your marketing universe marketing data

Your Marketing Universe Marketing Data How do you use your - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Your Marketing Universe Marketing Data How do you use your Marketing data? Are you sure it is the right data? Duplicate addresses in your system! Is it updated? Have you looked it over in a map? Types of Marketing Data

  1. Your Marketing Universe

  2. Marketing Data • How do you use your Marketing data? • Are you sure it is the right data? • Duplicate addresses in your system! • Is it updated? • Have you looked it over in a map?

  3. Types of Marketing Data • Current Customers • Cancel Customer • Rejected Leads • Neighbors of Current Customers • New Homeowner • First Connect phone listings • Lot Size Data from your County

  4. The Start of Marketing Data • Joe started with a list of all the single family dwellings in his marketing zip codes. He then had his crew go out and block lead every street. In the past 5 years, over 150,000 listings where double checked by using the Measure Assistant tool. The total file is now over 275,000 listings with a lot size. • He now has a huge data base that he updates every year with the new home owners name and phone number. • This is one of his most powerful marketing tools!

  5. Customer Profile Customers 86,145 It Statistically will match Records Uploaded 53,553 up to 28 consumer Total Records Matched 53,542 Unique Records Matched demographic overlays of 62% your customers. Match Rate South Atlantic: DE, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, DC, & Region Definite owner Home Ownership 0-24,999 IPA Cluster Code Single Dwelling Type $50K - $100K Median Home Value Male Gender Less than $25,000 Networth Double/Multiple Direct Mail Responder Multiple mail buyer Mail Responsive Buyer One Adult Adults in Household

  6. Customer Profile Household Income

  7. Counts of best Prospects by Profile Information

  8. You need to know where your customers are.. • You will have better results marketing to zip codes your customers are in now. • You can look at leads and sales by zip code • In some cases you need to look at CRRT with in zip codes • You have to look at this thru your Marketing Summary Report

  9. Your Marketing Summary Report

  10. Marketing Summary By Zip This will show you the report by zip code and status code. It prints out top to bottom by the zip codes you have the most customers in.

  11. Marketing Summary by CRRT This is a preview of the CRRT report. This will allow you to see what CRRTs you have the most customers in.

  12. CRRT Map Carrier Route Map

  13. Marketing Counts by Zip Code Take your top 5 to 10 zip codes and email to us and we can provide you the amount of Single Family Dwellings in them and SQFT counts. We can take the data you have in your system and suppress then so you only pay for new marketing data.

  14. Look at your data in mapping Reports, Customer List, Customer list Screen Customer List, Options Screen

  15. Look at your data in mapping

  16. Look over the data you just received Once you have the SFD listings, you can import them into Mapping and look at each zip code Add Subdivision names Flag code Condos Flag code MFD

  17. Meas easur urement ement As Assis istant ant It’s FAST! On Average Only a 90% sales generated 3-5 Minute Process over the phone 2013 Scotts LawnService Lansing location Entire neighborhoods OR Single family home

  18. Add a Property to Your Marketing Universe!

  19. Don’t delete any data! • Once you have the lot size for that property, you will never have to go back out and do a Estimate again. You select the right properties you want to market to. You can now send out a mailer with a price and quote a price over the phone. This will save you time and money in the future. • Don’t delete any listings, flag code them Condos, MFD, DNM.

  20. How do I Deal with Duplicate Addresses in SA • How do you handle a new person that moves into a cancel customers home? • Do you have duplicate addresses in your Marketing Data now? • Do you have duplicate addresses in active customers and cancels or other status codes now?

  21. Removing Duplicate addresses in Marketing Data you have now

  22. Importing Back in Marketing Data Now you can import the Marketing Data back into SA and make sure to omit duplicate addresses

  23. Checking for Duplicate Addresses in Active Status Codes

  24. Checking for Duplicate Addresses in Active Status Codes You will have to do this one by one and look for duplicate addresses.

  25. Checking for Duplicate Addresses in Active Status Codes Now you will go in a bring up 2 customer screen, side by side and look at the duplicate listings

  26. Checking for Duplicate Addresses in Active Status Codes You will use this tool to merge the 2 records into one customer account

  27. How do I update the data in my system? Run your Marketing Summary Report and look at the last page for the total listings you want to update. Measured Not Measured We update a AVG of 30% of the names in your database if you have not done a update in less then 3 years

  28. Update your data through SA We have a update feature that allows you to export just the data you want updated and sent it to us for updating. Make Sure you have the right name at the address in your system

  29. Importing the update file back into SA Once your data is updated, you will receive the file back by email to import into the system. You will receive a report that shows you the number of name and phone updates. It will flag code the updated names and phones. It will keep the cancel old customers name. We do require your SAN number off the DNC to update phones.

  30. Importing the update file back into SA You can still look up the old name if you need to.

  31. Back Fill Date you don’t have! Use your Marketing Summery Report to help you look at zip codes you want to add more data to. We can use your file as a “Suppression” file and give you new addresses.

  32. Your data is only as good as the source or when it was last update. This is one of the key components to any successful Marketing Campaigns! Questions?


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