"Downtown Alive" Marketing Survey Friday, May 15, 2020 dbawilmington@gmail.com Powered by
964 Total Responses Date Created: Friday, May 08, 2020-Ended Thursday May 14, 2020 • Sent Via DBA Newsletter to Downtown Stakeholders • Published in Star News Article • Published in Port City Daily News Article • Linked and Shared on Social Media
Dear Downtown Stakeholder, DBA has agreed to prepare and distribute a survey requesting your input regarding the possibility of street closures to promote a new Downtown marketing effort called “Downtown Alive” . With the shut-down of the economy due to the Covid19 out- break numerous Downtown business owners have reached out to DBA, Senator Harper Peterson and other elected officials asking for a focused effort to bring customers back to their doors. "Downtown Alive" cannot be rolled out until after we have entered Phase 2. As of Details of the Friday, May 8th, it could be 2 to 3 weeks until Phase 2 is in place & possibly even longer based on a continual reduction of Covid19 outbreaks over a 2-week time-line. It is our Survey intent to spend the interim period to work through the details to be ready to successfully roll out "Downtown Alive" the first week after approval to do so. While working through the details of this proposal our focus was to figure out the safest way to bring Downtown back to life while keeping social distancing at the fore front. Keep in mind that this proposal is fluid and subject to change. After researching how other markets have successfully implemented similar efforts the current proposal is as follows: May 15, 2020 3
“Downtown Alive” Proposal Details • Close Downtown streets adjacent to restaurants/bars/retail and allow restaurants & bars the ability to expand seating onto the sidewalk in front of their building & possibly into the street parking spaces. The streets will be designated as pedestrian use. Retailers will have the ability to expand their wares onto the sidewalk in front of their shop as well. “Please keep in mind that • Business owners will need to supervise their designated spaces and be sensitive to public this will be a tremendous safety. effort by many individuals, • Restaurant and bar customers must remain in the areas designated for the business the organizations and food/alcohol was purchased from. businesses. We are • Please keep in mind that "Downtown Alive" will be rolled out only as a temporary measure to currently coordinating increase sales for our existing Downtown businesses. directly with the local • The event will be held Thursday, Friday from 5pm until 10pm, Saturdays & Sundays from 10am Health Dept., ABC/ALE, until 10pm. WPD, WFD, City Staff and • Specific streets to be closed will be identified based on the number of restaurants/bars and retail City Council to ensure on the street wishing to participate taking into consideration that some corridors must remain success.” open for those restaurants who wish to maintain pick-up/delivery. • Effected street meters to be bagged and vehicles must be moved by 4:00pm Thursdays & Terry Espy, DBA President Fridays, and Saturday & Sundays by 9:00am. • City parking deck will be open to parking at normal rates to offset lost revenue due the bagged meters. • Downtown Trolley route will need to be relocated from Front St during the events. May 15, 2020 4
Q1: Do you support the implementation of "Downtown Alive"? “Let's open! Safely !” “Great idea! I think this should stay active even after we get rid of the Rona .“ “We don’t own a business downtown but support endeavors trying to maintain others in business, contributing to the financial health of this wonderful city !“ “I'm thrilled by this initiative. As a retailer downtown, I know that retail is not going to see a robust recovery here until bars and restaurants are able to reopen. This is a way to do it much more safely. I'm so glad we are thinking creatively .”
Q2: Are you an owner of a restaurant downtown? Q3: Are you an owner of a bar located downtown? Q4: Are you an owner of a retail business located downtown
Q5: If you do NOT own a business downtown, do you consider yourself to be a patron of downtown businesses? Q6: Retailers: Will you remain open extended hours the evenings designated as "Downtown Alive"?
Q7: Do you agree with the days and time frames proposed for "Downtown Alive" Q8: Would you volunteer to participate on a committee for "Downtown Alive"?
Comments I hope this becomes permanent! Terrific idea! Would volunteer but have husband with pre-conditions, sorry ! Consider keeping Front st from Dock to Grace as pedestrian only . The sooner the better. Nobody has to go out if they don't want to. Those who choose to go out have that right. How many businesses have we lost that will never reopen? Let's save But would expand even further - more days and longer hours. I’m a downtown resident. I support this those that we can. and think front and water streets should be car free. Would love to participate in a committee. Excellent idea designating the proposed streets as pedestrian only. To many great examples from around the country to see the success of this kind of effort! I saw this walking mall in Spain in a number of cities . It initiated great foot traffic for stores/bars and promoted socialization with residents. Really a great permanent solution for out downtown . It's a great idea. There's not much parking near the river walk any, so why not use it for pedestrians and restaurants? I would love even more hours of closed streets . This proposal needs to stay and not be a temporary idea. There are a lot of people that have wanted to see this long before this crisis began. I hope this happens and I hope it stays! Cape Fear Cyclists fully supports pedestrian access to downtown Wilmington. We hope pedestrian access to downtown becomes a full-time reality. Allowing one avenue, like Front Street to be pedestrian/bicycle would enhance access and improve safety. Please open the restaurants, it is time. Be concerned about homeless, beggars, Street lights, security Cameras on the. River. Waste of time for retailers after 5 pm folks downtown are the dinner & bar crowd can’t imagine anyone concerned about Social Distancing would show up. Love this idea! I think they should consider weekday hours too!
Comments Continued Tactical Urbanism WORKS. It is proven to inject interest, both economic and cultural, into a space. As a short-term tool, this approach has the potential to really help local independent businesses. Please just be sure that health measures are widely advertised, face coverings are encouraged, and antibacterial stations are plentiful! This is such a wonderful idea! Yes do everything possible to keep Wilmington alive. Retailers and bars aren’t the only businesses downtown. I have worked as a hair stylist downtown for over 17yrs and have owned a salon on water st for 10yrs. The last 3 years have been very hard on us because of the construction beside water st center. Due to lack of parking and constant road closures the three salons in WSC is now down to two salons. After yrs of struggling to keep stylist and clients we were shut down for over 2 months due to Covid19. We can’t afford to have traffic th at would be parking on front st pushed down to the already limited parking on water! I understand why this idea was proposed and supported by so many! And I want to be supportive of other businesses. I really do! But please understand that Fringe Salon and Imagio have been taking blows with absolutely no help from the town for years now! Retailers and bars aren’t the only businesses downtown. I like this idea. Frankly some pedestrians endanger themselves by thinking red lights don’t apply to them putting drivers at risk. And some pedestrians don’t even pay attention to traffic as they walk looking at their phone . This was also true when we had the pedal taxis downtown. They were a mess as well. Just interested to see which streets this would apply to! In the event this happens, would we be able to use our parking lot for seating as well? You guys should push for no parking on front street between dock and chestnut. Then expand the sidewalk out and give all businesses a front cafe area. Promote more outdoor spaces for downtown. That whole 3 block stretch should be pedestrian only.
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