2020 main outage cdm induction

2020 Main Outage CDM Induction This induction will cover the site - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 2020 Main Outage CDM Induction This induction will cover the site 2020 Main Outage CDM requirements (Disassembly, removal, replacement, inspection and maintenance, reassembly of power plant and associated equipment which includes the following

  1. 1 2020 Main Outage CDM Induction This induction will cover the site 2020 Main Outage CDM requirements (Disassembly, removal, replacement, inspection and maintenance, reassembly of power plant and associated equipment which includes the following plant components:1 x BWE Boiler, 1 x Alstom Steam Turbine, 1 x ABB Generator, Balance of Plant including Fire Protection Systems). Site address : Brigg Renewable Energy Plant, Scawby Brook, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, DN20 9LT The project area (see Fig 1) will be operated under CDM 2015 Regulations between: 29/05/2020 and 08/06/2020 (inclusive)

  2. 2 Construction Phase Plan (CPP) The Construction phase plan has been disseminated to all companies. Please ensure you obtain a copy and understand its contents in full – this induction will cover the main pertinent points. Main focus for Communication , Cooperation and Coordination throughout the outage is the Daily Outage Planning Meeting held at 13:00 Via Skype call/Tele conference (NB: you should receive a daily update as part of their daily safety brief) CDM Role Holders: • Pete Smithson – Client • Mark Elston- Principal Designer • Mark Elston – Principal Contractor • Daniel Crawford - QHSE Lead • Please ensure you know your main site contact is (as per the organogram)

  3. 3 2020 Main Outage CDM Induction

  4. 4 Access to Site (COVID-19) Staggered start and finish times will be introduced, to reduce congestion and contact at all times. All workers are required to wash or clean their hands before entering and leaving the site. Allow plenty of space (two metres) between people waiting to enter site. Site Inductions will be delivered by the contractor’s management team where possible and therefore minimise the number of people in attendance on site. Temperature checks will be undertaken daily on all personnel entering site by the Site security.

  5. 5 Self-Isolation Anyone who meets one of the following criteria should not come on to site: • Has a high temperature (>37.5°C) or a new persistent cough - follow the guidance on self- isolation. • Is a vulnerable person (by virtue of their age, underlying health condition, clinical condition or are pregnant). Procedure if Someone Falls ill If a worker develops a high temperature or a persistent cough while at work, they should: • Return home immediately. • Avoid touching anything. • Cough or sneeze into a tissue and put it in a bin, or if they do not have tissues, cough and sneeze into the crook of their elbow. • The government website has published details how Key workers can be tested for the COVID-19 Virus. Details can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-getting-tested

  6. 6 Access to Site The site will operate on a 24/7 basis during the Outage. All personnel are to swipe in and out at the main gate/security cabin upon on Entrance and Exit. Vehicles must be parked in designated parking bays/roads (see plan overleaf) Designated pedestrian routes(PPE free) are identified via green walkways or signage (see plan overleaf) Vehicles can be unloaded/loaded around site, but must be immediately removed to designated parking areas to ensure roadways remain clear for emergency use. All persons entering site will be subject to the sites ‘random’ and ‘just cause’ Drugs and Alcohol policy. In addition they may be subject to random vehicle searches


  8. 9 Welfare Facilities The following facilities are provided on site within the Outage compound area: - Male Toilets/Female Toilets - Male & Female Washing facilities (with hot & cold running water) - Smoking area Female Facilities are separated on the Outage Compound Please note all food and drink is to be consumed within the prescribed welfare facilities compound or in the vehicle cabs. Please use the rubbish bins provided. The outage compound is designated as PPE free area

  9. 10 Welfare Facilities (COVID-19 Controls) Staggered break times to reduce congestion and contact at all times. Enhanced cleaning of all facilities throughout the day and at the end of each day. Additional hand washing facilities will be supplied in the outage compound. Contractors are to supply their own hand sanitiser as required. Workers should sit 2 metres apart from each other whilst eating and avoid all contact, maximum of 8 persons per cabin at once. All personnel are asked to bring pre-prepared meals and refillable drinking bottles from home or use the onsite catering van.

  10. 11 Welfare Facilities Payments at the catering van should be taken by contactless card wherever possible. Crockery, eating utensils, cups etc. will be removed. Personnel are required to bring their own, any purchases from the catering van will be issued disposable cutlery. BREP will provide suitable and sufficient rubbish bins for hand towels with regular removal and disposal. The number of people using toilet facilities at any one time will be restricted.

  11. 12 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE FOR THE OUTAGE COMPOUND AREA IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE OR SIGNIFICANT EVENT In the event of a fire or incident being discovered the individual should immediately inform the main control room on radio channel 1 or 01652601313, stating the nature and location of the incident. Do not attempt to Deal with the incident by yourself – It is important that the incident is raised and escalated to allow the appropriate response. As incident Controller the control room will ensure that an emergency response Team Lead is sent to the compound area to assist in the evacuation of the outage compound. In the event of the alarm being raised within the compound area all personnel located within this area will immediately vacate the cabins/stores and proceed directly to the muster Point.

  12. 13 Each company’s nominated Fire Marshall will ensure all of their nominated cabins/stores are clear of personnel – This will be achieved by visual & verbal method to all cabins. The Fire Marshall`s will then report to the muster point and prevent any other person entering the area, they will then report to the emergency response team leader that their cabins are evacuated and are clear of personnel. Where the appointed Fire Marshall is not present in the cabins, another person must enact the role of fire Marshall. The BWSC emergency response team lead will then respond to the incident controller & co-ordinate response/emergency services as required. NOTE: Should the main site alarm sound all personnel must proceed to the main muster point in the SE Corner of the site.

  13. 14 First Aid Arrangements There are first aid boxes around site at strategic locations marked with the first aid sign. A first aid box has been provided on the outage compound display board. There are First aid personnel located within the control room who can be contacted on radio channel 1 or 01652 601313

  14. 15 Site Information The following information and assistance can be obtained via the main notice boards (Located next to permit office in the main Admin building and within the outage compound area) - F10 Notification - CPP - Organogram - First Aider Details - Near Hit Reporting - Suggestions / General Information

  15. 16 Significant Site Hazards : Lifting Operations – All Areas Please be mindful of ongoing lifts and respect barriers/signs. Ensure all lifts are adequately demarcated to prevent unauthorised access Movement of Plant – All Areas Ensure designated pedestrian routes / zebra crossings are adhered to. Also ensure all site vehicles are parked in designated areas and not around site. Working at Height Please ensure all scaffolds are tagged/in date for use and ensure rescue plans are established. Ensure all areas and tooling are secure to prevent falling objects. Confined spaces – Boiler, Turbine & FGT Areas Please ensure Permit, hole watcher, gas monitor and rescue plans are established prior to entry. The Confined Space outage rescue team will be delivered through BWSC GS UK Ltd.

  16. 17 Permit to Work Only working party leaders (Acceptors) are to attend the control room when receiving permits, all other Personnel are to wait at the outage compound. Permits should be taken out as per the outage time line. All personnel will ensure that the they have the appropriate documents before attending the permit issue office such as work orders, GSAF, Hot Works Certificates etc. these will be issued by the O&M. Before each job can be completed a member of the BWSC team must sign off the work using the Quality sign off on the GSAF form. All Permit Training Will be conducted in the main Woodchip Storage Barn

  17. 18 Hot Works (Hot Works Fire Watch) • Shall not carry out any other work while the Hot Work is in progress • Trained and competent to use the available fire fighting equipment • Remains at the Hot Work location during breaks and on completion of the work as directed by the Acceptor – Hot Work (minimum of 1 hour after Hot Work ceases) • Maintain communications with the Control Room - be able to use the Site Radio. • All Fire Watch Persons at BWSC Generation Services Ltd UK Safety Rules sites Shall be assessed in Hot Work - Fire Watch Duties at the location. • All Fire Watch personnel must know the sites emergency response number – 01652 601300

  18. 19 Thank you for helping to keep Brigg Renewable Energy Plant a safe place to Work.


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