annual parish meeting 2017 18 welcome 1 report on the

Annual Parish Meeting 2017-18 Welcome 1. Report on the Parish - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cuckfield Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting 2017-18 Welcome 1. Report on the Parish Council year - Cllr. Nigel Page 2. Sussex Safer Roads Partnership Mark Trimmer 3. Cuckfield Speed Watch Launch Cllr. Colin Mercer 4. Leader Mid

  1. Cuckfield Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting 2017-18 Welcome 1. Report on the Parish Council year - Cllr. Nigel Page 2. Sussex Safer Roads Partnership – Mark Trimmer 3. Cuckfield Speed Watch Launch – Cllr. Colin Mercer 4. Leader Mid Sussex District Council - Cllr. Garry Wall Public Question Time Email:- @cuckfieldparishcouncil

  2. Summary for 2017-2018  Roles and Responsibility  Third year of four year term. Central Government  Highways focus on safety and National policies Statutory Law HMRC improvements. West Sussex County Council Education  Modernised fee structure for allotments, Social Healthcare Highways Fire and Emergency burials and regular hirers. Mid Sussex District Council  Neighbourhood Plan Monitoring. Planning Local Amenities Housing Council Tax Waste and Recycling  New Public Open Space. Cuckfield Parish Council  Cuckfield Golf Club. Consultee on Planning Allotments Burials Community Buildings Local Assets Precept

  3. Planning  Neighbourhood Plan Monitoring report  District Plan  Open space transfers and enforcement

  4. Roads and Traffic  Community Speed Watch Trained volunteers now active and reporting speeding vehicles to Sussex Police.  London Lane Outline plan for improvements.

  5. Community Speed Watch  Trained community volunteers  Education and awareness  Agreed locations

  6. Community Building’s  Updated fee structure and new contracts  Increase in Village Hall utilisation.  Continued maintenance and improvement programme.  Gazebo for the garden, decoration, customer experience and a working flag

  7. Environment and Wellbeing  Allotments Updated fee structure and Investment in the Allotments.  Christmas Street Festival Annual event with over 2000 people attending

  8. Estates Committee  Ardingly Road has now been transferred and the management plan is now underway.  Buttinghill is subject to enforcement action by MSDC against the developer to resolve the landscape and drainage issues.

  9. Finance and General Purposes  Financial report for the year ended 31st March 2018  Environment assets  Roads and Traffic  GDPR  Reserves

  10. Cuckfield Parish Council. Annual Parish Meeting Welcome 2. Sussex Safer Roads Partnership – Mark Trimmer.

  11. Cuckfield Parish Council. Annual Parish Meeting Welcome 3.Leader Mid Sussex District Council - Cllr Garry Wall

  12. Cuckfield Parish Council. Annual Parish Meeting Public Question Time 1 st March 2018 @cuckfieldparishcouncil

  13. Thankyou


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