Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation (CLRI) in Long-Term Care: Innovative Approaches to Staff Education Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care Melissa Donskov, Bruyère CLRI BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
Outline Introduction The Living Classroom Schlegel Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care E-Learning in Long-Term Care Bruyère Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care Experiential Learning Baycrest Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care Discussion BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
Who are we? Baycrest Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care Bruyère Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care Schlegel Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care are supported with funding from the Government of Ontario (2011 – 2016) BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
What do we do? Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care contribute toward enhancing the quality of care in the LTC sector through: Facilitating collaboration between researchers, educators, LTC home personnel and other practitioners in Education, research, innovation, the development, adoption and evidence-based service delivery and continuous improvement of evidence- knowledge transfer based best practices that increase efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and quality of care BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
LEARNING BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
LEARNING RESEARCH BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
LEARNING RESEARCH INNOVATION BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
LEARNING CLRI RESEARCH INNOVATION BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
Some examples BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
SCHLEGEL CENTRE FOR LEARNING, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN LONG-TERM CARE The “Living Classroom” Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care Susan Brown Mary-Lou van der Horst BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM “Then” TRANSACTIONAL MODEL Community College Long-Term Care Home CURRICULUM PLACEMENTS BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM “Now” INTEGRATIVE MODEL RESEARCH TRAINING PRACTICE BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Elements of the Living Classroom Faculty Development at Conestoga College BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Elements of the Living Classroom Faculty Development at Conestoga College Curriculum Development BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Elements of the Living Classroom Faculty Development at Conestoga College Curriculum Development Develop Learning Methods that Capitalize on co- location in a LTC home BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Elements of the Living Classroom Faculty Development at Conestoga College Curriculum Development Develop Learning Methods that Capitalize on co- location in a LTC home Applied Research to Improve Practice BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Success will be… …a new reality for seniors care and living that: Embraces a social model of living, shifting away from the current institutional model Sees seniors living well in LTC despite increasing frailty Has a workforce with more advanced skills for increasingly complex physical health needs and a higher prevalence of dementia Contains system costs through evidence-informed decision-making Provides learning opportunities to the general community for living safely at home for longer BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Early success 100 QUESTION 1: 80 When you started the LTC NON-LTC program, where were you DON'T KNOW planning to work after 60 graduation? 40 QUESTION 2: Now that you are near the 20 end of your program, where are you planning to work after graduation? 0 PN (1) PN (2) PSW (1) PSW (2) BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Stay Tuned! Living Classroom Implementation Guide (to be released this summer!) BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Coaching How can coaching enhance living classroom learning? BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Coaching Attributes Gr Great Coache hes Kno now The Their Spo port Develop human capacity and life skills Fascinated to capture the possibilities to grow Gr Great Coache hes Develop p Players' Skills Capacity to transmit their knowledge and skills Provide high quality practice Gr Great Coache hes Are Gr Great Motivators Set high and clear expectations, keep the fun Elicit maximum effort for maximum growth Gr Great Coache hes Are Team Bui Builde ders Set a common vision and motivate Focus on strengths and care for one another BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Coaching Attributes Great Coache Gr hes Kno now The Their Spo port Develop human capacity and life skills Fascinated to capture the possibilities to grow Great Coache Gr hes Develop p Players' Skills Capacity to transmit their knowledge and skills Provide high quality practice Gr Great Coache hes Are Gr Great Motivators Set high and clear expectations, keep the fun Elicit maximum effort for maximum growth Gr Great Coache hes Are Team Bui Builde ders Set a common vision and motivate Focus on strengths and care for one another BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Coaching Attributes Great Coache Gr hes Kno now The Their Spo port Develop human capacity and life skills Fascinated to capture the possibilities to grow Gr Great Coache hes Develop p Players' Skills Capacity to transmit their knowledge and skills Provide high quality practice Gr Great Coache hes Are Gr Great Motivators Set high and clear expectations, keep the fun Elicit maximum effort for maximum growth Gr Great Coache hes Are Team Bui Builde ders Set a common vision and motivate Focus on strengths and care for one another BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Coaching Attributes Gr Great Coache hes Kno now The Their Spo port Develop human capacity and life skills Fascinated to capture the possibilities to grow Gr Great Coache hes Develop p Players' Skills Capacity to transmit their knowledge and skills Provide high quality practice Gr Great Coache hes Are Gr Great Motivators Set high and clear expectations, keep the fun Elicit maximum effort for maximum growth Gr Great Coache hes Are Team Bui Builde ders Set a common vision and motivate Focus on strengths and care for one another BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
THE LIVING CLASSROOM Coaching Attributes Gr Great Coache hes Kno now The Their Spo port Develop human capacity and life skills Fascinated to capture the possibilities to grow Great Coache Gr hes Develop p Players' Skills Capacity to transmit their knowledge and skills Provide high quality practice Great Coache Gr hes Are Gr Great Motivators Set high and clear expectations, keep the fun Elicit maximum effort for maximum growth Great Coache Gr hes Are Team Bui Builde ders Set a common vision and motivate Focus on strengths and care for one another BAYCREST BRUYÈRE SCHLEGEL Ontario’s Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care | www.clri-ltc.ca
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