MONXTON PARISH COUNCIL Agenda: 21 st January 2015 - 7.30pm
Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests 3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting review and sign off 5. Planning matters – current applications and status + speakers 6. HCC update – Cllr West will provide and update on the situation with respect to HCC activities on behalf of Monxton and Amport 7. Reports:- Environment & Footpaths Traffic Neighbourhood Watch Finance Monxton Web Site Sunnybank 8. Correspondence 9. Dates for the next Meetings 10. Close of the meeting
MPC Planning Matters No new planning applications received 1. Update from HCC 2. Issues with lorries going to dump Rubble at Fox’s Wood Georgia Lane 3. Update on the investigations by the Forestry Commission and Environment agency 4. Enforcement Officer looking into building works currently under way at Oakcutts (far 5. end of Broad Road) after their planning application and appeal were both refused Alpine Group move and new residential development at Manor farm 6.
WASTE DUMPING AT AT FOX WOOD, GEORGIA LANE BY NELSONS/LANGDOWNS Excerpts from a Document assembled for the Forestry Commission
Forestry Commission Email received requesting information for an environmental impact assessment F 1. The date when the works to your knowledge started. i e l d , A 2. Confirm the lorry movements are continuing. l i s o n A 3. The number of lorry movements each day to the site (and if the movements d d t o c take place five, six or seven days a week). o n t a c t s 4. The routes that the lorries take through the Parish T o : B R O O K E R , • Several villagers have agreed to undertake a survey this week to ascertain C a m i l l the answer to Q3 a , M i k e C l e u g h • Between 07.45-5.30 on 19/1/15 Villagers observed a total of 26 lorries, all bar C c : H a two travelling towards Andover empty r d i n g , J o n a t h a n , R a u , J o n a t h a n ,
Traffic • Scalpings or similar requested for potholes down the road sides along Broad Road and also by the Village Hall by Hampshire CC Highways • Ground works on the verge alongside Monxton Manor to be completed by the end of March 2015 by TVBC • Village Gateways on TVBC list for 2015/16, along with 30mph limit extension • Bollard to be repaired by HCC Highways • Still waiting for bollards around small green at Abbotts Ann Rd/Broad Rd • Community Speed Watch due to start very soon – at latest spring 2015
Alpine Group From Peter Farringdon I do very much appreciate how frustrating this is for your Councillors and the village residents. We have had ongoing negotiations with Kier for 3 to 4 months and we have had to seriously challenge their proposals (particularly their estimates of costs). We are now very close to agreeing the plans and specifications for the new buildings for Alpine and Penchard and I would expect to be agreeing Heads of Terms by the end of this month. This will then allow Kier to press the button (they have done preliminary work on this already) on the preparation of the planning application for the redevelopment of Manor Farm. As you rightly point out, Kier won’t start building the new units on the Andover Business Park until they have received an acceptable planning permission for the redevelopment of Manor Farm. Assuming an application is submitted by June it could be determined by say October (I am allowing more than the standard 13 weeks due to the fact that the application will be contrary to TVBC’s policies) . The new units would be constructed within 8 months so Alpine and Penchard could be relocated by September 2016. • •
ENVIRONMENT (Judith Balding) Test Valley Flood Resilience Workshop Councillor Judith Balding was invited to attend the Test Valley Flood Resilience Workshop on 29 th November on behalf of MPC. The meeting was chaired by the Leader of TVBC, Councillor Ian Carr, with progress reports from Roger Tetstall, TVBC Chief Executive, John Elliott from the EA and Alan Williams, HCC Strategic Manager for the Environment, and Caroline Nokes, MP reported on her Ministerial visit to Romsey. There were various workshops including best practice from Shipton Bellinger and case study progress reports from Kings Somborne and Verham Dean, villages which all suffered from major flooding last winter. The meeting ended with a question and answer session with a panel made up of representatives from TVBC, HCC, the EA and Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. Southern Water There have been no problems with the pumping station and Southern Water aim to finish
ENVIRONMENT (Judith Balding) Fracking Although serious concerns about potential impacts on the environment have been raised about 'fracking', the government plans to allow fracking companies to drill under people's land without their agreement, despite public opposition. In a consultation on the proposal, 99 percent of a total of 40,647 responses opposed the legal changes to give oil and gas companies underground access without having to seek landowners’ permission. The Department of Energy and Climate Change has said it will press ahead with proposals to simplify underground access for oil and gas developers despite these objections. This would give companies the right to drill at depths of 300 metres or more under private land without negotiating a right of access. The government argue that the current ability for people to block shale gas development under their property would lead to significant delays and that the legal process by which companies can force fracking plans through was costly and time-consuming. Footpaths & Bridleways The stile on Footpath 6 has yet to be repaired, but there are no reports of any other problems with the footpaths or bridleways.
MPC Finance 21 st January 2015 ACCOUNTS - 1 st April 2014 - 21 st January 2015 INCOME. Opening Balance BF = £5,574.65 Plus ½ precept = £5,200.00 = £10,774.65 EXPENDITURE. Wages = £2000.00 Insurance = £388.45 Notice Boards = £133.30 Play Ground Inspection = £65.40 Village Maintenance = £1816.00 Dog Bins = £152.64 Church Grant = £500.00 = £5,055.79 BALANCE IN BANK = £5,718.86 MONEY SET ASIDE - NOT INCLUDED IN ABOVE FIGURES £1000.00 for Village Hall Refurbishment £2000.00 for Traffic Calming £1000.00 for Village Project/Maintenance
MPC Finance EXPENDITURE Payments December 2014 and January 2015. R.N. Waterman Wages - December (Standing Order) £200.00 R.N. Waterman Wages - January £200.00 Clive Hutchinson Grass Cutting £555.00 Mr B Pearce Play Area £ 90.00 £1,045.00
Sunnybank • Dave Bateman advised no current issues
Monxton Neighbourhood Watch Report • Reported Crime • Reported crime has been low in our area over the past two months. In other parts of Hampshire, however, non dwelling crimes continue to cause problems, particularly thefts from outhouses and garages. The police have had some success with arrests for fly tipping, and thefts of a Kawasaki mule and horse trailer. • With the arrival of cold weather and oil tanks being topped up the Police have warned again about possible attempts to steal heating oil. They advise ways to make the oil less attractive to thieves including; a ‘sudden drop’ alarm on the tank, a PIR activated light/alarm and an alarmed padlock. • • The December edition of the Parish News included a more comprehensive summary of precautions. • Crime Alerts • Since the last meeting an alert was issued on the 4 th December which was distributed in Monxton and posted on Monxton Matters. It covered some of the many telephone scams currently going around that I mentioned at the last meeting. I also mentioned Hampshire County Council’s ‘Hitting the Cold Spots’ campaign aimed at providing advice on how to keep warm. Since then I have been advised by our local Neighbourhood Watch secretary of additional funds available to tackle fuel poverty in rural areas of Hampshire. Information on this is available contacts given in the Alert. • • •
Monxton Web site Activity
Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests 3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting sign that they are correct 5. Planning matters – current applications and status + speakers 6. HCC update – Cllr West will provide and update on the situation with respect to HCC activities and the lorries transporting material through the village by Nelsons 7. Reports:- Environment & Footpaths Traffic Neighbourhood Watch Finance Monxton Web Site Sunnybank 8. Correspondence 9. Dates for the 2015 Meetings 10. Close of the meeting
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