milk row cemetery

Milk Row Cemetery Update to Open Space Component of 2002 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Milk Row Cemetery Update to Open Space Component of 2002 Preservation Master Plan FY17 Community Preservation Act (CPA) Applicant Somerville Historic Preservation Commission J. Brandon Wilson, Executive Director Milk Row Cemetery

  1. Milk Row Cemetery Update to Open Space Component of 2002 Preservation Master Plan FY’17 Community Preservation Act (CPA) Applicant Somerville Historic Preservation Commission J. Brandon Wilson, Executive Director

  2. Milk Row Cemetery • Significance • Established in 1804 • Contains what is thought to the be oldest Civil War soldiers’ monument erected by citizens in the United States (1863) • Historic designation on the local, state, and national level • One of few dedicated open spaces in Union Square proper • Current Use • Passive Recreation • Educational Instruction

  3. Preservation Master Plan Summary • Restore Perimeter Fencing and Gates • Open up & Improve Cemetery Landscaping & Furniture • Improve Internal Circulation for Pedestrians & Vehicles • Provide Universal Access within and into Burial Ground • Enhance & Facilitate Public Entry and Use • Maintain Health of Large American Elm Tree • Stabilize, Clean, and Treat Civil War Monument • Rehabilitate 8 Tomb Facades, Vault and Wall • Reset and Conserve All Deteriorated Grave Markers • Optimize Site for Passive Recreation & Appreciation of Somerville’s Cultural Heritage

  4. Project Progress • Phase One : Prepare Preservation Master Plan • DEM State grant ($34,000) and Federal funding from CDBG • May - Sept. 2002 (Total Project: $50,000) • Phase Two : Monument and grave marker conservation, tomb reconstruction (2), accessibility, and landscaping • Mass. Historical Commission (MHC) State grant ($55,205) • 2005-2006 (Total Project: $140,037) • Phase Three : Perimeter improvements to fencing, ADA accessibility, more historic landscaping, and addition of on- site water source, benches, trash cans, & bicycle rack • Mix of private and public (state/local/federal) funding • 2009-2012, with additional landscaping still in progress

  5. Project Progress (continued) • Phase Four : Greater public access and use through public programming • Annual events, docent-led tours, and school trips • Ongoing • Phase Five : Rehabilitation of all 8 tomb facades • Remaining six tombs rehabilitated in the late spring and early summer of 2016 • FY’15 CPA grant ($48,360) & additional $11,300 from State, City & CPA due to unforeseen conditions at previously rehabilitated tombs 7 & 8; • Revised Total Project: $106,675

  6. Project Progress (continued) • Phase Six: Reset & Conserve All Deteriorated Grave Markers • FY’16 CPA grant ($26,808 less $6,300 borrowed for FY’15 CPA grant completion); now available: $20,508 • TOTAL COSTS : • To preserve & restore Milk Row Cemetery to date, including in-kind work by local, City & State agencies: ~ $450,000 * GRANTS & private foundation funds received to date: $288,073 (~65% of total!)

  7. Preservation Master Plan Update • Restore Perimeter Fencing and Gates  • Open up & Improve Cemetery Landscaping & Furniture  • Improve Internal Circulation for Pedestrians & Vehicles  • Provide Universal Access within and into Burial Ground  • Enhance & Facilitate Public Entry and Use  • Maintain Health of Large American Elm Tree  • Stabilize, Clean, and Treat Civil War Monument  • Rehabilitate 8 Tomb Facades, Vault and Wall (Started 2005-06, completed June 2016)  • Reset and Conserve All Deteriorated Grave Markers (Bid this winter & work to be done Spring-Summer 2017)

  8. Phase Seven– Current Project • Update Open Space & Landscaping Components: • Assessment of current conditions • Recommendations for priority next steps • Cost estimates for prioritized work items • Hire Qualified Consultant to Perform Scope of Work • Expected Timetable: • 8-10 weeks beginning summer & ending fall 2017 • Occurs simultaneous with marker conservation work • Restore FY’16 CPA Funding ($6,300) borrowed from Grave Markers Conservation work for completion of Tombs Rehabilitation Work (CPA FY’15)

  9. Project Photographs – Illustrating Site Deficiencies Note lack of optimal visual screening, sound abatement and other passive open space amenities, and deterioration of many grave markers

  10. Budget for Blended Historic & Open Space Funding • Master Plan Update for Landscaping/Open Space: $15,000 • FY’16 CPA grant loss for Grave Markers Conservation: $6,300 • Total Request FY’17: $21,300


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