Lessons from Lockdown: Inclusion Scott Hickman Childcare Inclusion Manager Hampshire County Council
Context • Special Educational Needs Support - not Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) • Early Years - Pre-schools, nurseries and childminders (EY settings) – not schools • We are learning too • Subject to change! • Most importantly: context that we must never forget…
Our friends at Ofsted…… A child’s earliest years, from their birth to the time they reach statutory school age, are crucial. All the research shows that this stage of learning and development matters more than any other. If we get the early years right, we pave the way for a lifetime of achievement. If we get them wrong, we miss a unique opportunity to shape a child’s future. Unknown children - destined for disadvantage? Ofsted July 2016
Context: General support to the Sector Increased Communications Website, FAQs, online resources, email contact, brokerage Webinars to support opening/public health and out of schoo l Financial Support Forward payment in April of EYE funding to help cashflow EYE funding to support child who moves temporarily due to capacity issues or temporary closure of usual setting Small fund for Exceptional Covid 19 expenses Engagement with Central Government Officer engagement with DfE, ADCS, MPs
Context Covid-19 Impact – Attendance and Provision - All children Childcare Market as at 29 June % Open Provider type Early Years Approved Providers After School club EYE 50% Holiday Playscheme EYE 100% Childminder EYE 78% Day Nursery 92% Pre-school EYE 95% Governor Run Nursery EYE 100% Maintained Nursery EYE 100% Nursery Unit of Ind. School EYE 69% Total EYE 85% Other Childcare Non EYE Childminder 4% Out of School clubs 3%
Context Vulnerable children tracking during Covid-19 • Early Help Hub (EHH), Children in Need (CiN), Child Protection (CP), EHCP • What was on the news that week? Could we contact settings? Vulnerable children attendance during Covid-19 750 687 700 657 646 646 Number of vulnerable children* 618 618 650 608 600 Number we have recieved information about 617 601 598 550 597 589 Number of children 500 How many vunerable childre are in a settings** 450 495 495 404 387 400 354 334 350 300 218 250 179 * EHH, CIN, CP, EHCP 200 ** Early Years Pre-school, nursery or 150 109 childminder 100 50 0 11/05/2020 18/05/2020 25/05/2020 01/06/2020 08/06/2020 15/06/2020 22/06/2020 Week commencing
Context Children with SEND attendance: SEN Inclusion Fund (IF) proxy Attendance of children supported via SEN Inclusion Funding during Covid-19 (Total of 42 Children) 30 28 Number of children with SEN IF - awards after 19 March 27 27 25 24 20 20 20 16 14 15 12 11 10 13 13 11 9 12 10 9 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 11/05/2020 18/05/2020 25/05/2020 01/06/2020 08/06/2020 Attending Week commencing Not attending Not attending through parental choice Not attending due to parent or child shielding or awaiting medical advice Not attending as setting closed or short staffed Not attending as setting closed for half term only
Discussions with setting • CDC survey • 2 weeks in late June • 9 webinars and 195 participants • Challenges • Opportunities
What did settings experience? Challenges Enablers Feedback ‘Thank you to the Hants team for supporting us through this with all of the updated FAQs The same challenges as for running Surgeries (TEAMS) and regular info. Much appreciated’ a setting for all children, but Helpline sometimes magnified for children Webinars with SEND (Every child is different) Moodle (online learning platform) ‘Virtual sessions with sector to share experiences [are helpful]’ Setting staff emotional well-being Regular contact from support services via phone calls, webinars and week ‘We have had challenges with key vulnerable children check worker places being offered to staff especially staff with SEND children’ Brokerage ‘Up side, child referred to portage got through the system quicker and being actioned Access to support from Inclusion Moodle/You tube and bite sized teams FAQS already, likewise one with paediatrician phone call way quicker than if they had to wait for a face to face appointment.’ Consent ‘So much support from the lovely Portage Home Visitor’ ‘Also using Teams to have a meeting with a parent and child who were abroad and their Educational Psychologist to be able to complete their EHCP.’ ‘We attend speech and language appointments with our parents these are now being done remotely so we are still attending and supporting our parents and children’ Speed of change FAQ Contextualise Empowerment and risk assessment
What did settings experience? Challenges Enablers Comments Specific provider briefings (how to – links to ‘Constant emails and ringing home is taking place’ Home learning factsheets, research, tried and trusted ‘Having that key time with the child and parent.’ ‘Love the webinars as can 'attend' but still be present in setting if methods) needed’ ‘How do you get those parents to engage who Access to Portage don't want to!’ ‘Sometimes fact sheets give you the information to work through Moodle (online learning platform) when you are actually doing something and you can use it in your ‘Getting parents to engage particularly traveller own time.’ families’ Portage resources bank ‘Where on the Moodle do we find the resources for home learning for parents? ‘We have done fantastic zoom meetings with schools as part of the Multiple Transitions Transition Steering Group transition’ ‘Children returning and forgotten how to listen! TEAMs/ZOOM/WhatsApp ‘Positives - no transition sessions at the schools for these children Not doing traditional transitions at all!!! which lessens any worry for them, as they try to get their heads round the changes they will come up against after a 6 week break! I think allowing them to see out their preschool time, then look at transition for them after summer has been less distressing for them’ ‘Not just SEN children, but all children have benefitted from not having the confusing time of transition during the summer months! ‘Different in every case’ Spitting and dribbling PH guidance Social care, schools etc – recovery plan
What did settings experience? Challenges Enablers Comments Previous zoning – enabling Physical space environments Additional staff for intensive support SEN Inclusion Funding Expectation for home learning Shielding Home learning Changes to environment, especially for children Quieter environment ‘I've found that the children are coping so much better with a with Social Communication Needs less busy and quieter environment and enjoying working in a Quiet spaces much smaller group.’ ‘Caused more challenges as they have had a very different life and out of routine’ ‘Ordinarily available’ Social stories, But new challenges: • visuals etc More children • ‘Children felt lost because of so few resources.’ Different entry and exit ‘One to one support whilst maintaining social ‘Time needed for them to get used to the new environment.’ distancing is challenging as they are very sensory.’ ‘Zoom meetings with families have been very positive and well Support for parents: mental health an the worries of Zoom. WhatsApp. TEAMS... received’ children Time Access to Portage and Area InCos ‘Hi, I can recommend a book called 'How feather frog feels' by Katie Peer support through online sharing of Rogers. Its a new book only out this week about feelings with anxiety’ approaches
What did the Local Authority experience when supporting settings and families? Challenges Enablers 2 year restructure vs 3 day restructure Surgeries (TEAMS) and helpline Moodle/You tube and bite sized Webinars Early implementation Oversight Vulnerable children return to Department for Education Home learning (Portage) Transition Steering Group TEAMs/ZOOM/WhatsApp Moodle/You tube and bite sized PH guidance Social care etc – recovery plan Waiting list calls (prioritise transition to school) Transition support Transition Steering Group (co-production) SEN IF (joint commissioning – co-production) Continuing Care DAF Flexible and reassuring leadership – modelling Time to talk (well being) Needs of our own team Management priority (No 1. agenda item) - Physical Equipment for our staff - Life Recovery plan - Want to work with families in their homes
Leaning from Covid-19 Stop. Start. Continue. Childcare sourced for those who need(ed) it. Provision currently keeping pace with demand. Continued support to the sector. Theme Transformation Covid-19 Future • • • Recognition and SfYC Inclusion Team New challenges in A blended offer empowerment 2001/2 2020 • Setting experience • • • Self help Deliver some things Flexible Empowerment and Self • • Home learning differently to increase Accessible Help • Intensive setting the priority support support • • • SOP and Local Offer Simple and consistent Clarity • • • Intensive support Modernising and More accessible Give them what they digital transformation need, not what we need to give then
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