ORGANIC Michelle Perez, Cesar Sanchez, Armen Arshakyan
You will learn: 1. What is organic? 2. How did organic evolve to modern day? 3. Present rules and regulaEons of organic 4. Organic vs. Non organic 5. MarkeEng 6. Sustainability 7. Meal manager planning
What does it mean to be an organic food? • Organic produce and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesEcides, syntheEc ferElizers, sewage sludge, geneEcally modified organisms, or ionizing radiaEon. hPp:// • Organic food is produced using sustainable agricultural producEon pracEces. Not permiPed are most convenEonal pesEcides; ferElizers made with syntheEc ingredients, or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiaEon. hPp://
Where did organic originate? UnEl 1920 essenEally all farming was generally “organic” PesEcides developed during WW2 Modern organic movement developed in1920s with farmers refusing to use nerve gas Health food stores grew steam with the “be natural” approach in the 60s and 70s Grocery chains began carrying organic products in the 90s NOP established by the USDA April 21, 2001. Program implementaEon began October 2002 hPp://
Present rules and regula7ons • Crops must be produced using allowed substances • Crops must be produced without excluded methods • Overseen by USDA NOP authorized cerEfying agent • Organic farmers making less than $5,000 in profit are exempt hPps://
Are regula7ons being followed? External auditors reviewed documents to determine if the NOP has followed its own quality management procedures. This peer review panel was established by the NOP. The panel found: • The accreditaEon body's procedures lack clarity to ensure that the auditors are reviewing the regulatory status of ingredients and processing aids. • The NOP did not follow NOP 2000 for noEficaEon to cerEficaEon body of a suspension. • Consistent accreditaEon records are not being used and retained in order for the NOP to be in full compliance with 205.502. • NOP 2005-4 Witness Audit Checklist is not complete. The NOP 2000 procedure does not provide the control needed to approve the document for adequacy prior to use. hPps://
Regula7ons Review cont. • Some NOP regulaEons allow NOP to be involved with CAB funcEons such as suspension, revocaEon and appeal; these regulaEons do not comply with ISO/IEC 17011 clause 4.3.6 A. • The accreditaEon body does not ensure there is immediate noEficaEon to the NOP for potenEal changes by cerEfied bodies that may affect compliance. • The accreditaEon body is required to ensure a balanced representaEon of interested parEes with no single party predominaEng. Balanced representaEon of interested parEes is not described for AccreditaEon CommiPee, NOP 2012 clause 2 qualificaEons. • ISO/IEC 17011, Clause 5.3 requires all documents to be controlled. Not all documents are adequately controlled. • NOP indicates it has procedures for idenEficaEon, collecEon, indexing, accessing, filing, storage, maintenance and disposal of its records, but specific procedures are not idenEfied. hPps://
Marke7ng against Organic
Marke7ng for Organic
Sustainability As legally defined in U.S. Code Title 7, SecEon 3103 means an integrated system of plant and animal producEon pracEces having a site-specific applicaEon that will over the long term: • SaEsfy human food and fiber needs. • Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends. • Make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls. • Sustain the economic viability of farm operaEons. Is organic more sustainable than convenEonal? According to a study conducted by Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, published January of 2014, no. hPp:// hPp://
Sustainability cont. “Our study was conducted in newly established farms where the subsurface underlying the greenhouses has been monitored conEnuously from their establishment. Surprisingly, intensive organic agriculture relying on solid organic maPer, such as composted manure that is implemented in the soil prior to planEng as the sole ferElizer, resulted in significant down-leaching of nitrate through the vadose zone to the groundwater. On the other hand, similar intensive agriculture that implemented liquid ferElizer through drip irrigaEon, as commonly pracEced in convenEonal agriculture, resulted in much lower rates of polluEon of the vadose zone and groundwater. It has been shown that accurate ferElizaEon methods that distribute the ferElizers through the irrigaEon system, according to plant demand, during the growing season dramaEcally reduce the potenEal for groundwater contaminaEon from both organic and convenEonal greenhouses”.
Organic vs. Non Organic Whole Foods Market Walmart Market Spaghei Squash $.64lb Spaghei Squash $1.49lb Strawberries $3.98lb Strawberries $5.99lb Fuji Apples $.97lb Fuji Apples $2.99lb Avocado $.50 each Avocado $2.99 each Roma Tomatoes $.84lb Roma Tomatoes $2.69lb Vine Tomatoes $1.68lb Vine Tomatoes $2.99lb Bananas $.37lb Bananas $.99lb
Meal manager planning Things to consider: What am I paying for? Am I geing what I pay for? Does my budget allow for the cost of organic? SuggesEons: Buy local Buy in season Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, peel if sEll concerned hPp://
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