organic micropollutants in the water cycle of a euro

Organic micropollutants in the water cycle of a Euro-Mediterranean - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Funded under the Water and Innovation Action of the 7th Framework programme of RTD-D of the European Union Organic micropollutants in the water cycle of a Euro-Mediterranean resort: occurrence and perspectives of decentralised water reuse G.

  1. Funded under the Water and Innovation Action of the 7th Framework programme of RTD-D of the European Union Organic micropollutants in the water cycle of a Euro-Mediterranean resort: occurrence and perspectives of decentralised water reuse G. Buttiglieri, G. Ferrero, Y. Ekowati, M. Petrovic, C. Perez, I. Rodriguez-Roda Athens, 14-16 September 2016

  2. LAYOUT • Tourism and water • Case study o demEAUmed project o Hotel and sampling campaigns • Results on the water cycle o Quantification of fluxes o Characterization • Micropollutants • Conclusions

  3. Tourism and w ater o Fresh water availability is not homogeneously distributed between countries and within countries and water scarcity may exist at the regional and local scale and/or temporarily. o Several areas of the world (e.g. Euro-Mediterranean area) are: • WATER SCARCITY & TOURISM DESTINATION o Tourism is central part of Euro-Mediterranean economies (e.g. Spain – 11%) o Tourism water consumption is typically below 5 % of domestic water use, but can be as high as 40 % (e.g. islands like Mauritius). o Touristic facilities can have a strong impact on water quality


  5. Case study: dem EAUm ed project demEAUmed: dem onstrating integrated innovative technologies for an optimal and safe closed water cycle in Med iterranean tourist facilities

  6. Case study: dem EAUm ed project The objectives of the project are to demonstrate and promote: o The possibility of reduction of water consumption o Water cycle monitoring , control , Decision Support Tools , modelling, LCA, etc. for water management evaluation o Integration of innovative technologies for an optimal and safe closed water cycle in Mediterranean tourist facilities

  7. dem EAUm ed strategy


  9. Case study site The Costa Brava (NE, Spain) is an important Spanish and European holiday destination (recommended destination 2012, National Geographic Traveler). Lloret de Mar , is the largest resort on the Costa Brava, (40,000 inhabitants, up to 200,000 in summer) Samba Hotel is a large resort (441 rooms), green areas and exterior pools, conference room, bar and restaurant. • Certified by EMAS and ISO14001 • Water use from 25,000 to 34,000 m 3 /year (100 to 135 L/person/day) • Grey water system for water closets

  10. Hotel – w ater cycle diagnose in term s of quantity: w ater m eters

  11. Hotel – w ater cycle diagnose in term s of quality: sam pling S S S S S S S S S S

  12. Micropollutants analyses Acetaminophen Atenolol Atorvastatin Carbamazepine UPLC coupled to 5500 QqLit, Diclofenac Codeine triple quadrupole–linear ion Furosemide Erythromicin Gemfibrozil Dilitiazem trap mass spectrometer (5500 Hydrochlorothiazide Dimetridazole QTRAP) with Turbo V ion Ibuprofen Famotidine spray source. Ketoprofen Iopromide Naproxen Levamisol Salycilic acid Loratadine Valsartan Metronidazole Ethinylestradiol Ofloxacin Triclosan Olanzapine Methylparaben Phenazone Ethylparaben Salbutamol Nonylphenol Sotalol Bisphenol A Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim Verapamil PhACs Caffeine EDCs 1H-Benzotriazole tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate tris(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate tris(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate

  13. W hy m icropollutants in tourist facilities? o They have been considered as probable source of micropollutants in seawater especially during the high season o Peaks in micropollutants wastewater contamination have been related to touristic events. However ... .. situations are difficult to analyze because hard data are missing, expensive and/or difficult to obtain

  14. W hy m icropollutants in tourist facilities? Expected matrix and concentrations are similar to domestic grey- and waste-waters but.. • To estimate load of micropollutants and consequently the contributions of tourism to total contamination • To evaluate seasonal variations • To evaluate if and what kind of technologies for decentralized treatments in water scarcity scenarios : o Water reuse can decrease water consumption and result in a closed water cycle but possible recalcitrant (micro)pollutants accumulation needs to be carefully addressed


  16. Yearly total w ater use 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 TOTAL WATER USE (2012) Similar trend in 6000 2013 and 2014 5000 4000 m 3 3000 2000 1000 0 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Cold water Hot water TOTAL  High variability in the inlet flows (seasonally, cold water)  Up to 250% more in summer

  17. Daily w ater m eters sam pling cam paign high season  Hourly variation : • Some of the fluxes change significantly during the day • Almost no control at all on quantity (exception of grey water)

  18. W ater use sam pling cam paign high touristic season (m 3 ) ) (L/persona) Much low er w ater flow in Novem ber Water meter DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3  Total water inflow (1+ 2+ 3+ 4): nº 1+2+3+4 Total tap water 161,2 131,2 92 168,8 129,8 130,1 nº (14-15) Room shower 53,3 42 33 55,8 41,5 46,7  384 m 3 in June (3 days) nº 5 WC 39,4 56,9 54,4 41,3 56,3 76,9 nº 12 hot water 4,3 4,1 3,9 4,5 4,1 5,5  200 m 3 in November (3 days) nº 8 swimming pool 26,9 9,4 6,7 28,2 9,3 9,5 nº 9 laundry cold 0,5 0,7 0,7 0,5 0,7 1,0  Shower: nº 10 laundry hot 2 2 2 2,1 2,0 2,8  132 m 3 in June (3 days) nº 11 kitchen hot 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,7 0,9 1,3 nº 13 groundfloor + laundry 10 11 11 10,5 10,9 15,6  33m 3 in November (3 days) nº 14 Room + kitchen 61,3 49 38 64,2 48,5 53,7 nº 15 kitchen cold 8 7 5 8,4 6,9 7,1 nº 16 garden swiming pool 0 2 0 0 2,0 0 nº 17 garden bar 13 17 0 13,6 16,8 0 nº 18 back garden 3 2 2 3,1 2,0 2,8  Total inflow in high touristic season : 384 m 3 (3 days)  Total inflow in low touristic season : 200 m 3 (3 days)

  19. W ater use sam pling cam paign high touristic season  Shower water is the main water use during high season sampling campaign  Other fluxes (tap water for toilet flushing) can be present in other periods



  22. GREYW ATER • Wide range of micropollutants detected • Wide range of concentration measured up to more than 150 µ g/L with the highest concentration for ibuprofen, acetaminophen, ethylparaben, caffeine and methylparaben

  23. GREYW ATER - EDCs Extreme high variability! TCPP: tris(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate - TBEP: tris(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate (flame retardants)

  24. GREYW ATER - EDCs Large SEASONAL variability! TCPP: tris(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate - TBEP: tris(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate (flame retardants)

  25. GREYW ATER - PhACs Large SEASONAL variability!


  27. W ASTEW ATER Large seasonal variability Presence of several PhACs and EDCs up to 282 µ g/ L

  28. CONCLUSI ONS  Assessment of water quantity and quality in the entire water cycle of a large resort performed during high and low season .  Water consumption per use was quantified with an important seasonal variation :  reduction of 48% in total tap water use during low season  A broad overview of micropollutants presence in the whole water cycle, by use and by season, was performed:  High concentration in greywater and wastewater with high hourly, daily and seasonal variation .

  29. Acknow ledgm ents F or fur the r infor mation: g buttig lie ri@ic ra .c a t me a ume d.e u www.ic ra .c a t T his pro je c t has re c e ive d funding fro m the E uro pe an Unio n’ s Se ve nth Pro g ramme fo r re se arc h, te c hno lo g ic al de ve lo pme nt and de mo nstratio n unde r g rant ag re e me nt No . 619116 Partly suppo rte d b y the Ge ne ralitat de Catalunya (Co nso lidate d Re se arc h Gro up: Wate r and So il Quality Unit 2009-SGR-965). 29/ 31


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