outage management system customer partnership group

Outage Management System Customer Partnership Group November 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Outage Management System Customer Partnership Group November 2017 Customer Partnership Group Scope and Objective Created in response to customers request to have more involvement in the planning, design and usability validation phases

  1. Outage Management System Customer Partnership Group November 2017

  2. Customer Partnership Group Scope and Objective • Created in response to customer’s request to have more involvement in the planning, design and usability validation phases of ISO application development • Provide an open interactive partnership forum to identify potential opportunities to improve the overall customer experience • Share ideas, opinions and provide feedback • Discuss issues and concerns, and answer customer questions • All ideas are welcome and will be considered based upon feasibility, prioritization and timeline constraints. Not all ideas may be feasible to implement • Meetings vary in frequency to review progress, provide feedback on design and usability and discuss implementation approaches • Active participation is critical to the CPG success and to improve our customer’s experience interacting with ISO applications Page 2

  3. OMS Customer Partnership Group Agenda • Production Performance – Request for Action – Generation: Removal of unchanged values and unused resources – Generation: Limiting outage to one year – All: Acceptable Use Policy • Schedule/roadmap update • Generation web service changes • Transmission web service changes • Transmission Outage Report discussion Page 3

  4. OMS Customer Partnership Group Performance Concerns – Background Generation Outages : CAISO has observed many factors impacting OMS performance and growth. Results show a couple findings: • Participants are submitting values for resource availability on an hourly basis with a Nature of Work ‘Ambient not due to temperature’ when the values are not changing. This has a significant impact on the number of records in OMS and transferred to our downstream systems (Markets, EMS, etc). – ISO has considered OMS options to collapse contiguous availability points, but each option does not solve the performance problem for OMS. • Participants are continually trying to retrieve resources for which they are no longer the scheduling coordinator (1,000+ attempts per day). These fail based on our security, but this adds load to the system. • Long-running outages with many availability points take a long time to open and act on. Page 4

  5. OMS Customer Partnership Group Performance Concerns – Action Requested In response to these issues, the CAISO is taking steps to improve the product performance and scalability, but we need your help with good housekeeping. Action Requested: • CAISO requests that participants ensure that availability points are only submitted when they have changed. • CAISO requests that participants actively remove resources that have changed ownership. • CAISO requests that participants limit generation outages to a duration no longer than one year. Page 5

  6. OMS Customer Partnership Group Acceptable Use Policy For service consumption, the ISO has the following acceptable use agreement. For each identity and service, the consumer shall invoke the service no more often than once every 5 seconds. ISO production services may only be consumed for production purposes. • Limited to OMS API Retrieves only – Not API Submits and not UI traffic • The enforced limit is at the resource or outage ID level every 5 seconds (Certificate/User/Resource or Outage ID) • If a resource or outage is not being queried, enforcement will be by transaction, per certificate, per service every 5 seconds Next Steps: • CAISO has enabled AUP in MAPStage; Proposed production date is January 2, 2018. Page 6

  7. OMS Customer Partnership Group November Release Type of Change Short Description All CIDI 190963 Malformed Standard Output payload All Deactivation of TLS 1.0 All Improvements to Outage Summary procedure All Addition of 'NOW' button for the Actual Date/Time selection pop-up. All Outage view getting deformed after modifying an Outage when Created from Duplicating an Outage. Generation Improve performance for querying for overlapping outages Generation Adding Additional Resource Type for Pump-Aggregate Generation Ability to enter outages for resources prior to the participant/resource relationship start date Modify Nature of Work UNIT CYCLING to 'TECHNICAL LIMITATIONS NOT IN MARKET MODEL‘ (See slide 6) Generation Generation Add RA and EIM validations for applicable Natures of Work (See slide 6) Generation Improve performance of the Retrieve Generation Outage Change Request Service Generation Improve performance for Resource Availability Display Generation Retrieve Registered Resource Outage service payload should not include other past requests Existing Equipment – Ownership change or new owner (Transmission Owner) Transmission Transmission State Transition Only Processing needs to allow Update to Switch End dates Transmission Improve performance of B2B Retrieve Transmission Outage Service Transmission Duplicate not working for Transmission Outages The Switch Hop data for ALL OTHER pieces of equipment are End Dated when users uses the Equipment Reference Transmission Modify display to edit a piece of equipment Page 7

  8. OMS Customer Partnership Group Roadmap Roadmap Item Description Target Generation : MasterFile Ramp MF ramp rate changes should make invalid January Rate Changes only outages with NoW or RAMP_RATE. Generation: Overlapping Allow overlapping AS outages, the current January Ancillary Service (AS) outages validation that restricts a user to not allow overlaps will be removed. Transmission/Generation : Update the Outage Summary, Outage Request January Request is for a new "Data Summary, and Warning Summary to include an Range" option in the Date Range dropdown called “Yesterday, Today & Next Day.” Transmission/Generation : CAISO to broadcast when an outage is TBD Broadcast version updates updated and a new version is created within the OMS system. Transmission : Trumping Allows the system to apply the switch TBD configuration of an outage if its priority trumps one or more existing outages. Generation: Overlapping PMIN Allow overlapping PMIN rerates TBD Cards Page 8

  9. OMS Customer Partnership Group Generation Functional Changes Summary • The Nature of Work (NoW) Entry display and NoW Summary display will have two (2) new flags added: “RA Resource Only” and “EIM Only.” Functionality Changes • When an outage is entered using a Nature of Work that has the “RA Resource Only” flag set to “Yes,” a validation will be added to verify that the resource is Resource Adequacy (RA) designated at the start time of the outage. If it is not, an error will be returned stating “The Nature of Work selected can only be used with RA resources.” This validation will occur at outage entry and outage modification. • When an outage is entered using a Nature of Work that has the “EIM Only” flag set to “Yes,” a validation will be added to verify that the participant’s Organization Type is set to EIM. If it is not, an error will be returned stating “The Nature of Work selected can only be used with an EIM participant.” This validation will only occur at outage entry. Page 9

  10. OMS Customer Partnership Group Generation Web Service v2 Summary • Nature of Work (NoW) now has CONTINGENCY RESERVES MANAGEMENT for EIM entities, and UNIT CYCLING is changed to 'TECHNICAL LIMITATIONS NOT IN MARKET MODEL‘. Web Services Impacted – Minor Change • SubmitRegisteredResourceOutage_V2, SubmitRegisteredResourceOutageChangeRequest_V2, RetrieveRegisteredResourceOutage_v2, RetrieveRegisteredResourceOutageChangeRequest_v2, RequestResourceOutage_V2, and Action : Generation users who use the Unit Cycling NoW and EIM entities who need to use Contingency Reserves Management must update to the new service as soon as possibly and no later than February 1, 2018. Page 10

  11. OMS Customer Partnership Group Transmission Web Service v2 Background : V2 of the transmission submit and retrieve services now has the ability to submit and retrieve many equipment rating changes. To ensure data integrity, TOs must retrieve transmission outages with all equipment rating changes in order to submit any changes to the outage. This ensures that any ISO entered ERCs are not overwritten. This is similar to how the switch data is managed today. V2 also has Resource Interconnection Management System NoWs that are used by CAISO for network model promotions. Action : TOs must update to the V2 transmission web services by February 1, 2018 to resolve the single versus multiple equipment rating change (ERC) issue. Issue – Payload structure does not easily distinguish between equipment that is out of service versus a equipment rating change. This will be resolved in V3 to be released for fall 2018. Page 11

  12. OMS Customer Partnership Group Transmission Web Service v2 Page 12

  13. OMS Customer Partnership Group Generation Outage Report Summary • The Generation Outage Report is currently posted daily at 3:15. A request has been made to move this to the morning prior to 10:00 A.M. Action • CAISO is seeking feedback on the timing of this report. Page 13

  14. OMS Customer Partnership Group Wrap Up • Open Topics Q&A Page 14


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