in rent. How much profit do you expect to make? E[5Z - 20] = 5E[Z] - 20 = 5 x 10 - 20 = 30

  33. Linearity of Expectation (Idea) Let’s say you and your friend sell fish for a living. ● Every day you catch X fish, with E[X] = 3 . ● Every day your friend catches Y fish, with E[Y] = 7 . how many fish do the two of you bring in ( Z = X + Y ) on an average day? E[Z] = E[X + Y] = e[X] + E[Y] = 3 + 7 = 10 You can sell each fish for $5 at a store, but you need to pay $20 in rent. How much profit do you expect to make? E[5Z - 20] = 5E[Z] - 20 = 5 x 10 - 20 = 30

  34. Linearity of Expectation (Idea) Let’s say you and your friend sell fish for a living. ● Every day you catch X fish, with E[X] = 3 . ● Every day your friend catches Y fish, with E[Y] = 7 . how many fish do the two of you bring in ( Z = X + Y ) on an average day? E[Z] = E[X + Y] = e[X] + E[Y] = 3 + 7 = 10 You can sell each fish for $5 at a store, but you need to pay $20 in rent. How much profit do you expect to make? E[5Z - 20] = 5E[Z] - 20 = 5 x 10 - 20 = 30

  35. Linearity of Expectation (LoE)

  36. Linearity of Expectation (Proof)


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