learning for all

Learning for All Board Meeting - January 8, 2019 Why Friday - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GRHS Interventions Presentation Great Relationships High Standards Learning for All Board Meeting - January 8, 2019 Why Friday Afternoon Interventions? In 2015-16 we approached the Board about going to 1 hour and 49 minute interventions

  1. GRHS Interventions Presentation Great Relationships High Standards Learning for All Board Meeting - January 8, 2019

  2. Why Friday Afternoon Interventions? ● In 2015-16 we approached the Board about going to 1 hour and 49 minute interventions period on Friday Afternoons. Why? ○ Allows us to be more efficient and intentional with our time ○ Allows us to be more strategic and intensive with our interventions (Improve Learning) ○ Allows teachers the opportunity to co-teach, especially in the areas where we see a wide range of ability gaps. ○ Allows teachers to have more time with individual students and tailor instruction to their needs ○ Reduces academic time missed by the majority of our students (Athletics and Activities) 83% participation rate. ○ Allows us to implement a Tier 2 intervention for our at-risk students and allows for the BIT process to take place. ○ The longer period once a week is better suited for making up labs and project based assignments. ○ Allows our BIT Team to collaborate and work intensively with parents and students without interrupting instructional time (Both from the teacher and students)

  3. How it works…. ● On Friday the grading window opens and stays open until Monday at 8am. ● On Monday an interventions list is generated based on whether a student has a D or F or by teacher request. ● Students are notified by the 4th period teacher that they will be assigned to interventions on Friday if their grade is not passing by 8am on Thursday. Parents are notified by IC text message, and email that their student is on the preliminary list for interventions. ● On Thursday morning, teachers are asked to repost their grades and the interventions list is reposted. Students are again notified by their 4th period teacher along with parents. ● On Friday, students who are assigned to interventions report to their assigned teacher for extra help and support in their academics.

  4. How Are We Doing? ● Average Weekly Reduction from Mon-Thur is about 54 % ● Average Semester Results: ○ 34 % reduction in the number of D’s ○ 10.5 % reduction in the number of F’s ● Graduation Rate 92.36% (2017-18) ● Average Composite ACT Score is 19.3 (2017-18)

  5. Are We Where We Want To Be? No…. 1. Y es - We are more efficient and intentional with our time. 2. No - We need to be more strategic and intensive - The PLC Process, and WYTOPP is allowing us to identify specific needs, skills, specific questions, and standards that students need. (Tip of the Iceberg) 3. Yes - Our teachers are doing a good work with this… Special Education, PE, Math, Science, and Vocational areas. 4. No - Refer back to number two - We need a focus on proficiency. (Grades and Grad Rates - But we need to close the achievement gap) 5. ?? - No Data - 6. Yes- We do look at students with multiple failing grades. They work with our BIT team and counselors to take a bigger look into the why? 7. Yes - Arts, Vocational and Sciences, project based etc.. More time alloted for work 8. Yes - Town Halls and Interventions Period - This team is doing great work.

  6. What Interventions Should Not Be…. This is not a 4 1/2 day work week. Teachers are working hard on Friday ● afternoons to help students. ● Not an opportunity for teachers or staff to leave early on a Friday ● This is not additional prep or planning period for staff ● Not a place where students come and are told there's nothing they can do…. ● This is not a chance for families to take a long weekend

  7. Where Do We Go From Here?

  8. Where Do We Go From Here?

  9. Where Do We Go From Here? How to develop and implement Tier 2 interventions in the classroom Guaranteed and viable curriculum a. We are guaranteeing our students are going to learn these things. b. Paraphrase standard in 2-3 sentences (Essence of the standard) Success Criteria/Proficiency Scale - Models of proficiency a. Advanced b. Proficient c. Basic d. Below Basic Rubric (Description of why its quality work.) a. Describe something as quality work for students to determine if proficiency is doable and your team owns the work. Develop specific and meaningful Learning Targets a. As a Team: talk about and write down typical pitfalls to pathways to proficiency to help predict and prevent pitfalls

  10. Where Do We Go From Here? Interventions a. Predicting the pitfalls will lead to interventions (Teachers can identify student needs before a list ever comes out) b. Intervention groups are devised from pitfalls Don’t group your students based upon low, medium, and high i. ii. Strategically group intervention students 1. GROUP STUDENTS BASED UPON SKILL DEFICITS - Not Grades 2. Formative assessments would help us populate interventions to assign them to teachers. Teacher and student track their progress to drive interventions 3. Helps student take ownership in his/her learning Implementation of tier 2 interventions in the classroom Write Learning targets using common core state standards and “I can statements” a. i. Teachers must have a clear understanding in order for student to understand what they are suppose to learn. ii. Content is the vehicle on how we learn these skills. b. Give feedback, use a cruising clipboard to track data. Data is based upon if students can perform I can statements c. Students have checklist with I can statements and track their own progress Compare proficiency with the student’s work d. e. Ask student what they need to do to become proficient Offer time in the class period to work on specific “I can statements” students are deficient in f.

  11. New Ideas….. ● Block Schedule ● 8 Period Schedule ● Late Starts ● Visited with Mr. Beardsley about no out of school time M-Th (Star Valley Model) ● Continued conversations regarding pre teaching/Early jump start classes for Freshman (Summer School) , Vertical Alignment 6-12 , Guaranteed Viable Curriculum for all students.

  12. Questions?


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