CATWORTH PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council commissioned and set up the village survey process to: Inform decision making ü Provide a guidance for local planning / ü development Identify problem areas and gaps in provision ü Engage residents in thinking about the future ü
……..the Parish Council will: ü Use the survey results to evidence support for projects / priorities ü Provide an update on work and progress ü Extend communication reach ü Finance publication and distribution of results to all residents
……..the Parish Council comprises: ü Seven elected councillors who are volunteers ü One of the youngest chairmen in the county ü One part time clerk ü A statutory body with strict accountability and governance processes. ü Trustees of the Great Catworth Charity with annual budget approx £2,200.
Current and recent projects: ü Streetlights replacement ü Traffic calming/safety ü Footpaths ü Communications ü Environment ü Security ü Community
Streetlights replacement: q Overwhelming support of residents Supported by Survey q Project to reduce long term cost to the village by replacing life expired lights q Funded through the precept Supported by Survey q Five to six year programme q Many technical challenges q Working with UK Power Networks; Balfour Beatty; and Cambridgeshire County Council q First stage along Station Road hoped for 2014
Traffic calming/safety: q Implementation of speed limits Supported by Survey q Reductions in limits, lobbying County Council and Police q Extension of coverage using newly granted powers; q Traffic calming in Station Road Supported by Survey q Speedwatch programme Volunteers needed Supported by Survey q Yellow lines in High Street following consultation q Bollards by shop q Bollards and kerbing to protect verges q Trying to establish a footpath from the pub along the cut
Footpaths: q The footway to the playing field in Station Road q Footway to Village Shop and pub q Stile replacements q Repair of footpaths, funds available for FP9 Volunteers needed q Conduit for reporting problems to County Council footpath team q Trying to secure an exit for FP17 to the High Street Supported by Survey q In response to Survey Local guidebook for circular walks, a great idea Volunteers needed
Communications: q Parish Council finances Village Matters for Catworth Supported by Survey (Note: Editorial control completely with St Leonards PCC) q Used by Parish Council to publicise council issues and seek volunteers Supported by Survey q Used as a conduit for public service notices about County Council and District Council services Supported by Survey q Used to advertise HACT q In response to Survey -future development of a Parish Council website
Environment: q Supports Catworth in Bloom Volunteers needed to revamp and relaunch Supported by Survey q Village Tidy Day Volunteers needed Supported by Survey q Manages grass cutting of verges within the village q Trying to secure land for allotments ( depends on a willing seller ) Supported by Survey (Note: No formal requests for allotments received despite asking) q influencing residential development ( depends on land being available ) Supported by Survey q Part funded church wall repairs
Security: q Promotes and supports Neighbourhood Watch Volunteers needed Supported by Survey q Promotes Bobby Scheme q Encourages membership of e-cops Supported by Survey (Note: Now Huntscops) q Long record of improving street lighting plus replacement street light programme Supported by Survey
Community: q Cambridgeshire Village of the Year in 1998 q Huntingdonshire District Village of the Year 1998 and 2002 q Supporting the development and maintenance of the Village Hall and Playing Field Supported by Survey (Note: Nearly £12,000 to the Village Hall since 2007) q Annual grants from the Great Catworth Charity to the Playing Field; St Leonards PCC; and the Village Hall Supported by Survey
Some things to bear in mind: ü The Parish Council has no compulsory purchase powers ü Parked vehicles can help slow traffic ü The Parish Council can only use money for purposes governed by statute ü HGV’s can deliver and collect within the restricted zone. ü £5 gift aided is worth more than £5 through the precept/council tax (St Leonard’s and Village Hall both able to recover gift aid). ü Parish Council also has responsibilities to those
Where the money comes from/goes to: ü The Parish Council raises money (precept) via the Council Tax paid to HDC ü Regular outgoings ü Clerks Salary ü Street lighting maintenance and energy ü Grass cutting ü Clock maintenance ü Insurance ü Hall Hire for meetings ü Audit fees
……..and…..: ü Other recent expenditures ü Traffic calming Station Road/ yellow lines High Street/ speed restriction Fox Road ü Replacement and additional street lights ü Community Plan ü Fields in Trust status for Playing Field ü Election costs ü Childrens Jubilee mugs ü Grants to Village Hall for refurbishment ü Kerbing to the Green at Church End
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