njsla results spring 2019 administration

NJSLA RESULTS: SPRING 2019 ADMINISTRATION Measuring College and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NJSLA RESULTS: SPRING 2019 ADMINISTRATION Measuring College and Career Readiness FAIR HAVEN OCTOBER 30, 2019 1 NEW JERSEYS STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM 2019 marks the 1st administration of the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments

  1. NJSLA RESULTS: SPRING 2019 ADMINISTRATION Measuring College and Career Readiness FAIR HAVEN OCTOBER 30, 2019 1

  2. NEW JERSEY’S STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM ◼ 2019 marks the 1st administration of the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA), and the 5th administration of the version of assessment similar to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). This provides the opportunity to compare year-to-year results as the following slides will show. ◼ Students took NJSLA English Language Arts and Literacy Assessments (ELA/L) in grades 3 – 11. ◼ Students took NJSLA Mathematics Assessments in grades 3 – 8 and End of Course Assessments in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. 2

  3. NJSLA PERFORMANCE LEVELS ◼ Level 1: Did Not Yet Meet Expectations ◼ Level 2: Partially Met Expectations ◼ Level 3: Approached Expectations ◼ Level 4: Met Expectations ◼ Level 5: Exceeded Expectations 3

  4. 2019 Cut Scores ELA Math Score of a 3 - Approaching Score of a 4 - Meeting Score of a 5 - Exceeding ◼ ◼ Grades 3-8 and Algebra 1: Grades 3-8: Approaching 725-749 ◼ Approaching 725-749 Grade 3: Meet 750-809; Exceed ◼ Grades 3 & 5: Meet 750-789; Exceed 810-850 790-850 ◼ Grades 4 & 6: Meet 750-789; Exceed ◼ Grade 4: Meet 750-795; Exceed 790-850 796-850 ◼ Grade 5: Meet 750-798; Exceed ◼ Grade 6: Meet 750-787; Exceed 799-850 788-850 ◼ Grade 7: Meet 750-784; Exceed ◼ Grade 7: Meet 750-785; Exceed 785-850 786-850 ◼ Grade 8: Meet 750-793; Exceed ◼ Grade 8: Meet 750-800; Exceed 794-850 801-850 ◼ Algebra 1: Meet 750-804; Exceed 805-850 4

  5. NJSLA Fair Haven Analysis Spring 2019 5

  6. 2016 v. 2017 v. 2018 v. 2019 FH Proficiency (4’s & 5’s) ELA Grades 3-8 (Cohort Analysis) 6

  7. 2017 v. 2018 v. 2019 FH Proficiency (4’s & 5’s) ELA Grades 3-5 (Cohort Analysis) 7

  8. 2016 v. 2017 v. 2018 v. 2019 FH Proficiency (4’s & 5’s) Math Grades 3-8 (Cohort Analysis) 8

  9. 2017 v. 2018 v. 2019 FH Proficiency (4’s & 5’s) Math Grades 3-5 (Cohort Analysis) 9

  10. FAIR HAVEN’S 2019 SPRING NJSLA/PARCC SCHOOL & GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES PERCENT OF STUDENTS PROFICIENT (4’s & 5’s): ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY Grade 3 % Grade 4 % Grade 5 % Grade 6 % Grade 7 % >= Grade 8 % >= >= Level 4 >= Level 4 >= Level 4 >= Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 District 82% 80% 82% 88% 95% 91% 2019 District 82% 77% 83% 90% 95% 90% 2018 District 70% 79% 81% 84% 83% 88% 2017 District 69% 63% 65% 61% 78% 71% 2016 Change 0% +3% -1% -2% 0% +1% 10

  11. FAIR HAVEN’S 2019 SPRING NJSLA /PARCC SCHOOL & GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES PERCENT OF STUDENTS PROFICIENT (4’s & 5’s): MATHEMATICS Grade 3 % Grade 4 % Grade 5 % Grade 6 % Grade 7 % Grade 8 % Algebra I % >= Level 4 >= Level 4 >= Level 4 >= Level 4 >= Level 4 >= Level 4 >= Level 4 District 91% 88% 80% 85% 89% 60% 100% 2019 District 90% 80% 84% 91% 77% 35% 95% 2018 District 69% 80% 67% 75% 65% N/A 85% 2017 District 73% 67% 62% 50% 68% N/A 74% 2016 Change +1% +8% -4% -6% +12% +25% +5% 11

  12. Fair Haven Proficiency (4’s & 5’s) 2016 v. 2017 v. 2018 v. 2019 ELA Grades 3-8 (Non-Cohort) 12

  13. Fair Haven Proficiency (4’s & 5’s) 2016 v. 2017 v. 2018 v. 2019 Math Grades 3-8 (Non-Cohort) 13

  14. Last Year’s Peninsula Comparison Data (4’s & 5’s) ELA Grades 3-8 (2018) 14

  15. 2019 Peninsula Comparison ELA (4’s & 5’s) ELA Grades 3-8 15

  16. 2019 Peninsula Comparison ELA Distribution of 4’s and 5’s 16

  17. Last Year’s Peninsula Comparison Data (4’s & 5’s) Math Grades 3-8 (2018) 17

  18. 2019 Peninsula Comparison Data (4’s & 5’s) Math Grades 3-8 18

  19. 2019 Peninsula Comparison Math Distribution of 4’s and 5’s 19

  20. TRENDS IN ASSESSMENT DATA (SUBGROUPS) According the the ESSA Accountability Profiles Companion Guide (October 2018), the minimum number of students (n-size) required for calculations and accountability purposes is twenty (20). This n-size applies to calculations at district, school, and student group levels for all indicators. ◼ Currently, the Fair Haven School District is accountable to students that fall in the white subgroup, by grade level. No other group accounts for a statistically significant population, with an n-size of 20 or more in each grade. ◼ Trends shown in our students with disabilities population (less than an n-size of 20, but the second largest subgroup in each grade), indicate that in almost every grade level performance in both math and ELA has increased. Of the 13 areas that could factor in, 9 showed drastic increases ranging from a 7.2% increase to a 50% increase in proficiency. ◼ 100% of our ELLs population was proficient in both ELA and math 20

  21. QUESTIONS TO GUIDE NJSLA DATA REFLECTION ◼ How will we use NJSLA data to identify strengths and gaps that exist in our curriculum and instruction? ◼ How will we use NJSLA data as a tool to address areas in need of improvement or enhancement? ◼ How can we provide additional resources and support for our educators to meet the learning needs of all our students? 21

  22. Next Steps Based on Assessment Data Based on the Evidence Statement Analysis documents released to the district, Fair Haven outperforms the state, and even cross-state, percentages on specific standards tested. For those indicators that the district is in line with the state/cross-state cohort, here are the concepts we will focus on to move us forward: ◼ ELA ▪ Reading Literature: ▪ Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. ▪ Reading Information: ▪ Describe relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas/concepts, or steps in technical procedures, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. ▪ Reading of Science & Technology Subjects and Reading History ▪ Compare and contrast information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic. ▪ Language ▪ Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level expectations. ◼ Mathematics ▪ Illustrate and explain calculations by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models (finding quotients with multi-digit dividends). ▪ Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement. 22 ▪ Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.

  23. New for 2019-2020 Instructional Experience ● Interventionists to support both Sickles and Knollwood (grades 4 and 5) students ○ Math Interventionist to continue for grades 3-5 ● Co-Teaching classes to benefit students in grades 6-8 ● Implementation of Fundations in grade 3 (now present in all grades K-3) ● New Creative Curriculum and training in preschool ● Professional development for specific staff in multi-sensory approaches to literacy ● Lesson reflections continue to occur regularly based on classroom execution of essential questions ● Continue to utilize the new administrator evaluation tool recommended by the NJDOE (NJPEPL) 23

  24. Continuing the Work… ● Curriculum ○ Transfer of curriculum to an online site ■ Ease of use to modify curriculum and add lessons/resources Reporting capabilities to map curriculum and locate potential gaps ■ ○ Student choice in electives/meetings with each student entering grades 6-8 ○ Increased use of the Z Spaces, DBQs, and CERs for Knollwood students ○ Focus on Co-Teaching Model for both general education and special education settings ○ Implement Fundations for all students in grades K-3 ○ Committees in Sickles and Knollwood to plan for gifted education supports ○ New curriculum and associated professional development for preschool Professional development time provided to streamline ELA curriculum for grade 4 ○ ○ Implement a new Professional Literature Book Club for Staff ■ Focused on differentiation and social/emotional learning ○ Continue the formal RTI Program at Sickles and Knollwood Provide support and assistance to middle school with Tier 1 Instruction & ■ Intervention Strategies 24 ○ Continue the Summer Learning Academy

  25. NJSLA - ELA, Math & Science Schedule Spring 2020 Testing Schedule NJSLA - ELA and Math Assessment Dates: ◼ Math: May 5, 6, 7, 8 (6th-8th have 3 days; 3rd - 5th have 4 days) ◼ ELA: May 12, 13, 14 ◼ Makeups: Week of May 18th NJSLA - Science Testing (for 5th & 8th grade students only): ◼ May 27 & 28 ◼ Makeups: May 29 - June 5 25

  26. Fair Haven’s Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Rebranding the system… FHTSS (Fair Haven Tiered Systems of Supports) Old I&RS FHTSS FHTSS is a collaborative approach to provide I&RS Social/ appropriate RtI Emotional support to our 504 general education Behavioral population. 26


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