learning to develop skills in stonecutting srednja

LEARNING TO DEVELOP SKILLS IN STONECUTTING Srednja gradbena, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LEARNING TO DEVELOP SKILLS IN STONECUTTING Srednja gradbena, geodetska in okoljevarstvena ola Ljubljana, od 7. 11. marca 2016 KEY QUESTIONS WHAT ? HOW ? WHY ? MOTIFS OF APPLYING FOR THE PROJECT Stonecutting is a traditional activity

  1. LEARNING TO DEVELOP SKILLS IN STONECUTTING Srednja gradbena, geodetska in okoljevarstvena šola Ljubljana, od 7. – 11. marca 2016


  3. MOTIFS OF APPLYING FOR THE PROJECT • Stonecutting is a traditional activity in the Slovene Karst area • Stonecutting is a shortage occupation • The Local Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia would like to increase the influence of employers on the process of practical work at companies for stonecutters

  4. HOW DID IT ALL START? The Local Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Sežana took an initiative that the hours of open curriculum from the three year vocational course for stonecutting should be transferred to the work placement at companies. Dilemmas: To take this step, it would be necessary to change the Law of Vocational and Technical Education. This measure would impoverish the theoretical teaching contents and practical work at school (a shortage of 50% hours, dedicated to the professional skills modules). A professional opinion of the employers should be obtained to see if they wish to have an expanded scope of work placement hours for the apprentices or students by more than 50% at all

  5. STARTING WITH OUR FIRST MEETING • Presentation of vocational Presentation of: • Aproaches education for stonemasons in • Problems each country • Technologies • To emprove the cooperation • Heritage today between education and work • Presentation of good practise • Compare vocational curricula • Seek for best practises among schools among partners in the field • The role of social partners of cooperation between • The legislation training institution and SMES

  6. WHY ARE TRADITIONAL SKILLS SO VERY IMPORTANT Natural stone, wood and water are the essential elements of the cultural landscape of Slovenia



  9. IDENTITY AND SUSTAINABLE BUILDING/ ARCHITECTURE We are aware of the sensitivity of the time and place, as well as our own responsibility towards the natural and built environment.

  10. THE COURSES AT THE SECONDARY SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEYING AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, LJUBLJANA (SGGOŠ ) The courses offered by the school enable education for comprehensive and responsible intervention into the built environment as well as preservation of the natural one. The courses are designed for young and adult students. To understand the identity of building and construction traditional skills and competences are required, which we preserve as immaterial heritage. Building technology assistant: Level 3 Bricklayer: Level 4 Stovemaker Stonecutter Building machinery operator Civil engineer: Level 5 Land surveyor Environmental technician


  12. THE STONECUTTER – THE STARTING POINT OF THE PROJECT Stereotypes: The student starts work placement: “What on earth do you learn at school, you don’t know anything!” The student returns from the work placement: “Well, what did you do at your employer’s?” Student: “Nothing, I fetched lunch and swept the workshop.” Very common ideas, although nothing of this is true.

  13. IT IS TIME TO INTENSIFY THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SCHOOL AND PRACTICAL WORK • The communication so far has been good, but there can always be some improvement • Participating in the project is very valuable to us because we are able to learn from our distinguished neighbours and partners; Croatia with their reference school in the area of stone carving and, of course, Italy – the stonecutting superpower. • Surely there are a lot of differences among our education systems but we share the Mediterranean area and its rich tradition.

  14. THE PROJECT GOALS • Enable the employers to have more influence on the process of practical work at school without interfering with the existing education programme • Make the work placement competences better • Improve communication between school and employers regarding practical work and work placement • Write an instruction manual for work placement

  15. WHAT, HOW, WHY ? Objectives of the project (WHAT?) • The exchange of knowledge and best practices between the partners, • Establishment of a new strategic partnership associations, schools and employers (Sežana, Split, Trieste) and schools (Verona, Ljubljana, Brac , Sežana), • Strengthening the impact on employers provide practical training, • Upgrading the current cooperation partners with similar organizations in other countries and expand this cooperation to new partners. • Establishment and implementation of a new model of practical training "Learning for the development of competences", • Acquisition of new skills and competences of teachers, educators and employers, • Acquisition of new practical and useful knowledge for faster responsiveness, and the inclusion of students after school, • Increasing interest among young people to the profession of stonecutting, • Increasing the corporate interest among young people.

  16. HOW? • The student and the employer conclude a learning contract at the beginning of the school year. • Employers in the school workshop delivered one of the typical products of his workshop, together with a plan of the product. A student on this product carry out most or all of the contents of the curriculum. • Students in the subjects of the open curriculum (Enterprise) prepare working documents, bid, budget, keep building log and individual items of construction books, preparation of account and handover note for your product. • In practical training with an employer student can continue to work in the same or related products. • An employer may enable students to come into contact with the customer and with him interviewed in the language of the profession. The acquired professional identification and strengthens self-esteem. • Students participate in the installation and protection of the product from the stone and thus get to know all stages of work, including those for which it is not in the school workshop opportunities. • The condition for the kind of work that is not in a hurry to finish the product by the set deadline.

  17. THE CHANGES OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAME FOR STONEMASONS IN LAST 30 YEARS • VAJENIŠKI SISTEM (3 mesece šole, 7 mesecev praktičnega usposabljanja z delom) • USMERJENO IZOBRAŽEVANJE (več splošne izobrazbe, pol leta PUD + pol leta pripravništva) • POKLICNO IZOBRAŽEVANJE (veliko splošno izobraževalnih in strokovno teoretičnih vsebin, več praktičnega pouka v šoli, manj usposabljanja pri delodajalcu) • DUALNI SISTEM IZOBRAŽEVANJA (status vajenca, sklenjena učna pogodba, manj splošnih vsebin, praktični pouk + 24 tednov PUD) • MODEL SKUPNEGA IZVAJANJA PROGRAMOV V GRADBENIŠTVU (skupno izvajanje splošnih vsebin, ločeno izvajanje strokovnih vsebin po poklicih, 24 tednov PUD) • MODULARNI SISTEM IZOBRAŽEVANJA (učno ciljno načrtovanje pouka, kompetenčna naravnanost… 24 tednov PUD)

  18. SYSTEM OR VALUES? The students who finish school do not remember the system but the knowledge that they gained in their years of studying. The system is not as important as the teaching contents, the quality of the time used and the close collaboration of education and practical work.

  19. CONTINUOUS INTRODUCTION OF REFORMS … Much more than constant change students need some creative peace and quiet when they can concentrate on their learning, good working conditions and autonomous teachers and mentors.

  20. THE STRUCTURE FOR THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN SLOVENIA Starši pogosto oklevajo pred vpisom mladostnika v programe poklicnega izobraževanja, saj se bojijo, da po končani šoli njihov otrok ne bo mogel napredovati. V resnici je sistem dovolj prehoden, da vsak posameznik lahko na različne načine zgradi svojo poklicno kariero.


  22. THE PROFESSIONAL VERTICAL IN THE STONECUTTING AREA Quarry worker: National Vocational Qualification Machine stonecutter: National Vocational Qualification Stone fitter: National Vocational Qualification Stonecutter: education programme level 4 Master stonecutter: Level 5 degree of work difficulty Stonecutter – restoration coworker: Level 5 degree of work difficulty (NVQ) Stone processing technology operator: education programme, Level 5 (the programme is in preparation) Civil engineer (vocational-technical education): Level 5 (the only one to enable vocational students the transition to a higher level) Stone shaper: Level 6 Stone processing technician: Level 6 (the programme is in preparation)

  23. NATIONAL VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATION IN THE STONECUTTING AREA The national vocation qualification is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour, the Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. The candidates prove their work experiences and obtain a certificate. The certificates are issued by the school or company at the proposal of the National Committee. The candidate can acquire the missing knowledge by going on training and he or she proves it by taking an exam. QUARRY WORKER MACHINE STONECUTTER STONE FITTER STONECUTTER – RESTORATION CO-WORKER


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