Cuckfield Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting 2017-18 Welcome 1. Report on the Parish Council year - Cllr. Nigel Page 2. Sussex Safer Roads Partnership – Mark Trimmer 3. Cuckfield Speed Watch Launch – Cllr. Colin Mercer 4. Leader Mid Sussex District Council - Cllr. Garry Wall Public Question Time Email:- @cuckfieldparishcouncil
Summary for 2017-2018 Roles and Responsibility Third year of four year term. Central Government Highways focus on safety and National policies Statutory Law HMRC improvements. West Sussex County Council Education Modernised fee structure for allotments, Social Healthcare Highways Fire and Emergency burials and regular hirers. Mid Sussex District Council Neighbourhood Plan Monitoring. Planning Local Amenities Housing Council Tax Waste and Recycling New Public Open Space. Cuckfield Parish Council Cuckfield Golf Club. Consultee on Planning Allotments Burials Community Buildings Local Assets Precept
Planning Neighbourhood Plan Monitoring report District Plan Open space transfers and enforcement
Roads and Traffic Community Speed Watch Trained volunteers now active and reporting speeding vehicles to Sussex Police. London Lane Outline plan for improvements.
Community Speed Watch Trained community volunteers Education and awareness Agreed locations
Community Building’s Updated fee structure and new contracts Increase in Village Hall utilisation. Continued maintenance and improvement programme. Gazebo for the garden, decoration, customer experience and a working flag
Environment and Wellbeing Allotments Updated fee structure and Investment in the Allotments. Christmas Street Festival Annual event with over 2000 people attending
Estates Committee Ardingly Road has now been transferred and the management plan is now underway. Buttinghill is subject to enforcement action by MSDC against the developer to resolve the landscape and drainage issues.
Finance and General Purposes Financial report for the year ended 31st March 2018 Environment assets Roads and Traffic GDPR Reserves
Cuckfield Parish Council. Annual Parish Meeting Welcome 2. Sussex Safer Roads Partnership – Mark Trimmer.
Cuckfield Parish Council. Annual Parish Meeting Welcome 3.Leader Mid Sussex District Council - Cllr Garry Wall
Cuckfield Parish Council. Annual Parish Meeting Public Question Time 1 st March 2018 @cuckfieldparishcouncil
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