learning to compose neural networks for ques5on answering

Learning to compose neural networks for ques5on answering Jacob - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Learning to compose neural networks for ques5on answering Jacob Andreas, Marcus Rohrbach, Trevor Darrell, Dan Klein Grounded ques5on answering What color is yellow the neck/e? 2 Grounded ques5on answering name type coastal What

  1. Learning to compose neural networks for ques5on answering Jacob Andreas, Marcus Rohrbach, 
 Trevor Darrell, Dan Klein

  2. Grounded ques5on answering What color is 
 yellow the neck/e? 2

  3. Grounded ques5on answering name type coastal What rivers city no Columbia Cooper are in South river yes Cooper Carolina? city yes Charleston 3

  4. Grounded ques5on answering Is there a red yes shape above 
 a circle? 4

  5. Neural nets learn lexical groundings Is there a red yes shape above 
 a circle? [Iyyer et al. 2014, Bordes et al. 2014, Yang et al. 2015, Malinowski et al., 2015] 5

  6. Seman5c parsers learn composi5on Is there a red yes shape above 
 a circle? [Wong & Mooney 2007, Kwiatkowski et al. 2010, Liang et al. 2011, A et al. 2013] 6

  7. Neural module networks learn both! and and red Is there a red yes shape above 
 a circle? 7

  8. Neural module networks Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? ↦ red ↦ true exists ↦ above 8

  9. Neural module networks Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 9

  10. Neural module networks yes Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 10

  11. Nearest neighbors Structured neural models • [Socher et al. 2011, BoXou et al. 1997, Mnih et al. 2014] Probabilis<c formal seman<cs / predicate learning • [Beltagy et al. 2013, Lewis & Steedman 2013, 
 Malinowski & Fritz 2014] 11

  12. Represen5ng meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 12

  13. Represen5ng meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 13

  14. Sets encode meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 14

  15. Sets encode meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 15

  16. Set transforma5ons encode meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 16

  17. Set transforma5ons encode meaning Is there a red shape above a circle? 17

  18. Sentence meanings are computa5ons Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above circle 18

  19. Sentence meanings are computa5ons Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and red above circle 19

  20. Computa5ons are built from set func5ons exists ↦ red and ↦ true exists red above ↦ above circle 20

  21. Modules can be manually specified… exists shapes.where(_.color == “red”) and d => d.nonEmpty ? true : false red above d => d.map(_.neighborAbove) circle [Liang et al. 2011] 21

  22. …or learned as classifiers… exists x ↦ sign( a ⊤ ɸ( x )) and x ↦ sign( b ⊤ ɸ( x )) red above x ↦ sign( c ⊤ ɸ( x )) circle [Krishnamurthy & Kollar 2013] 22

  23. …or relaxed to real-valued vectors exists ↦ red and ↦ true exists red above ↦ above circle 23

  24. …or relaxed to real-valued vectors 0.0 0.9 1.0 exists ↦ red and ↦ true exists red above ↦ above circle 24

  25. Composing vector func5ons exists ↦ red and ↦ true exists red above ↦ above circle 25

  26. Composing vector func5ons exists ↦ red and ↦ true exists red above ↦ above circle 26

  27. Composing vector func5ons ↦ exists red and ↦ true red above exists circle ↦ above 27

  28. Composi5ons of vector func5ons are neural nets ↦ ↦ true ↦ 28

  29. Composi5ons of vector func5ons are neural nets ↦ exists red and ↦ true red above exists circle ↦ above 29

  30. Outline yes Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 30

  31. Outline yes Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 31

  32. Outline yes Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 32

  33. Outline yes Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 33

  34. Outline yes Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 34

  35. Anatomy of a module above 35

  36. Anatomy of a module red color 36

  37. What modules do we need? Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the triangle? Who is running in the grass? What ci/es are south of San Diego? 37

  38. A module for predicates Is there a red shape above a circle? [find] What color is the triangle? Who is running in the grass? What ci/es are south of San Diego? 38

  39. A module for rela5ons Is there a red shape above a circle? [relate] What color is the triangle? Who is running in the grass? What ci/es are south of San Diego? [find] 39

  40. A module for quan5fiers true Is there a red shape above a circle? [exists] What color is the triangle? Who is running in the grass? What ci/es are south of San Diego? [find] [relate] 40

  41. A module for aXributes circle Is there a red shape above a circle? [describe] What color is the triangle? Who is running in the grass? What ci/es are south of San Diego? [exists] [find] [relate] 41

  42. A module for logic Is there a red shape above a circle? [and] What color is the triangle? Who is running in the grass? [describe] What ci/es are south of San Diego? [exists] [find] [relate] 42

  43. Module inventory Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the triangle? Who is running in the grass? [and] [describe] What ci/es are south of San Diego? [exists] [find] [relate] 43

  44. The [find] module red 44

  45. The [find] module necktie [Xu et al. 2015] 45

  46. The [find] module 0.9 Columbia 0.1 Cooper 0.8 Myrtle Beach city name type coastal city no Columbia river yes Cooper Myrtle city yes Beach 46

  47. The [find] module red 47

  48. The [find] module red 48

  49. The [find] module red red 49

  50. The [find] module 0.9 red red 50

  51. The [find] module 0.9 red red 51

  52. The [find] module 0.1 red red 52

  53. The [describe] module red color 53

  54. The [describe] module neck/e what 54

  55. The [describe] module red color 55

  56. The [describe] module red . . . color 56

  57. The [describe] module red . . . color 57

  58. Outline yes Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 58

  59. Learning yes blue exists color and right_of red above circle circle Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the shape right of a circle? 59

  60. Learning yes blue Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the shape right of a circle? 60

  61. Parameter tying yes blue circle circle Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the shape right of a circle? 61

  62. Parameter tying yes blue circle circle Is there a red shape above a circle? What color is the shape right of a circle? 62

  63. Extreme parameter tying exists exists color shape and and right_of right_of red above above red circle square circle left_of circle 63

  64. Learning with fixed layouts is easy! Σ p( | ; W ) arg max , yes W (where every root module outputs a distribu5on over answers and W is the set of all module parameters) 64

  65. Maximum likelihood es5ma5on 65

  66. Proper5es of learning Module specializa5on is driven en5rely 
 right_of by context square “Lexicon learning” is a con5nuous green op5miza5on problem chartreuse 66

  67. Outline yes Is there a red shape 
 above a circle? exists and red above ↦ circle red ↦ true exists ↦ above 67

  68. Where do layouts come from? Is there a red shape above a circle? be shape there any red above circle a [Reddy et al. 2016] 68

  69. Where do layouts come from? Is there a red shape above a circle? be shape red above circle 69

  70. Where do layouts come from? Is there a red shape above a circle? be shape above red circle 70

  71. Where do layouts come from? Is there a red shape above a circle? shape above red circle 71

  72. Where do layouts come from? Is there a red shape above a circle? and shape red above circle 72

  73. Where do layouts come from? Is there a red shape above a circle? exists and and . . . and red above shape red above red above circle circle circle 73

  74. Choosing among layouts exists exists and and and red above red above red above red circle circle circle chooser Is there a red shape above a circle? 74

  75. Learning to choose layouts exists exists and and red above red above red circle circle chooser Is there a red shape above a circle? 75

  76. Learning with unknown layouts uses RL exists exists and and red above red above red circle circle chooser Is there a red shape above a circle? [Williams 1992] 76

  77. Experiments name type coastal city no Columbia river yes Cooper city yes Charleston 77


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