welcome to welcome to the learning tree workshop

Welcome to Welcome to The Learning Tree Workshop Series on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Welcome to The Learning Tree Workshop Series on Learning Differences, Learning Challenges, and Learning Strengths Strengths As a companion to Dr. Greenspans The Learning Tree : g Overcoming Learning Disabilities From the

  1. Welcome to Welcome to The Learning Tree Workshop Series on Learning Differences, Learning Challenges, and Learning Strengths Strengths As a companion to Dr. Greenspan’s The Learning Tree : g Overcoming Learning Disabilities From the Ground Up www.StanleyGreenspan.com/

  2. Overview of the Learning Tree Overview of the Learning Tree Workshop � Video Lecture � Review of organizing framework � General principles for the Tree Trunk and General principles for the 'Tree Trunk' and 'Branches' components � 9 In-Depth Discussions of the 'Roots‘: the Processing Capacities P i C iti � Examples of strengthening auditory processing, motor planning and sequencing, sensory regulation, visual-spatial processing l ti i l ti l i � An In-Depth Discussion of one of the larger 'Branches‘: the Great Kids Qualities The Learning Tree Workshop 2

  3. The Learning Tree Workshop: The Learning Tree Workshop: The DIR/Floortime Model Series on Learning Differences, Learning Challenges, and Learning Strengths

  4. Lecture 1- Sally’s Story

  5. Sally’s Profile � 11 years old � Developmental reading disorder p g � Difficulty sounding out words � Difficulty with grasping facts � Difficulty comprehending questions regarding themes of books � Challenged in reading subtle nuances in Ch ll d i di btl i peoples feelings and emotions The Learning Tree Workshop 5

  6. Sally’s Individual Differences Auditory processing � Difficulties distinguishing someone’s tone of voice � Challenged by following teacher’s complex directions with � Challenged by following teacher s complex directions with many steps Motor skills � Strong fine motor skills and loves to draw Strong fine motor skills and loves to draw Gross motor skills � Lack of body awareness, control, and regulation, conf sion bet een left and right confusion between left and right � Little sense of rhythm and music Visual skills � Ability to see forest for the trees � Good navigator The Learning Tree Workshop 6

  7. Levels of Social and Emotional Levels of Social and Emotional Functioning � Regulation and interest in the world � Engagement and relating � Two-way, purposeful communication T f l i ti � Shared social problem solving � Meaningful use of ideas � Meaningful use of ideas � Logical thinking � Multi-causal thinking � Comparative and gray area thinking � Reflective thinking The Learning Tree Workshop 7

  8. Sally’s Level of Social and Sally s Level of Social and Emotional Functioning Challenges Strengths � Difficulties with � Ability to reflect on comparative thinking ti thi ki feelings about social when writing essays in situations school � Able to discuss confusion � Able to discuss confusion � Could not give reasons about peers teasing in a why she liked one book friendly manner or a better than another mean manner � Feelings of being Feelings of being � Realized it could be both “dumb” Loss of “gray area � thinking” and regression thinking” and regression into “all or nothing” thinking The Learning Tree Workshop 8

  9. Sally’s Learning Challenges and Sally s Learning Challenges and Strengths Challenges Strengths Following complex � Fine motor skills � directions directions Drawing D i � Feelings of “being dumb” � Visual skills Sequencing � � Processing verbal ocess g e ba Seeing the forest for the g � � information trees Motor planning and gross Close friendships � � motor skills Intelligence Intelligence � � Complex games, sports � Body awareness � Subtleties in emotional � communication i ti The Learning Tree Workshop 9

  10. Sally’s Learning Tree: Sally s Learning Tree: The Trunk � Can focus and attend in supportive settings � Has great capacity for intimacy and interacting emotionally emotionally � Can do simple sequencing and problem-solving � Is creative with use of ideas � Can talk about feelings � Can be logical and answer “why” questions � Has capacity for multi-causal, gray area, and H it f lti l d reflective thinking, but these levels of thinking vulnerable to certain emotions and contexts The Learning Tree Workshop 10

  11. Sally s Learning Tree: Sally’s Learning Tree: The Roots � Difficulties with complex directions and comprehending subtleties of sounds and words � Hyper reactive to many sensations � Causes her to become overloaded, regressing into all-or- nothing thinking � Strengths in visual-spatial capacities � Drawing, fine motor skills, sense of direction � Difficulties with gross motor planning and sequencing Diffi lti ith t l i d i � Lack of confidence and body awareness � Contributed to anxiety, confusion, and polarized thinking � Contributed to anxiety, confusion, and polarized thinking The Learning Tree Workshop 11

  12. Sally’s Learning Tree: Sally s Learning Tree: The Branches � Difficulties sequencing her ideas (executive functioning) � Difficulties reading � Challenges with oral and written expression � Stronger Math skills due to good spatial sense and Stronger Math skills due to good spatial sense and sense of quantity � Difficulties learning music g The Learning Tree Workshop 12

  13. How do We Make a Program for How do We Make a Program for Sally? Strengthen the tree trunk 1. Help her use reflective thinking skills to � acknowledge confusion and preoccupation with feeling “dumb” Empathize with feelings of anxiety and Empathize with feelings of anxiety and � confusion, both in academics and social situations Recognize those feelings and use it as a time to � figure out what she can do so she understands The Learning Tree Workshop 13

  14. Sally’s Program (2) Strengthen the Root System 2. Use exercises to improve her auditory processing by � distinguishing sounds distinguishing sounds Work on sequencing skills through the use of motivating � treasure hunt games with multi-step directions Use movement in games to help with gross motor skills g p g � and body awareness in space, left from right, dancing and athletics Make use of visual-spatial skills to strengthen the other � roots t Develop strategies to help her overcome her sensory over � reactivity - less overload, more control over environment, more confidence in body decreasing anxiety more confidence in body, decreasing anxiety The Learning Tree Workshop 14

  15. Sally’s Program (3) Strengthen the Branches 3. Work on strengthening the roots and the trunk in � the context of everyday tasks and schoolwork The Learning Tree Workshop 15

  16. Why is this so Important? � Many children with special needs who do very, very well once we help them to relate, communicate, and think better are left with a number of these learning challenges. � The number of children with special needs and children with learning challenges combined is about 30 40% of the population combined is about 30-40% of the population The Learning Tree Workshop 16


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