primary 4 parent teacher briefing 31 january 2020

Primary 4 Parent-Teacher Briefing 31 January 2020 Our Values: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Primary 4 Parent-Teacher Briefing 31 January 2020 Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness PROGRAMME FOR THE DAY Form teacher time School leaders Parent Engagement Time Year Head Briefing

  1. Primary 4 Parent-Teacher Briefing 31 January 2020 Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  2. PROGRAMME FOR THE DAY • Form teacher time • School leaders’ Parent Engagement Time • Year Head Briefing • Question & Answer Session Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  3. PARENT-TEACHER MEETING PRIMARY 4 2020 Level Vision : I can confidently and responsibly think for and express myself. Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  4. P4 TEACHERS Key Personnel Mr Poh Choon Wee Ms Sereen Yap Mr Yeo Wi Kiat (Asst Year Head) (HOD English) (Discipline Master) Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  5. P4 FORM TEACHERS 4 Courage Mr Shahrin bin Ms Sharon Tan Mahmud (Senior Teacher) Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  6. P4 FORM TEACHERS 4 Honesty Mdm Jayarani Ms Jerris Cheok Selvaraju (SH ICT) Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  7. P4 FORM TEACHERS 4 Humility Mrs Heng-Wang Ms Goh Si Hui Yingshan (SH Student Leadership) Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  8. P4 FORM TEACHERS 4 Loyalty Mr Iskandar bin Mdm Elizabeth Ting Mostakim Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  9. P4 FORM TEACHERS 4 Resilience Mr Ngho Seng Ms Chiang Yen Kuang Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  10. P4 FORM TEACHERS 4 Respect Mdm Sherlene Then Mdm Chin Fui San Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  11. ENGLISH LANGUAGE Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  12. ENGLISH LANGUAGE  Reading and Viewing  Listening and Viewing  Speaking and Representing  Writing and Representing  Language Use – Grammar, Vocabulary & Comprehension Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  13. MOTHER TONGUE LANGUAGE Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  14. MATH CORE PEDAGOGY Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  15. SCIENCE CORE PEDAGOGY Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  16. SCIENCE SYLLABUS Themes Lower Block (Primary 3 and 4) Diversity • Diversity of living and non-living things • Diversity of materials Cycles • Cycles in plants and animals • Cycles in matter Systems • Human system (Digestive system) • Plant system (Plant parts and functions) Interactions • Interaction of forces (Magnets) Energy • Energy forms and uses (Light and Heat) Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  17. SUBJECT PROGRAMMES Activities Date Junior Science Explorer Termly EMS Quizzes Termly Global Awareness Programme Termly (The Little Red Dot) Math & Science Enrichment Terms 1 & 2 Sony Creative Toys Competition Terms 1 & 2 English Festival Math & Science Week Term 2 MTL Fortnight English Enrichment Term 2 Science Practical Assessment Term 3 English Literature Programme Term 3 Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness Play Appreciation

  18. P4 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Talented Learners Passionate Leaders PE Curriculum: Dance P4 NAPFA (Apr) P4 Camp Gymnastics Mass Aerobics (24-26 June) Sports & Games Outdoor Education Play @ Recess Junior Sports Physical Health & Academy (P4) Assembly Fitness Athletics Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  19. P3 & P4 ART P3 Exposure: Mixed Media P4 Exposure: Digital Art Seeing Expressing Appreciating Primary 3 – 4 • identify and • share ideas and • take pride in their differentiate experiences in own art making visual qualities artworks and through art • discuss artworks • gather making using basic art information from • explore and vocabulary visuals and what experiment (elements they different ways to of art and principles see use art of design) materials and media Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  20. P3 & P4 MUSIC P3 Enrichment: Xylophone P4 Enrichment: Creative Percussion Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  21. PAM HOLISTIC ASSESSMENT Art Music PE Project 40 % Class Work 20% PE Skills 85% Art 20% Performance-based 40 % PHF 15% (Physical Discussion tasks Health and Fitness) – online quiz Class work 40% Music Discussion/ 20% Appreciation Total 100% Total 100% Total 100% Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  22. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 2 Tier CCA model: the interested and the talented All P3 to P6 pupils are strongly encouraged to have a CCA. Personal Growth Social Growth Talent Integrity Discipline Gracious Leadership Responsibility Confidence Public Spirited Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  23. CHARACTER EDUCATION Values Education  new values introduced during assembly/pre-assembly  CCE lessons and hands-on experiences 2) Journey to a True Heart (JTTH) P3 – P6  students will be given a ‘Values Advocate Card’  contains activities they can do to display good display behaviour  a certificate will be given according to their level of attainment. 3) Values-in-Action Programme (I am a Dengue Fighter)  do house to house visits to promote awareness on dengue  give out pamphlets, teach residents how to do a mozzie wipeout  take ownership for keeping the neighbourhood dengue free Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  24. CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION 1) Social Studies  National education is delivered through Social Studies.  Assessment – Quiz, Activity Book and Performance Task 2) Field-based Learning (Outdoor Trail)  allows the pupils to contextualise their learning experience in an authentic real-world setting. 3) Funtastick Harmony (Theme: History & Arts)  school-based programme national education programme  varied experiences to celebrate our unique way of living in Spore  pupils reflect on their experience  apply the learning with their friends, family and other Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  25. Students learning about the history of Singapore I am a Dengue Fighter

  26. PARENTS’ INVOLVEMENT • Student Learning Space (SLS) • Learning Management System • Ministry of Education Cyber wellness portal Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  27. BASELINE ICT PROGRAMMES ICT Programmes Subject Skill Areas English Learning with Multimedia Learning via SLS – Charlotte’s Web (Literature) Maths Learning with Spreadsheet Google Sheets - Creating Tables and Line graphs Coding Maths Logical Thinking Problem Solving Learning via SLS Science Learning with Multimedia Science Data loggers – Learning with Data Collection Measuring Light Tools Learning via SLS MT Learning with Multimedia Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  28. CYBERWELLNESS PROGRAMMES • Cyberwellness Day 1 on 13/02/2020 • Assembly Talks on Cyberwellness & Safer Internet Day • Theme would be on Cyber Use and how not to be a cyber game addict • Incorporated into FTGP lessons • Video from MOE Cyberwellness Portal, Lost in the Kingdom of Vorg Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  29. Programmes • Practices for a Positive Life STUDENT WELL-BEING • Gratitude Package • Energy Bus Activities Positive Education @ GRPS • PRAISE MAIL … aims to create a culture … help them build • Star Class Award of well-being at the heart of happy and • Assembly Talks quality education successful lives • P1 to P4 Pre- Assembly Social Skills • New Student Buddy Programme … teach students life skills beyond • International Student Integration the classroom to Programme increase their learning capacity Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  30. STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  31. STUDENT LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Leadership Opportunities  Class Committee  CCA Leadership Positions  Prefectorial Board  P4 Personal Leadership Workshop (Conducted during Week 1)  P5 ExCEL Student Leaders Programme By Kouzes and Posner Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness

  32. STUDENT DISCIPLINE POSITIVE DISCIPLINE (by Jane Nelsen) Discipline Approach  Mutual Respect  Reflection Process  Identifying the belief behind the behaviour  Behavioural Counselling  Effective communication and problem solving skills  Conferencing with Parents  Discipline that teaches – Neither Permissive nor Punitive  Assembly Talks  Focusing on solutions instead of punishment  Spot Checks  Encouragement instead of praise Our Values: Integrity, Graciousness, Responsibility and Public-Spiritedness


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