mrso update

MRSO Update Gerry Halligan 30th August 2017 Debt Flagging May-17 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MRSO Update Gerry Halligan 30th August 2017 Debt Flagging May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Total Debt Notifications received (012) 320 239 216 Total Debt Notifications not forwarded for reason 79 66 45 implied or explicit CoLE, timeout, etc.

  1. MRSO Update Gerry Halligan 30th August 2017

  2. Debt Flagging May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Total Debt Notifications received (012) 320 239 216 Total Debt Notifications not forwarded for reason 79 66 45 implied or explicit CoLE, timeout, etc. Total Debt Notifications sent to gaining supplier 241 173 171 (112) Total not cancelled 163 90 111 Total cancelled 78 83 60 Total Debt Notifications sent to gaining supplier as 0.9% 0.7% 0.7% % of total COS 2

  3. Debt Flagging 400 350 Total Debt Notifications 300 received 250 Total Debt Notifications sent to gaining supplier 200 Total Cancelled 150 100 50 0 Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Total Debt Notifications received 368 312 308 359 193 237 283 291 305 320 239 216 Total Debt Notifications sent to gaining supplier 229 218 236 263 149 178 197 203 250 241 173 171 Total Cancelled 66 60 81 77 74 63 93 79 79 78 83 60 3

  4. Objections – Erroneous Transfers 180 35,000 No. of Objections 160 CoS Completions 160 30,000 140 25,000 No. of CoS Completions 120 No. of Objections 105 103 20,000 100 92 92 90 89 86 85 85 83 79 78 77 75 80 74 73 72 15,000 69 68 67 65 64 59 60 10,000 40 5,000 20 0 0 4

  5. Objections May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 No. of Objections 103 83 78 Cancellations from Objections 81 62 46 Objection emails to MRSO 9 4 9 Reasons: Uncontactable by phone 1 Written communication COS confirmed 9 3 9 Other Escalation emails 2 0 2 5

  6. IGG Action 1073 - MRSO to provide RMDS with written information in relation to Debt Flagging Rejection CoLE • The Market System uses name matching functionality to perform a check between the name provided on the registration request message 010 and the ESBN recorded name. • An exact match returns a 100% score, any score above a threshold value is classified as a match and automatically flagged as ‘No’ to a CoLE. • Where the score is less than a threshold value the check is out-sorted to MRSO for manual evaluation. • Where there is a material difference involved then MRSO will flag ‘Yes’ to a CoLE. Where the difference is judged to be minor or due to a miss-spelling then it will be flagged ‘No’ to a CoLE. • If the losing supplier raises an objection to a registration request with reason code ‘DCN’ for debt, the losing supplier will be aware there is an inferred CoLE as they will already have received a confirmation of customer loss message 110. • The next slide shows examples of typical names that are out-sorted to MRSO for a decision on CoLE. 6 Footer

  7. IGG Action 1073 - MRSO to provide RMDS with written information in relation to Debt Flagging Rejection CoLE ESB Networks Name provided on MRSO decision recorded name 010MM Seamus Byrne Anne Byrne CoLE Denis & Christine Denis O’Toole CoLE O’Toole Denis & Christine Christine Madden CoLE Madden Orlilagh Horia Cayman Horia Cayman CoLE NW Health Board HSE NW Sligo CoLE Ann Marie Kehoe Pollock Ann Marie Kehoe CoLE Kitty O’Connor Kitty Connors CoLE John Smith Jonathon Smith CoLE Patricia O’Rourke Trish O’Rourke No CoLE Joseph O'Rourke Joe O'Rourke No CoLE John & Mary Murphy John & Mary No CoLE Joan Tighe Ms Joan Tighe No CoLE Kathleen Kavanagh Kathleen Cavanagh No CoLE Radoslaw Komka Radoslaw Korka No CoLE Thye Kooi Fan Kooi Thye Fan No CoLE Ali Alfinan Ali Alsinan No CoLE 7 Footer


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